On the contrary, Wei Nai was surprised. In front of the world's largest breasted dragon lady, other men couldn't control their eyes at all, as if they wanted to drown themselves in it. How could Hua Ye not be affected at all?

After hesitating for a moment, Wei Nai finally couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked in a low voice:

"You...why don't you read it?"

Chapter 680

"What are you looking at?" Hua Ye stared at the past, "Erkoya?"

Wei Nai nodded lightly: "Mmm..."

Other men can't take their eyes back anymore, and feel like they will become zombies who only know how to say "Nanoko, Nako" at any moment.

"I don't like her, what do you want to see her do?" Hua Ye replied casually, "It depends on you."

"Eh?" Wei Nai was taken aback, and a red glow suddenly appeared on her face, "You, what nonsense are you talking about..."

"I'm obviously speaking from my heart, okay?"

Wei Nai sat upright, but couldn't stop the blush spreading on her face: "I don't want to talk to you anymore!"


After all the elementary school students entered the arena, it was a pity that the sports meeting still hadn't started, because there was still a speech by the principal.

The principal of this elementary school is obviously a typical example of the so-called middle-aged successful people, such as the belly that cannot be covered by a slim suit, and the bald head that shines brightly in the sun.

"On the occasion of the opening of the [-]rd sports meeting of our school, let me briefly say a few words..."

The slow voice echoed in the playground.

Then Thor realizes he's been tricked.

"Damn it!" Thor clenched his fists, very unhappy, "Didn't you just say two sentences, now there are two hundred sentences!"

"Just get used to it." Kobayashi pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, took out his phone, and set himself up for a long-term battle. "Whether it's elementary school, junior high school, or high school, uncles always talk very long..."


Kobayashi shrugged: "This is the tradition."

"It's too much to push everything to tradition."

In fact, it was mainly because there were several reporters taking pictures and reporting, so the principal naturally wanted to show his face more.

"That headmaster's bald head is so dazzling..."

Thor read a few words, then suddenly turned his head to look at Hua Ye, blinking his eyes and reminded: "Xiao Ye, you have to be careful!"

"Huh?" Hua Ye was puzzled, "What are you careful about?"

Thor stretched out a white and slender finger, tapped it on his lower lip, and said in a serious tone: "When I watched the movie, I found that the middle-aged bald men in the movie were almost all lolicons. It seems that the bald man is a lolita The standard configuration of control... so you also have to be careful of premature baldness!"


Hua Ye was so angry that he almost smashed the phone in his hand.

Bald your sister!Obviously it is an idiom who died young, but will he become bald at a young age when he comes to you?

Don't tear up the dictionary casually!And I have said many times that I am not a lolicon, why can't you understand people's words!If you say the words 'Loricon' again, believe it or not, you will be slapped in front of Xiaolin!


There was an uncontrollable chuckle.

Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her mouth, her shoulders trembled slightly, her eyes were bent into two crescent moons.

"I'm not a lolicon." Hua Ye gritted his teeth and reiterated that this is a matter of principle and will not be tolerated.

"Yeah." Thor nodded hurriedly, patted his chest, and made a gesture of loyalty, "I will definitely help you keep a secret this time, and I won't tell Wei Nai that you belong to Lolicon!"

Keep your sister safe!

Let me tell you, you are also recorded in the small book now!Wait to be slapped! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!


"It's a little hot."

Xiao Lin raised her hand to build a pergola on her forehead, and her voice was a little weak. On the usual weekends, she was still sleeping in bed at the moment, but now she ran to the overcrowded elementary school playground to bask in the sun, and it was inevitable that she would feel a little uncomfortable.

"I'll wipe your sweat for you!"

Thor's eyes lit up, and he quickly took out the napkin from his pocket, "Wiping the master's sweat is also one of the duties of a maid."

"No." Kobayashi refused expressionlessly, "I will wipe it myself."

"Woo..." Thor uttered a hurt cry, covered his face in aggrieved, "Xiao Lin actually detested my words."

It's a pity that the acting skills are so poor, let alone shed tears, I can't even pretend to be wronged.

Not long after, the dragon maid regained her spirits. She took out a few oranges from her pocket, "Hey, Xiaolin, can you eat an orange to replenish your water?"

Xiao Lin thought for a while, nodded and agreed: "Alright."

The sports meeting lasts for a whole day. Adults don’t have to participate in the competition like elementary school students. As a bystander, it’s really boring to bask in the sun all the time, so it doesn’t matter if you eat or chat, as long as you don’t litter.

"Let me peel it off!"

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