
Wei Nai had already finished eating, and was helping Kangna peel the shrimp at the moment. Although it would be fine for Kangna to eat the whole shrimp in one bite, it would be embarrassing to eat like that.

Hua Ye turned his head and looked straight at Wei Nai.

"What are you looking at?" Wei Nai glanced lightly.

Hua Ye replied, "I want to eat too."

"No, you have to eat and peel yourself."

Hey, your differential treatment is too obvious!Why does the blue-eyed young dragon have it, but not here!

Hua Ye didn't speak, but continued to stare.


After all, Wei Nai is thin-skinned, and after a while, a faint blush rose on her face, she could only bite her lower lip, gave Hua Ye a white look, and put a peeled shrimp into Hua Ye's bowl.


"Peel it yourself."

Wei Nai said angrily, and suddenly found that Xiao Lin was looking at her subtly, her pretty face turned redder: "Cousin, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing." Xiao Lin pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, with a smile on his face, "You two have a very good relationship."

"No, no..." Wei Nai stammered to retort, "It's just peeling the shrimp... It's, it's him playing a scoundrel, otherwise I won't help..."

As he spoke, he put another peeled shrimp into Xiao Lin's bowl: "Cousin, this is yours."

"Well, thank you Wei Nai." Although Xiao Lin doesn't talk much on weekdays, for the sake of his cousin's life happiness, he can still send an assist or two from time to time, "It seems that I have been in Xiao Ye's favor... ..."

Wei Nai's face became even redder: "Cousin, what are you talking about! What does it have to do with him, it was obviously stripped for you..."

"Hey, let go of that shrimp and let me do it!"

Thor raised his face, and in order to prove that his feelings were deeper, he volunteered to say: "I should be the one who likes Kobayashi the most! Definitely more than the two of them!"



After eating the buffet, Xiao Lin hurriedly left the shop as if fleeing.

It was already the beginning of the lights outside, and it was time for the lights to dim.

After waving goodbye, Kobayashi returned home with Kang Na and Thor, while Wei Nai went to work at the corner coffee shop.

Hua Ye went back to the apartment alone, had nothing to do, so he turned on the computer and planned to play a game for a while, but the chat software that automatically logged in suddenly jumped.

Opening it casually, it was a message from that filthy loli, and the first sentence was: "Brother Xiaoye doesn't like me, right?"

I've never liked you, okay?Lolicon won't take the blame!

Hua Ye typed and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Poor Loli replied quickly: "Because I haven't seen Brother Xiaoye for a long time. I miss you so much. I miss you so much. (*^▽^*)"

"However, we only had a chat last night!"



"I want a hug!"


"Hold it high!"



Although Dirty Lolita and Priestess Liuli haven't appeared on the stage recently, they actually chat every night. Now that communication technology is getting more and more developed, there are only people who are too lazy to flirt, and there is no one who can't flirt.

While talking, a video chat pop-up window popped up.

Hua Ye casually clicked to connect.

As soon as the screen turned, a room full of pink and girly style came into view, which was obviously the bedroom of the dirty loli.

She looked like she had just taken a shower, she was wearing a pink rabbit pajamas, her hair was slightly wet, her little face was rosy, like a freshly peeled egg, and she was lying in front of the computer at this moment, her small face occupied Most of the screen was opened, and the buttons of her pajamas were not all buttoned up, and she could clearly see a faint delicate whiteness, but Hua Ye didn't care about it, but thought of Igarashi's legal loli...

She's an adult, but her breasts are not as big as that of a ten-year-old loli, so hurry up and take off your skirt!

After saying a few words, the filthy loli suddenly puffed up her cheeks: "Brother Xiaoye, come over tomorrow, I want to take that pose too!"

"Shooting what?" Hua Ye was puzzled.

"That's the pose."

The phone buzzed and vibrated, and a message came.

Hua Ye clicked on it, and was immediately speechless.

This is a piece of news that the primary school students' teleportation meeting has ended successfully, but one of the accompanying pictures is clearly a picture of herself masturbating Wei Nai on campus!

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