There was a rustling sound, and Thor's voice came quickly: "Ah, Xiao Ye asked to do it tomorrow morning, love that sentence?"

Shut up!

No matter how biased your sociological common sense is, it is impossible not to know what those two words mean!

Even if you are a giant dragon, at least give me a little shame! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"I made a mistake. It's not for that, but for bento."

Hua Ye has already switched to the microphone mode, and Thor's energetic voice resounded clearly in the room: "Kangna said that when the sports meeting is held tomorrow, many parents will go...Primary school students will compare whose parents make better bento, It's more beautiful, so I was just using the computer to find out what to make lunch for tomorrow, and I just saw you online, so I sent you a message."

"Maybe it's because a fly landed on the wall behind the computer. When I hit the fly, my chest hit the keyboard, so I made a typo..."

Thor was a little distressed: "The chest often presses the keyboard, so troublesome."

"I see."

"Well, I just called you over to make bento, I never thought about having sex with you, love, you said you wouldn't hit me, and you're not allowed..."

"That's it, I'll be there tomorrow morning!"

Hua Ye hung up the phone resolutely, and didn't let Thor say the last half of the sentence. He had already said that he was not a lolicon, and he had no interest in that blue-eyed baby dragon at all!

"How is it?" Hua Ye put away his phone and squinted at Gabriel.

"whispering sound."

Gabriel turned her head away, her eyes fell on the keyboard in front of her, and then involuntarily looked at her chest.

Breasts are too big to press the keyboard?

That sort of thing only happens in anime!

Normal people shouldn't have such obscene milk volume!

What's the use of big breasts?

In addition to chest tightness and shortness of breath when sleeping, it is difficult to buy clothes in the right size, buttons will be broken from time to time, and walking will often lose balance under the action of gravity... Other than that, it is useless at all!

Gabriel is not like Igarashi, who regards flat breasts as a taboo not to be mentioned, but after all, she is a girl, so it is impossible to say that she doesn't care at all.

Occasionally when I sleep, I look at the breasts that are about the size of a primary school student, and I hope that it will grow a little bit more. Unfortunately, the Xiaolongbao is still a Xiaolongbao, and there is no sign of it getting bigger at all.

Seeing the little dull hair on the top of the useless angel's head wilt slightly, Hua Ye suddenly remembered the top ten heart-warming moments of boys and girls he saw on his mobile phone, so he reached out and touched the top of her head.


At first, the crippled angel showed a comfortable expression like a cat being petted, but it only lasted for a moment, and then it immediately turned into a raging murderous look, and a holy angel's sanction came mercilessly.

"Hundan! How dare you touch me!"

Who licked you? It's just a pat on the head!

The ten heart-warming moments that were agreed upon!Why don't you play your cards according to the routine!


Hua Ye grabbed her small fist and said solemnly:

"I know the right way to enlarge breasts."

"Huh?" Gabriel half-closed her eyes, and said contemptuously, "Don't tell me that rubbing can make you bigger... If you dare to reach out, I'll chop off your paw!"

"It's not rubbing." Hua Ye shook his head, "You can't rub it at all..."

Gabriel frowned immediately, transforming from a lazy cat into a murderous little tiger: "You're going to die a hundred times!"

Hua Ye coughed lightly and continued:

"Actually, after pregnancy, the breasts are likely to gain secondary development..."

"You, you hentai! Super big hentai!" Gabriel opened her eyes wide, and the murderous aura behind her back had already solidified, "Give me a thousand times, ten thousand times!"

Hey, it's obviously a very serious proposal, okay?Don't make trouble for no reason!

In the primitive era, due to lack of food, insufficient nutrition, etc., the gender characteristics of the primitive people were not obvious. At that time, there was no infant milk powder, and the offspring could only rely on breast milk. With great ability, maybe you can do it too!

"Hey, I'm warning you, if you hit me again, I'll kiss you."

"How dare you... um..."

Chapter 678 Lust to Connor

the next morning.

It was only six o'clock when the phone ringing broke the tranquility of the morning.

Hua Ye opened his eyes and took the phone.

"Student Hua Ye." Wei Nai's bright voice came over, "Are you up yet?"

"not yet."

"Then get up quickly."

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Isn't it too early?"

"Where is it early?" Wei Nai said softly, "Last night, we agreed to make lunch for Kang Na together. After you get up, you have to wash your face, brush your teeth, change clothes and go out. Then we will walk over together, and help make lunch when we arrive. There are a lot of things... so it is just right to get up now, I will wait for you here at Xiaoqiao."

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