"Yes Yes Yes."

"Don't say yes, get up quickly!"


After hanging up the phone, Hua Ye got up, dressed and washed.

The routine of waking up that ordinary girls can't figure out in half an hour, Hua Ye only needs five minutes.

Walking near the small bridge, you can see two figures feeding the fish with bread on the bridge.

It was Wei Nai and Nitro.

Wei Nai is wearing a white plaid shirt today, her hair is still tied into a clean and refreshing hairstyle, she is not wearing jeans, but a brown skirt, on her feet are a pair of clean white sneakers, and above that are black mid-tube socks , Occasionally, when the morning breeze blows by, the hem of the skirt flutters lightly, revealing a dazzling absolute field, but it is a pity that it is fleeting.

As for Nitzi, she tied her pink shawl and long hair into a ball head, which is a bit more sunny than her previous soft and weak image.

Having said that, the first time I met Nitro with Wei Nai was on this small bridge. Unfortunately, it was evening that day and early morning today.

"Good morning, Hua Ye." Wei Nai waved her hand.

Nitrate followed suit and said hello, still with a gentle smile: "Good morning."

The voice is very gentle and pleasant to listen to.

With her hearing restored, after a period of practice, she now speaks like an ordinary person.

"Well, good morning."

After chatting for a few more words, Nitro waved goodbye.

After Nitro left, Wei Nai and Hua Ye walked to Xiao Lin's apartment together.

"After Nitzi's hearing recovered, he no longer went to special education school, and now he is transferred to an ordinary public high school, but it's a pity that it's not our school..."

Wei Nai rolled up a strand of hair by her ear, and said as she walked, "When I was feeding the fish just now, Nitzi said that there was nothing to repay. If you need help with something, just ask..."

Hua Ye casually said, "Anything is fine?"

"Huh?" Wei Nai half-closed her eyes, and snorted a dangerous question from her nose.

Hua Ye resolutely took back the previous sentence: "It was just an auditory hallucination."

Wei Nai snorted softly, and raised the corners of her thin lips: "By the way, you haven't had breakfast yet, have you?"


"I have snacks in my backpack, do you want to eat?"



The two of them were talking, and they walked downstairs to Xiao Lin's apartment without knowing it.

Hua Ye raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The door quickly opened with a "click".

Thor smiled brightly: "Xiaoye and Wei Nai are here, come in, come in."

Walking into the room, Wei Nai asked expectantly, "Where's Kang Na-chan?"

"It's still early, Kangna hasn't woken up yet..."

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai: "Did I say it early?"

Wei Nai bit her lower lip and looked slightly angrily: "Believe it or not."

Fortunately, not long after, the blue-eyed young dragon came out with a "patta pata".

Connor, who had just woken up, was wearing a light yellow one-piece pajamas, which was part pajamas and a skirt, revealing two small thick legs, holding a white pillow in her arms, her hair draped over her shoulders, and two legs on the top of her head. With a small horn, big eyes bluer than the sky filled with hazy mist just waking up, the cutest look in the world with sleepy eyes... The proof is the beating hearts in Wei Nai's eyes.

Walking quickly to Kang Na, Wei Nai said in an extremely gentle tone: "Kang Na sauce, let me hug you? Just a hug will be fine."

Kang Na blinked: "No."

Fortunately, Wei Nai was already prepared: "Then do you want some snacks for Kang Na-chan?"


"Would you like me to hug you while eating snacks?"

Kang Na thought for a second, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Soft Kangna sauce, it's so comfortable to hold, and it still smells like milk..." Wei Nai, who got a chance to hug by offering snacks, murmured to herself with fascinated eyes, "I finally know why Xiaojia needs to add elements." It's..."

However, that useless angel was not trying to supplement the elements of Wei Nai at all, it was just playing tricks and not doing homework!

And is it really so comfortable to hug?

I still picked it up and held it high, why didn't I feel anything at all!

After finishing speaking, Wei Nai remembered that Hua Ye was still by her side, and her pretty face blushed slightly: "What are you looking at? Aren't you making bento? Hurry up and go."


Hua Ye walked up to Thor and asked casually:

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