(Aren’t I more dangerous then? A child-faced giant | breasts are better than a child-faced washboard, right?)

(Wait! Now that Igarashi has been exposed by me for adultery and love, will she become angry and let Hua Ye fuck me too?)

The more Hoshino Xia thought about it, the more likely it was.

With Igarashi's super vengeful character, he might hold his hands in front of him later!

Thinking of this, Hoshino Xia suddenly felt like retreating.

"That..." Hoshino Xia picked up the biscuit box, and stepped back quietly, "I still have things to do, so I'll go first...You guys take your time..."

Play your sister!

What a lousy game you think I'm going to play with her!

This big-breasted loli left as soon as she said she wanted to, without dragging her feet, and went out the door in a hurry. Looking at her back, it was clear that she was running away.

"It's all your fault!" Igarashi looked at Hua Ye, and said like a sharp-mouthed little beast, "Now that monster with big breasts will definitely laugh at me severely, right?"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "Why are you blaming me?"

It's obvious that you are acting like a good boy when you get cheap, and then you become extremely happy and sad!

"If you hadn't hit me, what happened today would never have happened!"

If you don't slap you, do you think it will favor you?

"No, you must not let that monster with big breasts laugh at me!"

When facing old enemies, Igarashi's low IQ will always drop rapidly, such as now.

"It's just a spanking...you go and spank her at night, and she won't have the right to laugh at me anymore!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "She didn't mess with me, why should I fuck her?"

"Did I offend you?"


"You, you perverted pervert!" Igarashi gritted his teeth and cursed, "Baga, hentai, no road race!"

Hua Ye's face darkened: "Do you want to be slapped again?"

Igarashi subconsciously covered her butt, glared at Hua Ye, picked up the biscuit as well, turned around and left.

Before going out, this legal loli didn't forget to turn her head and say:

"I'll help you create opportunities. You must give that big-breasted monster a slap, so it's fair!"



The room was quiet again, Hua Ye returned to the kitchen and continued cooking.

But after a while, the knock on the door rang again.

Hua Ye opened the door, this time it was the crippled angel Gabriel next door.

This crippled angel had obviously just taken a bath, and the blond hair was still wet, and under the sunlight, it reflected a bright luster like broken gold.

She was only wearing a large white shirt at the moment, and her two slender and white jade legs were exposed to the air, reflecting the luster of lustrous enamel. The curve from thigh to ankle was beautiful and charming...but the legs were a bit short.

"Is dinner ready?" The crippled angel walked into the room and said weakly, "I'm already starving to death."

Hua Ye shook his head: "We have to wait a while."

Gabriel took a bottle of drink from the refrigerator with ease, unscrewed the cap and drank a couple of sips, then let out a comfortable breath, "Then hurry up and do it, I'll play a game first..."

Hua Ye complained: "Aren't you already starving to death, why do you still have the strength to play games?"

"I saw you alive again."

"Am I a panacea!"

"No, I was pissed off by you, and the living will only be pissed off by you." Gabriel urged, "Hurry up and make dinner, or I will be pissed off again."

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "I'm really sorry for making you die!"


Hua Ye returned to the kitchen and continued cooking.

Not long after, Gabriel's voice suddenly came from the living room: "Hey, come out, someone is looking for you."


Wearing an apron, Hua Ye walked behind Gabriel, and saw that the automatic login chat box had opened, and it was a message from Dragon Maid Thor.

"Xiao Ye, are you there? I saw you are online, so I want to ask about tomorrow's affairs."

When Hua Ye spoke, Gabriel was in charge of typing:


Thor: "Kangna's sports meeting tomorrow, Xiaoye will come, right?"

Before I knew it, another week passed, and the sports meeting for the blue-eyed baby dragon had arrived.

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