Not to mention that the lollipop is full of saliva from the two of you, and Wei Nai and the others are still around, the only end of the promise is to be despised to death by all kinds of eyes!


It's time for school.

Although the school bell rang, not many people left. After all, the weekend is the school festival, and there are still many things to prepare.

"Student Hua Ye, go to the drama club to rehearse." Wei Nai shouted.


Hua Ye would never have participated in a drama performance, whether it was blowing up the school or being absent every day like Gabriel, there are always countless ways to get out.

However, Wei Nai said that drama performance is a very meaningful experience. Maybe there is only such an opportunity in the whole high school. If you miss it, you will definitely regret it, so don’t leave any regrets. You must actively participate in class activities and contribute to a harmonious class...

Well, chicken broth is useless.

Compared with fake things like harmonious classes, Hua Ye likes more substantive rewards.

One afternoon last week.

"Shall I bring you a lunch box?"


"Buy you clothes?"


Wei Nai pursed her lips: "Then what do you want?"

Hua Ye made a request: "Just give me time for a song."

"I always feel like you're thinking about something bad..."


In short, the reason why Hua Ye participated in this drama performance is that the treaty signed by Wei Nai to lose power and humiliate the country played a decisive role. As for what the time of a song can do... Hua Ye didn't say anything, otherwise he would definitely be ignored by all kinds of people. Violence.

Chapter 696 Drama Rehearsal

The associations in island countries are generally divided into two categories: sports department and cultural department.

Needless to say, the Department of Physical Education is mainly about sports clubs, such as football clubs, tennis clubs, track and field clubs, etc. To rehearse a drama, you need to report to the drama club. The advantage is that you can borrow costumes and props, and have seniors to guide you .

" are here."

A red-haired girl in a white shirt and plaid skirt with a tear mole at the corner of her eye waved the manuscript in her hand.

"Good afternoon, Senior Sister Kimura." Wei Nai took a step forward, "I'm going to trouble you again."

Fumino Kimura.

She is a sophomore in high school and a key member of the drama club. She likes to tie her clothes around her waist as skirts. She has short hair with a shawl, probably because she likes sports very much. Her complexion is a healthy wheat color. When she smiles, she can see With a playful little canine tooth, coupled with pretty appearance, hearty and generous, very popular in school... The current intersection is in charge of directing this drama.

"Just call me Fumino-senpai." The senior sister waved her hand, with a sunny smile on her face, "The school festival is held on the weekend, and there are still five days of rehearsal time. To be honest, it's a bit short, so more serious practice is needed. It's..."

"I don't need makeup for the time being, but I can change the props and costumes first, and then let's rehearse first to see what needs to be improved..."

Senior sister acted resolutely, leading Hua Ye and the others to the locker room while flipping through the script in her hand.

"I like your shows more. Compared with Momotaro, Romeo and Juliet, Cancan and other shows, they are more fresh and have a sense of expectation..."

The rehearsal program was "Dragon Quest" that Liuhua raised her hands in class. Because it was very gimmick, it was voted by an absolute overwhelming majority in the class voting

Anyway, for most girls who eat melons, they don't need them to perform on stage. It's just good to watch a show while eating popcorn below. Naturally, watching the excitement is not a big deal.

In terms of actors.

Machiko has a lot of things to do in the student union, and she really can't get away, so she doesn't have a role in it.

As for Gabriel's useless angel—acting is impossible, there are so many dungeons waiting to be brushed, super busy, okay?

Then, under Hua Ye's firm opposition, he successfully changed his identity from a brave man to an evil dragon... For evil dragons or something, it would be most suitable for Thor and Kang Na to act. join.

In fact, for Hua Ye, it doesn't matter what role he plays. The problem is that the brave man has too many lines and too many scenes, which is really troublesome, and the boss only needs to make his final appearance, which is simple and straightforward.

Satania wanted to snatch the role of the final boss, but unfortunately, her silly appearance was already well known by the whole school, so forcing her to play the boss might have the opposite effect of being a laughing stock. ...So let her be Hua Ye's No. [-] dog leg.

As a boss, how can he do it without the help of his subordinates?

Then there's the brave.

The brave man is the protagonist of this play, and he needs a certain level of acting ability. Introverted or stage-frightened people really can’t do it. Otherwise, halfway through the performance, he would forget his lines because of nervousness, or he would memorize the book dryly, and he didn’t know where to put his hands and feet. , it is a bit embarrassing.

To sum up, Liuhua became the last hero.

Secondary school girls never suffer from stage fright, and the more shameful the lines, the more excited they are, so there is no need to worry about fainting due to shame exploding.

Wei Nai can play the role of the princess, but she is too ashamed, so she refuses to agree no matter what. She is only willing to play a witch who guides the brave.

So who will play the princess became the focus of debate among all the melon-eating girls, and everyone refused to accept anyone, and finally a melon-eating girl had an idea and made a suggestion

"Why do you have to rob the princess? This routine is too old, we can let the dragon rob the prince!"

As a result, the proposal received enthusiastic response and unanimous praise.


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