Fucking Igarashi is because she loses her temper from time to time and doesn't go to the house for three days. She needs to be adjusted and taught frequently, but there is no valid reason to crack Hoshinoxia.

It's lunch break and the hallway is pretty quiet.

Hua Ye didn't intend to go back to the classroom, but was going to sit in the club activity room for a while. When he passed the classroom, he happened to see a bob-haired girl sitting on a seat alone eating a bento.

Kitano Haruka also happened to see Hua Ye who was walking to the window, and suddenly trembled with fright. All the rice balls in his hand fell on the table, and he hurriedly lowered his head and pretended to sleep without wiping the rice grains from the corner of his mouth.


It's too late to pretend to sleep at this time!Can you stop being so dumb!

Hua Ye sighed, turned around and walked towards the club activity room.

Open the door and enter, everyone is already inside.

Rafael and Alice were reading by the window, Gabriel was lying on the sofa in a salted fish position and playing with a handheld device, Wei Nai was doing homework, and Machiko had something to do with the student union, so she didn't come over, as for Satania and Liuhua...

What the hell!

What are you two doing?

I can't bear to look straight at it!

"Student Hua Ye, why are you here now?" Lafayette closed the book in her hand, her silver hair shone with holy brilliance in the sun, and she asked gracefully with a smile.

Hua Ye was very sure that if it wasn't for the crowds in the club activity room, this black-bellied girl would have turned into detective Lafite, and she would come here to smell it.

"Igarashi just invited me to lunch." Hua Ye said honestly.

Of course, the fact that the legal loli deliberately killed her, and then he slapped her again, will not be revealed.

"Compared to this..." Hua Ye pointed to Liuhua and Silly Meow who were sitting side by side, "What are they doing?"

"I'm licking a lollipop." Satania picked up a pen and wrote something seriously on the notepad, taking time to show a bright smile.

The smile is clean and bright, like the blue sky outside the window, making people feel refreshed when they see it... It's a pity that it's just a smirk no matter how you look at it.

Especially after seeing what the two of them do.

Hua Ye was expressionless: "I'm asking what you two are doing?"

"Just licking a lollipop."

My eyes are fine, of course I can see that you two are licking lollipops!

But the problem is that if two people lick the same lollipop, what kind of trouble is it?Are you so poor that you can't even afford two lollipops!

"Because I want to know how many times to lick the lollipop from one side to the center of the lollipop." Liuhua swayed the hair on the top of her head, and added an explanation beside it.


Hua Ye was immediately shocked.

Two people licking the same lollipop in a serious manner, just to verify this kind of boring question?

I always thought that idiots who lick daggers covered in poison and then poison themselves to death would only appear in TV dramas, but I didn't expect that they also existed in reality!But when you think about it, Satania used to contain light bulbs in the supermarket back then. Compared to those dreamers who only talk, you two are obviously 'doers'. Congratulations!

"Then why do you both lick the same lollipop?" Hua Ye squinted his eyes, "It's fine for each of you not to have one lollipop."

Liuhua took the lollipop, stretched out her pink tongue, licked it lightly a few times, and then replied, "If you lick it alone, your tongue will become sore, right?"

It won't be sour, okay?

As we all know, the tongue is not a muscle, but a flexible matrix composed of eight independent muscles intertwined with each other. This structure is similar to the tentacles of an octopus or the trunk of an elephant. It is necessary to use the tongue when talking and eating. Talk a lot, eat so many snacks, and I haven't seen any of you who are too tired to open your mouth or speak!

Hua Ye turned to look at Wei Nai, "You didn't care about them?"

Wei Nai turned her head to look out the window with some guilt.

"It's just licking a lollipop, it's really nothing..."

If it was normal, Wei Nai would definitely take care of it, but it was only on the news with Hua Ye on Saturday, and it has only been two days since, with all kinds of guilt and lack of confidence, so in the end she didn't speak to stop it.

Raphael will only watch the show by the side and enjoy the fun of tax evasion.

Alice followed Raphael's lead.

As for Gabriel...a useless cat, let's not mention it.


Hua Ye found a chair and sat down, took out his mobile phone to watch the news, but his eyes were attracted by Satania and Liuhua from time to time.

Two beautiful girls got together and licked the same lollipop with the tip of their pink and tender tongues. If they were seen by others, someone would definitely say, "It's better to live than a lollipop", "Okay!" Want to be that lollipop", "let go of that lollipop, let me do it" or something like that?

My feet itch slightly.

Rafael quietly retracted her legs, pretending to continue reading the book, but puffed up her cheeks when others were not paying attention: "Student Hua Ye is drooling, must be thinking of becoming that lollipop? Pervert Jun."

Well, I will mark you down again in the small book.

After a while, Satania and Liuhua finally licked half of the lollipop.

"Finally finished!" Liuhua licked her lower lip, the hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side, in a happy mood, "It turns out that it takes about a thousand times to lick the candy stick."

"What, I'm not tired at all..." Satania took the lollipop that was still half left, and handed it to Hua Ye, "Do you want the attendant?"

eat you uncle!

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