After a while, the blue-eyed young dragon said softly:

"I'm hungry, I want a buffet."


your sister!

Why is it just thanks to others, but it becomes a buffet when it comes to me!That bento is obviously due to me too!

"By the way, the buffet!" Thor's eyes lit up, he stood up suddenly, and raised his hands to vote, "I want to eat the buffet too!"

You don't need a buffet at all, do you?

The camel is known as the ship of the desert, its hump can store a lot of nutrients, and you can live for half a month without eating or drinking after a full meal. Your trembling obscene chest is similar to the hump of a camel The wonderful thing is to consume the energy stored in it, you don't need to eat or drink at all!

"It's rare that Xiao Lin doesn't go to work today, let's go to the buffet together?" Thor blinked, his face full of anticipation, "I haven't eaten the buffet with Xiao Lin yet."

"Buffet? It's true that I haven't eaten for a long time..." Xiao Lin thought for a while, nodded and agreed, "Then let's go together."

Then he turned to look at Hua Ye: "Xiao Ye, you and Wei Nai should come together, today's cousin treats you."

"You will regret this……"

Chapter 684

Xiao Lin threw the can into the trash can, clapped his hands, got up and said, "Let's go, it's just a family meal together."

"I, I won't go, I have to work at night..." Wei Nai blushed slightly, wanting to refuse.

Family or something, I don't count...

Hua Ye looked over: "It's still early, it's not too late to go after eating."

Thor also said, "Hurry up, buffet!"

Wei Nai was still hesitating, but the blue-eyed young dragon had already walked to her side, raised his face, and said softly, "Go together?"

So Wei Nai surrendered instantly: "Okay."


In the cafeteria.

Hua Ye naturally pulled out a chair and let Wei Nai sit first.

After Wei Nai sat down, she realized that Xiao Lin was looking at her playfully, her face blushed, she opened her mouth to explain, but couldn't speak, so she could only lower her head quickly.

Fortunately, Xiao Lin quickly retracted his gaze and said:

"You can order whatever you want, but you have to eat it, don't waste it..."

Waste is impossible to waste.

This life cannot be wasted.

If the plate is not bad, even the plate can be eaten clean for you.

After half an hour.

"Feels like being publicly executed..."

Kobayashi covered his face with his hands.

On weekdays, even if she had dinner with colleagues or went to sing, she was always a fringe ob role. Today, she suddenly became the protagonist, and it was really difficult to adapt.

It's a pity that Thor and Kang Na, who are full of food and drink, are here, so it's hard not to be the focus.

One is Thor, who is beautiful, has a sweet voice, big breasts and wears a maid outfit, and the other is the world's cutest Kang Na, so there are many subtle sights from the beginning.

The style of the comment at the beginning is normal

"Miss Maid has big breasts, and she's so beautiful!"

"I also want a maid like this!"

"Little loli is so cute, I really want to give birth to one."

It's a pity that with the passage of time, the style of the comments will soon become abnormal.

"How long did you have to be hungry on purpose to eat so hard!"

"Three meals a day should be moderate. The practice of not eating for three days and then eating one meal for three days is super harmful to the body."

"Miss maid is so pitiful, she has to wear a thick maid outfit to work in such hot weather, but she doesn't even give her food..."


"Xiao Lin, it's all right." Thor raised his face and said with a grin, "Just don't care about other people's eyes."

How could you not care!

Being introverted usually means thin-skinned. Once you become the focus of others, you will often feel nervous, let alone being publicly executed now!

"When you were at home, you didn't eat so much..." Xiao Lin said, covering his face.

With a grain of rice on his face, Thor looked unexpectedly cute. He blinked his eyes and said, "When you're at home, you have to consider the nutritional combination of cooking, a balanced diet, and the cost of living... But here, Xiao Ye It is said that as long as you don’t waste it, you can eat as much as you can, and the more you eat, the more worthwhile, so of course you have to try to see where the limit is.”

The limit has not been tested, but the owner of the cafeteria has already fainted in the toilet!

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