If the tongue is stuck to the popsicle, you can't pull it hard at this time, it will easily bleed. After all, the tongue is very delicate, and you can't use hot water, but you can use tap water or mineral water.

Now I don't have mineral water at hand, so I can only use coconut water instead, but the effect is the same.

Hua Ye raised the drink bottle and slowly poured coconut juice on the tongue of the useless angel to melt the popsicle.

As we all know, the coconut juice picked from the tree is as clear as water, but the canned or bottled coconut juice sold in the market is milky white, exactly the same as milk.

Now that the milky coconut milk glides over the dead angel's tongue and drips down the end of the popsicle stick, it looks really bad...

"Why, why isn't it alright?"

Hua Ye said speechlessly: "I just fell down, okay? Even if I committed suicide by taking poison, it wouldn't be so fast!"

After a while, Gabriel said pitifully, "I'm going to die."


"Legs are so sore, I can't stand still, please help me..."


Your physical fitness is too bad!The most important foundation for the ancients to practice martial arts is the horse stance. There are many people who can do it for half an hour. Even ordinary people who have never practiced martial arts can still do it for more than a minute. Fortunately, you can’t do it for less than ten seconds. Yes, the Flash is stronger than you!

"Come on, hold me up."

Hua Ye sighed, and reached out to grab the crippled angel's shoulder.


at the same time.

A bob-haired girl appeared in the shadow of the teaching building.

Kitano Haruka has no friends in the class, and the bento is usually the simplest and plain omurice. He neither wants to be bullied nor laughed at, so whenever he eats, he will find a quiet corner to eat and read books , spend the lunch break silently.

In the past, she would only return to the classroom when the class was about to start, but what happened yesterday evening subverted her world view, causing her to feel restless and unable to read the book, so she planned to take a walk on the playground.

As a result, just after walking a few steps, Kitano Haruka suddenly saw a terrible scene through a clump of flowers and branches that broke her three views.

"Hua, Hua Ye? And Jia Baili?!"

The bob-haired girl covered her lips with her hand, suppressed the exclamation in her mouth, and her eyes were filled with unbelievable horror: "What are the two of them doing there? This is behind the teaching building, right? It's not a place like a sports warehouse. Why? , Why is it in that posture!"

Um, posture.

Gabriel is only about [-] meters tall, which can be said to be quite petite. At this moment, she is supporting her knees with her hands. Looking from a distance, she happens to be facing the left and right sides of Hua Ye's abdomen with her face, but because of the angle, her bob hair The girl couldn't see what the two were doing, so she automatically completed a super evil scene in her mind...

"No, maybe... maybe it's just a misunderstanding?"

The bob-haired girl put one hand on her chest, her face was pale and blushing, and she still had a glimmer of hope in her heart, "Student Hua Ye just saved me and the class monitor yesterday, and he didn't ask for anything in return. Good guy, he shouldn't be that perverted... right?"

As a result, the next moment, Kitano Haruka saw Hua Ye put a hand on Gabriel's shoulder, as if he wanted to do something more conveniently.

At the same time, there was Gabriel's distressed and suppressed weak coughing sound carried by the wind.


Kitano Haruka felt bad all of a sudden.

"So... so student Hua Ye is so perverted!"

"It's fine to be the green squad leader in the sports warehouse, but now you don't even want to go to the sports warehouse?!"

"Student Gabriel's cough is so uncomfortable, maybe she was coerced..."

"It must have been coerced!"

"How can a normal girl agree to do such a thing behind the teaching building! If she is found out, she might not be able to bear the mental pressure and commit suicide!"

The bob-haired girl clenched her lips, feeling nervous and terrified. She wanted to turn around and flee, but she didn't dare to move.

It's not because her legs and feet are weak when she sees such a scene, but if she runs away, she will definitely make a noise. If she is an ordinary person, that's fine. I'm not a problem at all...

What would Hua Ye's reaction be if Hua Ye found out that he was peeping from the side?

Haruka Kitano thought about it briefly, and quickly came to a conclusion.

One: Hua Ye ignored it.

Two: Arrest yourself, lock yourself in the basement to do such and such terrible things, and never see anyone again.

The possibility of the first ending is very small, even if it is myself, I absolutely don't want to let others see such a secret.

And according to Murphy's law, if you are worried about something happening, then it is more likely to happen... In other words, if you run away now, you will end up being locked up in the basement after making a noise and being heard by Hua Ye Is there a greater chance it will come true?

Thinking a little about the terrible treatment she might receive after being locked in the basement, the bob-haired girl shivered.

"No, no!"

"Mom is still waiting for me to take care of her in the hospital... No matter what, she must not be locked in the basement!"

The bob teen makes the final tough decision.

She covered her lips with one hand to ensure that she would not make a sound, then suppressed her grievance and fear, and silently watched Hua Ye's violence from the corner of her eye.

Kitano Haruka has never felt that time is so long as it is now.

Every minute and every second is like a year.

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