Hua Ye followed the prestige, and under the shade of a tree not far away, a dirty loli in a white princess dress trotted over. Her black hair fluttered gently in the air, like the wings of a butterfly, revealing a bit of graceful beauty. .

This filthy loli ran to Hua Ye's side, hugged Hua Ye's hand very familiarly, and then raised her face: "I miss you! (*^▽^*)"

Hua Ye was unmoved: "I just saw you last night."

"Let's go, let's go." Hinata automatically ignored Hua Ye's answer, "Buy a taiyaki for Lingna, buy apple candy for Xiao Ai and the others, and then buy a strawberry Daifuku for my sister, and we can go back. "

"You don't want it yourself?"

"No." Lolita pulled Hua Ye forward, "As long as brother Xiao Ye comes to see me, it's the best gift. (*^▽^*)"


I have to say that Hua Ye was really moved for a moment, but after a while, the filthy loli opened her eyes wide and said, "Brother Xiaoye, do you have anything to say to me?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

Lolita's small face suddenly showed a grievance expression of "how can this be so?", stretched out a slender finger, blinked and said, "Brother Xiaoye should be moved to tears at this time, and then he waved his hand generously and said, "You I'll buy you whatever you want, right?"


Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

One sentence moved me to tears, how low is the tear point!Even that idiot, Satania, wouldn't be able to cry just because of your words!Just now I thought you were a caring little angel, but in the blink of an eye you revealed the essence of a black-bellied little devil. Hurry up and give me back the touch! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

The dirty loli puffed up her cheeks: "Brother Xiaoye is playing with my feelings!"

"It's obvious that you are playing with my feelings!" Hua Ye was so angry that he vomited blood.

"Look at the naked girl's body, I have to be responsible..."

Shut up!The eyes of passers-by looking at it are all wrong!And that aunt, what kind of vigilant eyes do you have while holding the mobile phone? Even if the little fat guy you are holding is given to me for nothing, I won't take it!If you are vigilant against me, you should wipe his snot away!


The two bickered as they walked outside a shop.

"Hinata, good morning." The aunt seemed to know Lolita, and greeted her warmly, "Are you here for shopping?"

"Good morning, Aunt Suzuki." Lolita smiled sweetly, "I want two apple candies and one taiyaki."

"Wait a minute." The aunt went to get the apple candy while looking at Hua Ye, "Is this your distant brother?"

The dirty loli looked up at Hua Ye, a sly light flashed in her eyes, and she said solemnly, "It's not my brother, it's..."

"Then who is he?" The aunt looked at Hua Ye with vigilant eyes. There are more and more lolicon girls these days, and people often use some snacks or pocket money to lure ignorant little girls by taking advantage of their ignorance. , People's hearts are sinister, so we have to guard against them.

The more she looked, the more suspicious she became. Hinata lived in a shrine and rarely played with the children nearby. When we met before, she looked quiet, cute and polite. I had never seen her so intimate with a stranger. , and the object is still a boy...

Sure enough, there is a major suspicion of lolicon!

Seeing this aunt looking warily at the bench in the corner, Hua Ye was in a bad mood.

Fortunately, at this moment, Lolita finally said the last half of the sentence: "...It's brother-in-law."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and looked down: "When will I become your brother-in-law!"

I will be your brother-in-law, did your sister agree?

In the end, the aunt was even more speechless: "Oh, let me just say, I haven't heard that your shrine has distant relatives, as long as it's not a boyfriend, it's fine..."

Your sister's boyfriend!

Brother-in-law is still possible, but boyfriend is too much!But any normal person with a little bit of a bottom line would not lay hands on a ten-year-old Lolita, no matter whether Lolita is voluntary or forced, it is a crime!


After buying snacks and fruits, Hua Ye and Kohinata turned and walked to Chiba Shrine.

"Hua Jun, are you here?"

Miss Miko stood in the courtyard, wearing a red and white Miko robe, tied around her waist with a bright red ribbon, her waist was so slender that she could only hold it tightly, her ink-like hair was scattered behind her shoulders, When the wind blows, it flutters gently like a plum.

At this moment, he is holding an arrow in one hand and practicing in the courtyard facing the target, but there seems to be a slight melancholy lingering between his brows.

"It's not long since we arrived." Hua Ye nodded.

Miss Miko showed a slight smile on her face, and put down her bow and arrow: "Hinata misses you very much. I usually don't want to get up at seven o'clock, but I woke up at half past six today. After breakfast, I eagerly waited for you."

"What?" Poor Loli puffed up her cheeks, "Sister, you are the one. You obviously miss Brother Xiaoye, but you don't want to take the initiative to find him. I can't stand it anymore!"

Miss Miko blushed slightly, glared at her sister, and then said generously, "Hua Jun, you go to the backyard to play with Hinata first, I'll clean up here, and then go talk..."

Chapter 687 Catnip and Cat Ear Girl

Hua Ye walked to the backyard, and immediately there were two childish and soft voices of surprise: "Master!"

"The master has come and said!"

Two identical young maidservants ran up to Hua Ye, and stood together hand in hand, their timid appearance was enough to make any lolicon shout "loli saigao" for it.

It's a pity that Hua Ye is not a lolicon, so he just responded casually, and then passed the apple candy in his hand.

The eyes of the two young girls were shining, and they were about to reach out to pick them up, when the filthy loli next to them suddenly coughed lightly: "Hmm! Xiao Ai, Xiao Xia, how should I express my gratitude when I get a gift?"

The two young girls looked at each other, blushing:

"Still not?"

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