Less gossip.

In a blink of an eye, it was outside the gate of the primary school.

The sports meeting is about to start, and everyone is currently queuing up for admission.

Looking around, there are not only parents, but also grandparents and grandparents in line, and even grandparents are not left behind. It can be said that the whole family is dispatched.

Thor stood behind Kobayashi, looking left and right, with great interest:

"Hey, Kobayashi, look, the people who come here come in pairs."

"It's traditional." Xiao Lin replied not very interested. "Anyway, I was like this when I was a child, but my parents were very busy with work at that time, and they hardly came together..."

"That's not it." Thor hugged Xiao Lin with a "hey" sound, and his obscene chest hit Xiao Lin's back directly. It was obvious that Xiao Lin's face turned green, but Thor still Unconsciously, he said with a bright smile, "I mean we came together, so we are also a couple."

Xiao Lin pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a straight face: "No, only a man and a woman are considered a pair, such as Xiao Ye and Wei Nai."

"Why are only Xiaoye and Wei Nai considered a couple?" Thorton puffed up his mouth, "I want it, I want it too."

"No, let go, it's too hot."


Wei Nai was standing right behind Thor, and naturally heard these words clearly.

There was an intoxicating blush on her face, and she tried her best to maintain a nonchalant appearance, but unfortunately, under Hua Ye's undisguised gaze, she couldn't hold back soon.

"You, what are you looking at!"

Hua Ye answered as a matter of course: "Look at you."

Wei Nai turned her head and glared: "Don't look!"

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "I'll just stand behind you, and if I don't look at you, who are you looking at?"

"Then you look to the left, or to the right."

"No." Hua Ye shook his head, "It's not as good as yours."


Wei Nai bit her lips angrily and shyly, trying to find a crack in the ground to slip down.

How thick-skinned are you to say such things calmly in front of a large audience!

"Then just look up at the sky."

"No, it feels so stupid."

Wei Nai came over angrily: "Then you just look down... don't talk anymore!"


Unfortunately, it didn't take long for Wei Nai to regret it.

Hua Ye didn't look up, but his eyes fell on her buttocks. Girls are the most sensitive in this regard, how could they not feel it?

Under Hua Ye's undisguised gaze, Wei Nai couldn't help thinking of what happened when she bought Alice a birthday present that day.

On the crowded tram, I was "pointed and pointed" by Hua Ye behind me, and after I got off the tram, I was kissed forcibly... It was too much, obviously the first kiss should be in a more memorable place...


Wei Nai couldn't bear it anymore, and spit out two words from her lips.

"What's wrong with me?" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

You are the one who is not allowed to speak, and you are the one who made you bow your head. Now you are still not satisfied. If you do this again, I will go crazy!

"You stand in front!"

Wei Nai walked behind Hua Ye and pushed him to his place.

It's a pity that not long after he breathed a sigh of relief, the entrance ceremony officially began, and Wei Nai had no choice but to cry behind Hua Ye and walked towards the campus.

Seeing the little radishheads wearing hats of various colors line up to enter the arena, Wei Nai's eyes softened quickly.

"Well, there's Kang Na-chan."

With the appearance of the third-grade elementary school students, Wei Nai quickly found Kang Na in the crowd.

"I saw it too!" Thor stood up, with a bright smile on his face, and clenched his right hand in a cheering gesture, "Come on, Kangna, we are all watching you!"

The trembling bosom like some kind of extremely elastic jelly made many people nearby feel embarrassed.

"Sit down quickly." Xiao Lin's face was full of black lines, "Don't cause trouble for others."

But Thor is at best a small trouble, and Erkoya, who has world-class milk volume not far away, is the real big | trouble.

"Shota, come on! Your support team is here!"

The dragon lady with the world's largest breasts, as a former god, naturally wouldn't care about ordinary people's eyes, she stood up and raised her hands in solidarity. The world's largest breast volume caused a shock wave like a nuclear weapon, making men stagger and women feel ashamed. Even the elementary school students who passed by opened their mouths wide, their eyes frightened, for fear that they would be smothered to death in it.

Wei Nai twitched the corner of her mouth lightly, and cold sweat fell on the top of her head: "Is that Erkoa?"


Hua Ye just glanced at it, then looked away.

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