"do not know."

The one talking was the loli who lost the grass mud rabbit that night. She didn't expect to meet here, but it was only a one-time relationship, so of course it was not an acquaintance.

It's a pity that the loli had already ran to Hua Ye's side, excitedly said: "Oni-chan is me, you saved Xiao Yueyue that night, and I said that I would promise to be your girlfriend with my body!"

Promise your sister with your body!You obviously want to learn animal language, and you won't blush when you say such things in public!

Well, Hua Ye took a closer look, this loli really can't blush.

In front of her mother that night, she was able to say things like 'When I grow up, I will be your girlfriend'. Now that her mother is not around, she is even more unscrupulous!


There was a sudden silence in the air.

Thor made a fist with his left hand and smashed it on the palm of his right hand: "Look, I just said that Xiao Ye is a lolicon."

Xiao Lin pushed his glasses, and warned earnestly: "Well, Xiao Ye, it's wrong for you to do this..."

Wei Nai also half-closed her eyes, although she didn't speak, the disgust in her eyes was clear.

Hua Ye sighed and didn't want to explain anymore.

On the contrary, the little Caichuan girl next to her pinched her waist with one hand, and pointed her finger at the other party: "Nonsense, only Kang Na-chan can call O'Ni-chan! You are not allowed to call!"

"Hmph." Loli with the ball head put her hands on her chest, "Who says I'm not qualified to shout? I'm O'Neill's future girlfriend!"

"There is no such thing as a future girlfriend."

"It's here for me."

"You are not allowed to shout."

"I'll just yell, slightly slightly."

Seeing the two lolis who were arguing, Thor came forward to be a peacemaker: "Well, what are the benefits of Jinkela... No, anyway, stop the quarrel, you two, save some energy for the afternoon competition."

The two lolis looked at each other, and Qiqi turned their heads and snorted.

"Kangna, let's compete in the afternoon!" Lolita Lolita stretched out her finger to Kangna and issued an invitation to fight.

Cai Chuan stood in front of Kang Na, "What do you want to compare with Kang Na-chan?"

"Whoever's class wins will be Oni-chan's girlfriend!"


Chapter 682 The Temptation of Wet Clothes

"Hey, give me enough time!"

Hua Ye couldn't take it anymore.

Before speaking, at any rate, ask the person concerned for their opinion!

The only end for your boyfriend is to start in three years, the maximum death penalty, right?

And that blue-eyed baby dragon, she regards Xiao Lin as her mother, so in terms of seniority, she is her niece generation... let her niece be her girlfriend?

What a chaotic kinship relationship!

Unfortunately it didn't work.

This ball-headed little loli doesn't know what reserve is at all, and she even patted her small chest and promised, "Don't worry, Oni-chan, I won't lose you."

From the moment you used me as a bargaining chip, you have already lost!

Hua Ye turned to look at Kang Na.

This ball-headed loli is not sensible, but you are a thousand-year-old adult, so you can't be so naive, right?

It turned out that the blue-eyed young dragon was not a thousand-year-old adult, but a thousand-year-old child.

Facing Lolita's declaration of war, Kang Na clenched her fists and nodded earnestly: "Our class will not lose."

"That's right, Kang Na-chan and I will definitely defeat you!"



"The children nowadays are already so powerful..." Looking at the back of the ball-headed Lolita turning away, Xiaolin sighed, then lowered his head and asked, "Kangna, do you know each other?"

"Yeah." Kang Na nodded, and replied softly, "Sakura is from class one."

Caichuan chirped next to him and explained:

"Because Kangna-chan stole her title of cutest, she always finds trouble with Kangna-chan, and now she even wants to snatch Kangna-chan's Oni-chan. She must not be spared!"

Thor stretched out a finger and interjected, "But if Kangna wins, won't she be Xiaoye's girlfriend?"


All eyes looked at Hua Ye.

"Xiaoye, my cousin knows that you are not that kind of person..." Xiao Lin pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and spoke earnestly, heartbroken, "But you must not make mistakes in principle..."

There was no fluctuation in Hua Ye's heart, he just walked aside silently, you guys chat, I'll go and see the scenery.

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