Hua Ye picked up the second piece of meat and took a bite, and suddenly found that the taste was not right.

After a closer look, it turned out to be a piece of ginger!Your sister, I thought you were being considerate just now!Give me back my emotion!


After eating, the useless angel stretched out his little hand: "Lend me two coins."

"what are you doing?"

"Eat ice cream."

There is a convenience store next to the cafeteria, but unfortunately all the ice creams that taste good have already been taken away. The useless angel searched for a while, and finally chose a lower-level red bean popsicle.

Hua Ye bought a bottle of freshly squeezed coconut juice at random. He didn't know if it was freshly squeezed, but it tasted good.

While walking towards the teaching building, Gabriel unwrapped the popsicle, put the popsicle in her mouth, and...


The crippled angel's footsteps froze, its eyes widened suddenly, and it petrified in place.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

This is a popsicle, not a Reaper stick. Why do you look shocked when you saw a ghost?

This useless angel opened its small mouth, and then...then its tongue was actually stuck by a popsicle!

Because the popsicle was found from the lower layer, it was frozen for a longer time and the temperature was lower, and it was suddenly caught in the mouth, and the result was that it was frozen on the tongue!

"Stick, stick..."

This useless angel sticks out its tongue. On the pink tongue is a red bean popsicle. It looks very dumb. "Okay, it's so cold!"

"How to do?"

I have never had my tongue stuck to a popsicle, how do I know what to do?

Hua Ye took out his phone and searched.

"The temperature of the popsicle just taken out of the freezer is below zero. When the popsicle touches the tongue with a higher temperature, it will quickly absorb heat, which will reduce the temperature of the saliva on the tongue to below zero, and continue to absorb heat to make it solidify. The sticking phenomenon..."

Similar situations are quite common. For example, in the freezing north, people often stick out their tongues to lick the iron railing with the idea of ​​"I will only lick it a little, and I won't freeze..." Iron railings will not Just be merciful because of what you think!

"Wo is asking you what to do, I don't want to listen to this..." Gabriel tried to pull it, but unfortunately she couldn't pull it, because the popsicle was firmly stuck to her tongue.

"Don't move around. If you pull it off forcefully, it will tear off a layer of mucous membrane on the surface of the tongue, and it may bleed."

The useless angel immediately calmed down, looked at Hua Ye with blinking eyes, and urged, "Hurry up!"

"There are two ways." Hua Ye held up the phone, "The first is to wait for it to slowly absorb heat and fall off. Today's temperature is not bad. After a while, the popsicle will naturally melt and fall off."


Gabriel tried it, and found that the popsicle on her tongue did not show any signs of melting, but was emitting a faint white chill... Apparently, I don't know how long it will take until it melts naturally.

Opening his mouth stupidly, sticking out his tongue, with a popsicle sticking to his tongue... I, Gabriel, can't afford to lose this person! !

"What about the other one?"

Hua Ye put away his phone and said solemnly, "I can help you in another way."


"Kissing can not only relieve spicy food, but also help melt popsicles..."


Before he could finish speaking, Hua Ye was hit by Jia Baili's windmill fist, but unfortunately, this crippled angel's physical fitness was too poor, so he withdrew his hand after only two punches.

Tears welled up in the corners of this useless angel's eyes. She looked around, trying to find a solution. Anyway, kissing is not acceptable. Even if I, Jia Baili, die, even if I jump from here, I will never agree to be you dear!

It's a pity that this is the rear of the teaching building, the surrounding area is empty, and there are no props that can solve the urgent need.

"Have it!"

The useless angel's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stretched out his finger to Hua Ye: "Just use your juice... help me pour it!"

Chapter 673 Swallow it all

Because the tongue was glued to the popsicle, it was very difficult to speak, so the useless angel temporarily used 'juice' instead of 'coconut juice'.

It sounds terrible, but there are no outsiders here, so it doesn't matter if it is worse.

As for those guys who want to be crooked...just pull them out and shoot them!

Hua Ye wanted to continue for a second for himself: "I've already drank this bottle of coconut juice, you will dislike it, right?"


The useless angel half-closed its eyes, its small face was full of murderous looks, and it signaled with its eyes: "It's even more disgusting to be kissed by you! Stop talking nonsense, and help quickly!"


Hua Ye unscrewed the bottle cap.


Gabriel propped one hand on her knees, raised her face, and squatted down slightly in a posture similar to a zama step, so as to prevent her clothes from being stained by coconut milk later.

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