Hua Ye quickly changed into the scarlet cloak that the boss needs to wear, took a black trident by the way, and finished the change.

Playing the boss in a dinosaur suit?

Don't be kidding, just look at those anime and you will know that there is a market for cute or handsome looks, and no one will support them when they grow into dinosaurs.

After changing their clothes, Hua Ye and Shi Zhi looked at each other, speechless.

After waiting for a while, Satania and Liuhua came out.

The character played by Wei Nai is a witch, so she is wearing a witch's cloak and holding a staff in her hand. She is blushing at the moment and walks in the end tremblingly, looking surprisingly cute.

Liuhua wears a forehead protector, holds a sword in one hand, and is full of middle two.

Satania held a wand, raised her head and chest, and walked in the front.

"Have you memorized the lines last weekend?" the senior sister asked while holding the script.

"I know it by heart." Wei Nai replied.

Liuhua and Satania faltered, unable to speak.

The senior sister glanced at the two of them, clapped her hands and said, "I haven't memorized it by heart, go back and work hard, let's go for a try first..."

Scene [-]: The ignorant prince went out to play, and the evil black hand fell from the sky

Hua Ye walked into the arena slowly, the cloak behind his back was windless and automatic, and his voice was low, full of the majesty of a superior: "You are mine now."

Well, that's the end of the lines.

A boss who talks too much nonsense is never a good boss. It is only right to arrest people when they should be arrested, and leave after arresting them.

It's just that such a shameful line is so troublesome!

Who wrote the script?

You come out, I promise not to kill you!

"Very good." The senior put her hand on her chest and looked at Hua Ye with sparkling eyes. "This junior is very suitable to play the villain. His eyes are indifferent and melancholy. He perfectly fits the character who is good-looking and doesn't talk too much. The image of the villain..."

Hey, hey, the villain only needs people who don't talk too much, right?

What's wrong with being good-looking!

"Don't go!" Liuhua jumped out, pointing at the edge of the sword obliquely, and the hair on the top of his head swayed from side to side, "How dare you grab an ignorant boy in broad daylight!"

So who wrote such a bad line!

"Heh heh heh, stupid brave man, if you want to catch up with the attendant, you have to pass my level first!" Satania put one hand on her face, half of her cheek was covered in the shadow of the cloak, and let out a burst of laughter. The iconic smirk.

Did you forget the first line?

The fight begins.

After a period of you and me at the elementary school level, the hero played by Liuhua succeeded in defeat.

"Hmph, weak brave man, with your current strength alone, you can't defeat me at all!" Satania put one hand on her face, posing as if I were no match for you, "Go back and practice for another ten years!" !"

So stupid!

Stupid as hell!

At this time, cutting the grass and roots is the last word, is it really good to let the enemy go casually!

Then Wei Nai came on the stage, guiding Liuhua as a mysterious witch.

So Liuhua embarked on the road to find the artifact, among which Satania jumped out from time to time to defeat Liuhua, and after a taunt, fled away again.

Hua Ye stood aside expressionlessly, without any fluctuations in his heart.

What if the subordinates are too stupid?

Would it be good to have a snap?

Online and so on, urgent.

Chapter 697

After rehearsing the play, the senior sister highly praised everyone's enthusiasm for the performance, and then waved mercilessly to let Wei Nai, Liuhua and Satania stay and continue practicing.

"Why do you two always add drama to yourself!"

"This is called improvisation..." Liuhua retorted softly.

The senior sister rolled up the manuscript in her hand, and she was about to strike: "You even called the wrong name and improvised!"

Liuhua crouched with her head in her arms.

"Don't laugh too." The senior sister turned to look at Satania, "Why did you recite so many lines wrong?"

"Because I forgot after reciting it..."

The senior sister was taken aback. It was obvious that she hadn't seen such an honest person for a long time. On the contrary, she chuckled, and then quickly put on a straight face: "Then continue to memorize it. There is no problem with proper performance. Changing the lines randomly will make others at a loss!"

"And you, Wei Nai." The senior sister pointed to Jiang Shan and lashed out at Fang Qiu, "You are a witch now, don't be so gentle when you speak, and express your momentum with your eyes..."

Hua Ye has passed the test once, and he didn't want to watch these idiots' training again, so he turned around and left first.

"Student Hua Ye!"

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