There was another piece of biscuit in Hoshino Xia's biscuit again. This big-breasted loli looked at Hua Ye with pitiful Bambi-like eyes. Although she didn't speak, she clearly expressed: "Come and eat, come and eat ".

Hua Ye didn't care about the half biscuit, and said casually, "Just take it."

Igarashi was not angry when I saw him next to him, but instead smiled smugly.

She took the gift box specially used to hold biscuits, and put the biscuits one by one into it. After counting halfway, her hands paused, and she turned to look at Xing Yexia: "It's just a biscuit, is it rare?"

As he spoke, he continued to pack the remaining biscuits, and said in his mouth: "One more than you, two more than you, three more than you..."


Hoshino Xia opened her eyes wide and looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, lowered his head and took out his mobile phone, out of sight.

When Igarashi was spanked on the bed in the love hotel that day, he promised to give her all the biscuits, so naturally he would not break his promise.

"Hum hum!"

Igarashi raised her fair and delicate chin, proudly +3.

Looking at the big-breasted monster who was stunned and seemed to be doubting his life, Igarashi, who had won three rounds in a row, felt relieved, his waist was no longer sore, his legs were no longer painful, and he had the strength to climb the fifth floor in one go. A smug snigger that he couldn't hide at all made Hua Ye's face full of black lines, and he was speechless.

It's a good thing she doesn't have a tail, otherwise it must be up to the sky.

"I said you're doomed today!"

Hey hey, you're a good boy when you get a cheap deal, be careful when you're too happy to be sad.

It was a rare victory, and Igarashi had no intention of giving up as soon as it was good. Instead, he took advantage of the victory and pursued it, preparing to return all the previous anger.

"Baigouxia! So what if you're cute? That's all!"


Hoshino Xia bit her lip and did not speak. Instead, she rested her chest with one hand and put the other hand between her eyebrows, adopting the standard pose of a famous detective.

"When things go wrong, there must be a demon..."

"It's just a star with a flat chest, a stupid mouth, and a stupid person with small breasts. Why do you suddenly have such a big lead?"

"Gifts? No, I also gave gifts. There is no such treatment at all..."

"What made her feel that she was sure of winning?"

Eliminating impossible answers one by one, the truth will soon be revealed...

Chapter 676

Eliminate all impossible answers, and the last remaining answer, no matter how unbelievable, is an irrefutable fact.

Hoshino Xia Ban narrowed his eyes, and a meaningful smile soon appeared on his face.

So Igarashi, who was sniggering triumphantly, became unhappy.

What, it's obviously a loser, so it's good to be downcast honestly, why do you laugh when I laugh?

This legal loli pinched her waist with one hand, raised her chin, and said provocatively:

"What are you looking at? Bai Quanxia!"

"Ha ha……"

Hoshino Xia turned her eyes, and her eyes fell lightly on Igarashi's chest: "You are a sure-fire stealing cat, you can only be proud for a while."

Igarashi's anger level is instantly full, and there is only harm if there is a comparison. The two are both legal loli, but the milk volume is very different. This is a taboo that cannot be mentioned. How can I bear it now?

"Who do you think is a certainty?!" Igarashi clenched his fists, ready to strike at the slightest disagreement.

"Don't deny the stealing cat, but deny that it is a certainty?" Hoshino Xia showed a clear and contemptuous smile on his face, "No wonder you are so proud today... so it is stealing?"

"You, you are talking nonsense!" Igarashi trembled all over, and suddenly became flustered, "I didn't steal... How, how could I, Igarashi, steal..."

As he said that, he looked at Hua Ye with a guilty conscience, and then suddenly looked away, but his face was already pink.

Your sister, it's obviously just a spanking, it's not cheating at all, why are you guilty!

Hoshino Xia put her arms around her chest and started to counterattack: "The queen of the night, as promised, will never fall in love with a stinky man? She actually cheated behind someone else's back, tsk tsk tsk..."

Igarashi retorted stammeringly: "You're talking nonsense! I didn't steal the fish! He obviously did it first!"


The atmosphere was suddenly silent.

Hua Ye's face was black, and he said that he wanted to grab this legal loli and give it another fuck.

Why am I the first?

Please touch your conscience when you speak!

If it weren't for your lack of training|teaching, I wouldn't spank your ass at all, okay!

After Hoshino Xia laughed triumphantly, she suddenly felt a little guilty.

(Thinking that there are so many girls around him, he won't make up his own mind...)

(It turned out that even a woman who was determined like Igarashi would not let it go... Is it still a lolicon?)

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