"Vina sauce?" Xiaoqian frowned and smiled narrowly, "You used to always say 'ordinary friends', but now that Xiu Enai has been caught, the title of 'ordinary friends' should be upgraded, right?"



This side of the apartment.

In the video chat window, the dirty loli who put her hands on her pajamas suddenly blinked and smiled slyly: "Brother Xiaoye, wait a minute, I'll find an accompaniment."

Hua Ye kept a straight face, with disgust written all over his face: "Go ahead."

Although I don't know what you are going to do, it must be a prank again, right?

Don't think I'll step into the same trap again!

A moment later, a recently popular BGM sounded.

"I'm coming, huh?" Poor Lolita sat upright, and she was a little shy, "If it's not good-looking, Brother Xiaoye is not allowed to laugh at me."

A joke is naturally impossible to make a joke, because everything is disgusting!

Then Hua Ye saw Hinata put on the hat of the rabbit pajamas, and pulled the string hanging from the brim of the hat to the rhythm of the music. The soft rabbit ears immediately stood up, and then the little head shook from side to side, the rabbit ears rose and fell, humming At the same time, compared to various cute gestures...

"Brother Xiaoye, how are you doing?" After singing the song, Lolita squatted back in front of the computer again, blinking her eyes, her little face full of anticipation, "This is finger dance and rabbit dance, I just learned to dance Showed it to brother Xiaoye, isn't it pretty?"

But the rabbit's ears don't go up and down!There are obviously two rabbit maids in your house, so it would be more appropriate for them to dance this dance!

Probably because it was a little hot after the dance, Lolita undid a button of her pajamas indifferently, and raised her small hand to fan her face, allowing Hua Ye to see that unattractive Xiao Hecai's sharp corners again.

Averting his eyes slightly, Hua Ye was about to give an evaluation when he suddenly saw the dirty girl puffing up her cheeks: "Look at—"

Although he didn't speak, those eyes, which were already very big and now opened even bigger, have clearly expressed the meaning: "Brother Xiaoye dares to say it's not good-looking, so I'll cry for you!"


At best, others are bribing the judges, but you are threatening the judges!Be careful to disqualify you from the competition!

Hua Ye sighed, closed his eyes and said, "It's beautiful."

"Hee hee." The filthy loli who received the praise swung her feet happily behind her, "Hey, brother Xiaoye, why did you close your eyes and talk?"

Hua Ye complained expressionlessly: "You don't want to know the reason..."


After turning off the video chat with Lolita, Hua Ye was about to play a game when his phone vibrated suddenly.

He picked it up and saw that it was a call from the black-bellied Laffie.

Hua Ye connected the phone casually, and a wronged voice immediately rang in his ears: "Student Hua Ye is so exaggerated!"


"You and Wei Naijiang actually did that kind of thing in public behind my back, and it's all on the news!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "It's just a pat on the head."

"Don't listen, don't listen, don't listen! It's agreed that the first time will belong to me!"

Hey, I've never said that, okay?And if you want to secretly do things behind others' backs, it's obviously you who started it!

"Hmph, classmate Hua Ye is a liar, a paralyzed face, a pervert...you know how to bully me!"

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "Are you skinny again?"

"Warning, warning! The Lafite is under destruction..."

The dark-bellied girl on the other end of the phone had a charming voice, "Unless Hua Ye accompany me to the movies, I won't forgive you for saying that."

Chapter 686 is brother-in-law

"Student Hua Ye doesn't say anything, so it's your acquiescence?"

A delicate and pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone, like a little squirrel who successfully ate chestnuts.

However, in addition to acquiescing by not speaking, there is also the meaning of rejection, okay?Don't turn a blind eye to the second meaning!

"When do we go to the movies? How about Monday afternoon after school?"

"A lot of new movies have been released recently, and I really want to watch them."

"What are you looking at? It's such a headache..."

Why don't you feel a headache at all, but enjoy it instead!

Most of the time it was Rafael who was talking, Hua Ye just responded briefly, and the black-bellied girl didn't dislike her, she was still chirping like a lark.

It wasn't until the phone vibrated again that Hua Ye realized that the battery had bottomed out.

"How come? There was still some electricity just now..."

After glancing at the time, Hua Ye was shocked.

This phone call lasted more than [-] minutes without knowing it?

I feel like I haven't said any valuable information, how can I talk for so long!

"The phone is out of battery." Hua Ye snorted softly, "Is there anything else? If not, just hang up."

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