"It's very nervous to say."

Hinata shook his fingers, and said solemnly: "You should show your belly when you apologize, and dance the rabbit when you thank you. This is a family rule, don't forget it."

Hey, this family rule is too bad!It's not as simple and convenient as grabbing it directly on the knee!

The two young girls glanced at Hua Ye shyly, took two steps back hand in hand, clenched their fists, placed their hands above their heads, and then...

Then he turned his head to look at the dirty loli: "Miss Hinata, there is no song, I can't dance..."

"You idiot." Lolita looked up at Hua Ye, "Brother Xiao Ye, can you lend me your phone?"

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone and handed it to Hinata.

As the music played, the two young maids blushed and danced slowly to the beat of the music. They said they were dancing, which meant blinking their eyes, pouting their mouths, wiggling their little buttocks and circling around from time to time. What a pity. This is a world of looks, as long as she looks cute, even if she dances well, she will definitely attract a lot of fans.

Hua Ye was very sure that if this scene was filmed, he would definitely be able to exchange for several love bentos from Wei Nai...

After the dance, the two young girls approached Hua Ye blushingly, and held each other's hands awkwardly, like soldiers waiting for the leader to review.

Hua Ye thought for a while and gave an evaluation: "Not bad."

"Thank you master!"

The two young girls held up the skirts of the maid outfits to thank them, but they still stood there helplessly and did not leave.


"Wait for Brother Xiaoye to touch your head." Poor Loli puffed her mouth beside her, "If you touch someone else, you have to touch ours."

Hua Ye was speechless, he raised his hand, and the two young girls shrank their heads timidly. After Hua Ye took the picture, they ran away giggling with apple candy.


When the two little maids ran away, Lolita came closer, with a sly smile on her face, and whispered, "Brother Xiaoye, I recently discovered that Lingna is super fun."

"Are you going to play a prank again?" Hua Ye squinted, always bullying Lingna, even a useless or lazy cat has a temper.

"I didn't bully you." Lolita took out something from her pocket and quietly handed it to Hua Ye, "Just let Lingna smell this later, and Lingna will become very interesting to say."


Hua Ye looked down and was speechless immediately.

This thing is catnip spray, right?

It must be!

Catnip is a very magical thing. It can not only lure cats, but also tigers. In circuses, animal trainers usually use catnip to appease violent tigers...but catnip is used to lure cat-eared girls , are you sure there is no problem?

Hinata turned around and ran to Catwoman, took out half a biscuit: "Lina, I ate the biscuit meow."


Ling Na sniffed her nose, didn't open her eyes, but just opened her mouth, waiting for the filthy loli to feed her, she is indeed a lazy cat.

With half a biscuit in the mouth, Catwoman soon showed a super comfortable expression on her face, but it's a pity that only half a biscuit is not enjoyable.

"I still want to eat meow." Ling Na opened her eyes.

"No more." Poor Loli spread her hands, turned her head and pointed to Hua Ye who was sitting on the chair, "There is still half of it at brother Xiaoye's place, go get it yourself."

As a monster, the need for spiritual energy is much greater than that of humans. Upon hearing this, Catwoman stood up sleepily from the cardboard box and walked limply to Hua Ye's side.

"Biscuits, Linna wants meow."

"Brother Xiaoye, hurry up!" Lolita made a gesture from behind.

Hua Ye silently took out the catnip spray, and the confused expression on Catwoman's face quickly turned into OVO, her eyes were wide open, but her azure blue pupils began to slacken slightly, as if she saw something indescribable in the void .

"It seems that it is indeed effective for cat demons..."

Just after Hua Ye completed the verification, he heard a super soft meow that could drown a person: "Meow~~"

And then this cat-eared girl jumped into Hua Ye's arms!

The waist at the hand is extremely slender, and the body is amazingly soft, as if it has no bones. There is a large scarlet blush on the small face that can be broken by blowing bullets. It is obvious that no cosmetics are used, but the pink lips are more delicate than cherry blossoms. Gently open and close, like a fish thrown onto the shore, the breath coming out of its mouth is very hot, and it also has the sweet taste of milk...

Even though they have evolved into cat monsters, they are just greedy for food and sleep, so why are they still so sensitive to catnip!The reaction is even more exaggerated than the big meow who sucked catnip!

The cat-eared lady completely ignored Hua Ye's disgusted eyes, and rubbed back and forth in Hua Ye's arms.

It's nothing more than rubbing, but he opened his small mouth with blurred eyes, wanting to bite Hua Ye's finger.

Hua Ye refused to bite, so she opened her mouth and chased after him, as if she would never give up if she couldn't bite her mouth.

Hey, this is a finger, not a cat teaser for teasing you!

Finger biting is an instinctive reaction of the body after inhaling catnip, but Linna's own consciousness is between sober and confused, and she can see a look of grievance and pleading in her eyes from time to time.

"Let me bite meow."

"Just meow."

"I'm going to die without fingers, meow!"


The petite and slender body rubbed back and forth in the arms, the soft and delicate touch like silky milk chocolate was quite good, but just because it was so good, Hua Ye felt a sense of shame!

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