
When the lunch break was about to end, Wei Nai whispered, "Please let me go, I'm going to the bathroom..."

"Yeah." Hua Ye put away his phone and followed behind Wei Nai.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to the bathroom too."

Wei Nai puffed her cheeks and walked forward silently.

Walking in the quiet campus, you can see many cherry blossom trees planted on both sides of the road. Naturally, the cherry blossoms have already fallen, but they left behind a whirling shadow and mottled sunlight.

Occasionally, when the breeze blows, the rustling sound of the branches and leaves will be heard, which is very pleasant.

After washing his hands, Hua Ye went to wait for Wei Nai under the shade of a tree, but Wei Nai didn't come out, but there was an exclamation from the bathroom.


Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and walked away, only to see two elementary school students apologizing nervously, "Yes, I'm sorry!"

Even though Wei Nai covered her chest with one hand, she could still see that the shirt on her body was wet.

Seeing Hua Ye approaching, Wei Nai blushed slightly, shook her head and said:

"It's okay, let's go, don't fight here next time..."


The two little girls nodded quickly, then turned and ran away.

"When I was washing my hands just now, those two children were fighting here, and then accidentally splashed water on me..." Without Hua Ye asking, Wei Nai pursed her lips and began to explain.

"bad boy?"

"No, it's just carelessness..." Wei Nai shook her head, "Not every child is as obedient as Kang Nachan."

That blue-eyed baby dragon is very good?

Obviously last week, there was an awkward situation because Kobayashi couldn't participate in the sports meeting.

But compared to other bear kids, that blue-eyed baby dragon doesn't make any noise, doesn't flip through your phone, doesn't play with your figurines, doesn't pester you to buy this or that, and doesn't fall down and roll around at the slightest disappointment. As long as there is something to eat, you can sit quietly for an afternoon... Think about it carefully, it is really super obedient!

Wei Nai raised her hand to wipe the few drops of water splashed on her face, shook her head and said:

"It's fine."


Hua Ye's gaze was involuntarily drawn to the pink-white scenery.

So there's nothing wrong with it!

You are wearing a summer cool white shirt today. Now that you are splashed with water, the clothes immediately become transparent. As a result, you can even see the pale pink bra inside clearly!


Obviously, when you were on vacation at the seaside, your swimsuit was much more revealing than your current clothes, why do you think your current appearance is more attractive!

Is this the so-called wet body temptation?

Sensing Hua Ye's sudden subtle gaze, Wei Nai quickly reacted, her pretty face blushed and hurriedly covered her chest: "You...don't look around!"

"It's not like I haven't seen it..."

I've seen you in pajamas, in a swimsuit, in dead water, and even without clothes on!

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, shy and angry:

"Turn around and don't speak!"


Fortunately, the sun is very good today, and the temperature is not low. Even if the clothes are wet, they will not be cold. As long as they are exposed to the sun for a while, they will dry in a short time.

Walking out of the bathroom, just in time to hear the radio beeping again, obviously the sports meeting will resume soon.

Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "Shall we go there now?"

"No." Hua Ye shook his head.


"Your clothes haven't dried yet, let's talk about it when it's dry."

Wei Nai puffed her cheeks, "Then what do you say?"

Hua Ye glanced over and pointed to a flowerbed, "There are benches there, sit there for a while, and you can just see the playground."


It's autumn, but there are still many flowers in the flower garden, especially many mini sunflowers are in full bloom, which are golden and beautiful.

The two walked to the bench, and Hua Ye sat down in the middle first.

Wei Nai gave him a blank look, and then sat on the other end of the bench.

"Why are you sitting so far away?" Hua Ye was speechless.

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