Wei Nai said solemnly: "The chair is so long, you can do it anywhere you want, right?"

Hua Ye nodded: "It makes sense."

Then he got up and sat next to Wei Nai.


Wei Nai bit her lower lip and glared at Hua Ye with a blushing face, "Cheek-skinned."

"Kang Nachan and the others seem to be participating in a rope skipping competition..." Wei Nai raised her hand in front of her eyes, and covered her chest with the other hand. The clothes were still wet, and it felt uncomfortable to stick to her body. "We won't go back, my cousin will be worried." right?"

"It's not a child, what are you worried about?" Hua Ye retorted casually, "Could it be that you are worried about having a child..."

As soon as the words fell, Wei Nai bit her lip and stretched out her hand to pinch.

"Hey, why are you pinching me again!"

Kobayashi often exhorts, "Don't bring out children", so what's the matter with making complaints?

"I don't know, I just want to pinch you!"


Chapter 683

Quickly pinching Hua Ye, in order to prevent being caught again, Wei Nai immediately withdrew her hand, then got up and sat on the other side of the bench, and said with vigilant eyes: "You are not allowed to come over!"

"Don't go."

Pinching me again for no reason, I don't want to lose face!

The playground was buzzing with people, and it was in full swing, but the area around the flower garden was quite quiet.

Occasionally there is a breeze blowing by, and the fragrance of flowers is faint, adding a bit of elegance.

Because of Wei Nai's rule of not approaching, Hua Ye took out his phone from his pocket, looked down at the news, but after a while, a slightly trembling voice sounded: "Hua, Hua Ye... "

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "What?"

Wei Nai's pretty face turned pale, as if she had been cursed by Medusa's petrification, her body sat stiffly on the spot, and she looked at her with pleading eyes: "I, a bee seems to have landed on top of my head..."

Behind the bench is a flower garden. It is normal to have bees, but bees usually don’t fall on people. Could it be that you are so fragrant that the bees get lost?

"Come quickly and drive that bee away..." Wei Nai rarely begged.

Girls seem to be afraid of bugs and other creatures, at least that's the case for Wei Nai, not to mention the cockroaches that can scare her into losing her mind, even the unicorn fairy is terribly afraid. Give the bugs a life.

Hua Ye put away his phone, walked up to Wei Nai, raised his hand and waved the bee away.

"Is that bee gone?"


"That's good……"

Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to touch the top of her head when Hua Ye suddenly said, "Don't move."


The next moment, a hand landed on Wei Nai's head.


Warm wind and slumber.

The sun is quiet.

The sky is like a piece of flawless blue crystal, as clear as a wash, only dotted with a few white clouds.

Just as a gust of warm wind blew, the sea of ​​flowers behind the bench set off golden ripples.

Against the background of the blue sky and the sea of ​​flowers, the boy flicks the top of the girl's head, which is really an enviable scene.

It happened that a reporter who was going to the bathroom saw this scene, quickly picked up the camera on his chest, and captured this scene, and was very proud... because the next moment, the girl bit her lower lip and stretched out her hand to pinch the boy's dick Waist.


After the clothes were dried, Hua Ye and Wei Nai returned to the playground.

As expected, Kobayashi didn't ask any more questions, but his eyes were inevitably meaningful.

Wei Nai's pretty face blushed slightly, and she couldn't help explaining in a low voice:

"Well, when I was in the bathroom just now, my clothes got wet accidentally..."

"No need to explain." Xiao Lin waved his hand, "I understand everything about you young people."

I understand your sister!You can't believe it at all!


The competition happened to come to the horse riding battle of the fifth grade.

The so-called horseback riding is a competition in which three people act as horses below and one person rides above, and then snatch the enemy's hat in the melee...

No matter what others think, anyway, Hua Ye thinks this kind of competition is super stupid.

The people who hang out like to ride motorcycles, the Arab people ride sheep, and Putin the Great rides bears, but here they ride people like horses?Be careful not to move too much, it's a mess!

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