Thor volunteered, quickly peeled an orange, and then handed the orange flesh to Xiao Lin's mouth, "The first orange is Xiao Lin's!"

"I eat it myself."

Thor opened his eyes wide: "Stare—"

Xiaolin reluctantly opened his mouth, bit the orange, and accidentally touched the finger of the dragon maid on the way. Thor immediately let out a wonderful and angry snicker, which made Hua Ye very speechless. What should I say.

Aware of Hua Ye's gaze, Thor turned his head, blinked his eyes and asked, "Does Xiao Ye want to eat too?"


You just fed Xiaolin oranges, do you want to feed me now?

Don't think that feeding oranges will forgive you!

Just as Hua Ye was about to speak, the dragon maid had already handed over an orange: "If you want to eat, peel it yourself."


Hua Ye thought for a while, and finally reached out to take the orange, peeled it slowly, and handed it to Wei Nai.

"You, what are you doing?" Wei Nai's pretty face turned red.

Hua Ye learned Thor's words: "You eat the first orange first."

Wei Nai bit her lower lip: "No, I don't want to eat oranges... eat it yourself!"

Hua Ye didn't speak, and continued to imitate Thor: "Look at——"


Wei Nai was ashamed and angry, after all, she was too thin-skinned, so she could only reach out to take the slice of orange, then bit her lip, stretched out her slender hand and said, "Give me the orange, I will peel it!"



After a while, the bald headmaster finally finished his 'two sentences', and then the sports meet officially started.

It is worth mentioning that there are almost no individual competitions in the games in the island country, and they are all cooperative competitions, such as collective rope skipping, two-person three-legged, tug-of-war, relay races, and so on.

Hua Ye reluctantly watched it for a while, but was really not interested, so he took out his mobile phone and started checking the news to pass the time. Wei Nai was quite serious, sitting there watching the game upright.

"It's Kang Na-chan's turn to participate in the competition." Wei Nai pulled the corner of Hua Ye's clothes, "Don't always play with your phone, remember to work hard."

No need to refuel at all!That blue-eyed young dragon can punch Nanshan Nursing Home and kick Beihai Kindergarten!This school's top school doesn't deserve its name!

Hua Ye put down his phone and looked up.

The current competition event is the three-legged running between two people in the third grade. The little loli who teamed up with Kang Na is the talented person with a shining forehead. Hua Ye thought that as long as there was a competition with Kang Na participating, the ending would not be necessary at all. Guess... In the end, the two of them actually lost!

That's all for Kang Na, she completely suppressed herself at the physical level of a primary school student, and the little Caichuan girl she was partnering with was even more dragged down all the way, so not only did she lose the game, but she was also the last one!

"I feel that Cai Chuan is a little absent-minded..." Wei Nai muttered to himself with some doubts.

Hua Ye hit the nail on the head and said, "It's not because she's absent-minded, it's because she's too sensitive."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"When she was close to Kang Na, her heart beat faster, her face flushed, her breathing became short of breath, and her limbs became weak... What is it that is not sensitive?" Hua Ye gave an example, "Just like you and Gabriel."

Wei Nai was puzzled: "What happened to me and Xiao Jia?"

"That morning, when Gabriel blew in your ear, you were like this, super sensitive."

Wei Nai's pretty face blushed immediately, and she looked away with a little confidence:

"I-I'm not sensitive... It's obviously Xiaojia's sudden attack, otherwise there would be no reaction at all..."

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, and suddenly said, "Get ready."

"What are you doing?" Wei Nai suddenly became vigilant.

Hua Ye didn't speak, but leaned over to Wei Nai.

"You you you you you..." Wei Nai opened her eyes wide and was about to dodge immediately, but Hua Ye grabbed her wrist and couldn't dodge.

Then Hua Ye imitated Gabriel's ear-biting posture that morning, and blew lightly.

The scorching breath passing over the earlobe immediately made Wei Nai tremble lightly like an electric shock, and a pretty face was suddenly dyed red, tender and glamorous, unbelievably bright.

Hua Ye sat upright, spread his hands and said, "Look, I've already told you that you're sensitive, right? Even if you're prepared, it's still... Hey, what are you doing?"

Chapter 681 Seeing Xiuluo Field Again

"Hey, why are you pinching me all of a sudden?"

Wei Nai didn't speak, but bit her lower lip tightly, and continued to pinch Hua Ye's waist.

Hua Ye couldn't help complaining: "Why are you so skilled in pinching people!"

Pain is naturally painless.

But being pinched in public, all face is lost, right?

So Hua Ye took Wei Nai's hand into his palm.

Now Wei Nai couldn't stop talking, but her pretty face was still tense, and her tone was frosty: "Let go!"

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