As soon as he walked out of the school gate, there was a delicate shout.

A certain black-bellied girl who was squatting jumped out from behind the tree: "Let's go, let's go to the movies!"

"What if I refuse?"

Rafael blinked, put his hands behind his back, circled around Hua Ye, and muttered: "Watch a movie, watch a movie, watch a movie, watch a movie..."

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "It's so annoying."

"The essence of human beings is a repeater." The black-bellied girl said solemnly, "Student Hua Ye refused to agree to me, so I kept reciting the magic spell..."

What the hell is the curse?

"Do you think you're Tang Sanzang, and I'm Monkey Sun!" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining.

"No." Raphael stretched out a finger, "The Buddha will also cast a curse?"

Hey, what do you mean by that?Do you compare yourself to Buddha?The Buddha can suppress you with one finger!

"Watch a movie, watch a movie, watch a movie..."

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, "If you don't shut up, I'll slap you."


After Huaye and Rafael left, a car drove up without a sound, the window rolled down, and Alice, who was wearing a pair of large toad mirrors, poked her head out of the window: "It really is Let's go to the movies together... Let's go to the movie theater and wait!"

"Yes, Miss Alice." The driver replied respectfully.

Alice pouted and muttered to herself, "I saw Master Bai Yu secretly ordering movie tickets with his mobile phone this morning... He must be going to the movies with that guy, otherwise he wouldn't have deliberately dismissed me! "

"Watching a movie together is the most dangerous thing!"

"When the lights are turned off, what if that guy wants to touch Master Bai Yu?"

"Sir Bai Yu must not dare to resist, right? Maybe he will be bullied and cry."

"So leave the important task of protecting Master Bai Yu to me!"


Cinema box office.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Hua Ye asked casually.

"Well, I originally wanted to watch "Ready Player One", but there are so many people, the tickets are all booked..." The black-bellied girl showed an expression of 'unhappy', and changed the subject, "So let's watch horror movies? "

Why would the next best thing be to watch a horror movie!And have you mistaken your identity? Generally, it is boys who suggest watching horror movies!

"Oops!" The black-bellied girl suddenly raised her hand and tapped on her head, closed one eye, and said maliciously, "Because the movie theater is doing a promotional event, if you book couple tickets, you can get a I I ordered two couple tickets, Hua Ye won't mind, right?"

"You've already made an order, so I asked if I would mind?" Hua Ye was speechless.

"It's fun to cut first and play later." Raphael stuck out the tip of her pink tongue, "Then please ask the satyr to buy popcorn and Coke?"

Hua Ye snorted: "What are you calling me?"

"Hey, student Hua Ye, do you want to listen to it again?" The black-bellied girl raised the two movie tickets in her hand, and leaned closer to Hua Ye's ear, her voice was so delicate and soft that it made people's ears itch, "Boy, friend, Friends, Jun?"



"How many theaters did Lord Bai Yu enter just now?"

Alice stood behind a column in the hall, and continued to fight.

"Cinema No. [-]." The female bodyguard in a suit replied.

"Cinema No. [-]..." Alice stood on her tiptoes and searched around, her ponytails trembled suddenly, "Ho, is it a horror movie?"

This short bean is very timid, otherwise, he would not dare to talk back to Hua Ye only when Rafael was by his side.

Now that Hua Ye and Raphael were actually watching a horror movie, they immediately hesitated.

But the hesitation was quickly replaced by a touch of determination.

"Wow, I actually brought Master Bai Yu to watch a horror movie. I definitely hope that Master Bai Yu will scream in fright, and then you can take the opportunity to do such and such obscene things to Master Bai Yu!"

Alice clenched her pink fist and waved her small hand: "Go and help me book a ticket behind Master Bai Yu, I want to keep an eye on that guy!"

"Yes, Miss." The female bodyguard dutifully booked the ticket, and then suggested, "Shall I go in with you?"

"Why, why do you want you to accompany me?" Alice couldn't help taking a step back.

"Aren't you afraid of horror movies?"

"No road race! I'm not afraid of watching horror movies!" Alice bit her lower lip, shook her head violently, and her twin ponytails drew golden arcs in the air.

It would be fine if he just followed up without saying a word, but he actually said that he was afraid of watching horror movies... How could he admit such a shameful thing!


Because it was Monday, there were not many audiences in the cinema. Looking around, less than one-third of the seats were occupied, which seemed a bit empty and deserted.

Hua Ye put down the popcorn, sat down and waited quietly for the movie to start, but the black-bellied girl next to him obviously didn't intend to spend time quietly.

"I'm hungry..." the pitiful voice sounded.

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