It has to be said that the technique of the person taking the photo is quite good. It is obviously a very ordinary touch, but the person and the scenery are perfectly photographed together. Even Hua Ye can't help but want to collect it.

"Brother Xiaoye has never touched my head!" Poor Loli puffed up her cheeks, "I'm so angry that no one else touches me!"

Hua Ye was unmoved: "And then?"

"Then brother Xiaoye will come over to play tomorrow, and I want to pet him too!"

"Children will not grow taller if they touch their heads."

"No, others clearly said that it will grow bigger if you touch it..."

The filthy loli blushed after she finished speaking, and hurriedly raised her hand to cover her chest: "Brother Xiaoye is only allowed to touch his head, not here!"


He vomited blood!

You are so angry that you vomit three liters of blood!

Ten-year-old loli, Xiao He's immature Xiaolongbao, who only showed sharp corners, is no one interested at all!

Those who are interested and want to touch are all gentlemen who write, read it as a pervert's big loss!

"By the way, I recently learned some interesting things on the Internet..." Poor Loli blinked, and suddenly whispered, "Brother Xiaoye, do you want to read it?"

"What?" Hua Ye asked casually.

Xiao Hinata stuck out her tongue and looked left and right like a cat stealing dried fish. After confirming that the witch Liuli was not there, she reached out and grabbed the collar of the rabbit's pajamas: "Since Brother Xiaoye is interested... even if it's embarrassing, it's very embarrassing." Shameful, very embarrassing, I will also perform for Brother Xiaoye..."

Chapter 685 Love Exposure?

at the same time.

Corner coffee shop.

"Vina sauce, Wei Nai sauce!" Xiaoqian suddenly leaned over to Verna, with a shocked expression on his face comparable to that of Columbus when he discovered the New World, "You and your 'ordinary friends' are on the news!"

"How is it possible?" Wei Nai was cleaning the desks, but she didn't care when she heard the words. After all, Xiaoqian was confused and often lost things, "Did you read it wrong?"

"I didn't read it wrong!"

Xiaoqian pursed her mouth, handed the phone in front of Wei Nai, and chirped, "This is the news, read it for yourself!"


Wanai, who did not care about it, immediately made an incredible exclaimer after a glimpse: "Eh?!"

"How about it, let me just say it's you two?" Xiao Qian put his arms around his chest and snorted triumphantly, "Even if it's a side profile, I can recognize it!"


Wei Nai didn't answer, but just opened her eyes wider, quickly took the phone from Xiaoqian, and looked through it carefully.

This is a very common news report about the elementary school sports meeting. It is neither a celebrity gossip nor an international event. It is estimated that it will be submerged in the vast ocean of information in less than two days.

But after clicking on the news, the first photo was clearly of Kang Na wearing Little Red Riding Hood, standing on the podium to receive the award on behalf of the class. In addition, there was even Thor in the audience raising his hands for Kang Na Na cheering photos.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the above. Although taking photos of Thor is suspected of "using big balls to attract attention", Thor is a member of the audience sitting in the audience as a parent after all, and it is reasonable to be photographed... But I and Hua Ye was clearly sitting on a bench at the edge of the playground, why was he being photographed!

(What, what should I do?)

(Such a embarrassing thing is still on the news... If Xiaojia and Lafei saw it, how should I explain it?)

"Poke poke-"

Xiaoqian tapped Wei Nai's arm twice, "Vina sauce, you and your 'ordinary friends' are very photogenic."

"What?" Wei Nai bit her lower lip, "This, this is a sneak shot!"

"Then why do you go to school to show your affection?"

"I didn't show affection..." Wei Nai hurriedly explained, "Kangna participated in the sports meet today, I just went there to cheer, and then a bee happened to land on his head, so I asked him to help drive the bee away!"

Xiaoqian crossed her arms with her chest, put her right hand on the bridge of her nose, and assumed the standard posture of the famous detective Conan: "You only need to wave your hands to catch the bees? Why do you put your hands on top of your head?"

Wei Nai lacked confidence: "Who, who knows what he's doing..."

Xiaoqian curled her lips, and pointed out sharply: "Tch, it's clearly one of the classic gestures of showing affection that are very popular on the Internet."

"It's not a show of affection... how can it be considered a show of affection by chasing bees or something?" Wei Nai was very guilty, and hesitated for a while, "Anyway, I have explained it clearly, don't get me wrong."

"It's not that I'm the only one who misunderstood. After all, no matter how you look at it, it's all about showing affection." Xiaoqian blinked, covered her mouth and snickered, "Look at the netizen comments below..."

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, slid her fingers, and quickly flipped to the comment section below.

"The content caused strong discomfort and has been reported."

"It's a bit too much for the two of you to sprinkle dog food at the elementary school sports meeting."

"That girl's face was blushing, she looked cute and said."

"Blessings are sent, it's unacceptable not to be together."


Wei Nai really wanted to find a crack in the ground to drill down.

So it's just to help drive away the bees, so why did it become a show of affection!And somehow it was on the news!

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