Hua Ye squinted, "And then?"

"Because I've been looking forward to watching a movie with Hua Ye since the morning, so I haven't eaten much, and I'm so hungry now..."

Hua Ye was unmoved: "The popcorn is here."

"Um...can you ask classmate Hua Ye to feed me popcorn?" The black-bellied girl folded her hands together, her eyes shone brightly, "The Lafite might sink if it doesn't get energy replenishment!"

"You don't know how to eat yourself?" Hua Ye looked disgusted.

"But classmate Hua Ye feeds you sweeter."

"They are all popcorn popped at the same time, how could there be any difference!"

"There is a difference." Rafael closed one eye and tilted his head slightly, "Because the heart will be sweeter."


Hua Ye was so entangled that he had no choice but to pick up a piece of popcorn. No need to ask, this black-bellied girl just opened her pink lips: "Ah——"

After feeding this black-bellied girl some popcorn, Hua Ye said with a straight face:

"Eat the rest by yourself."

"Well, sure enough, classmate Hua Ye's popcorn tastes sweeter."

Sweet girl, this is the first one you eat, okay?There is no comparison, how can it be sweeter!

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand: "Here."


Rafael blinked, and then... then put his chin on Hua Ye's hand, chewing the popcorn with his mouth full, his bright eyes like autumn water looked up, and his voice was slightly Vaguely, "What's wrong?"

Your sister, who told you to put your chin on my hand!

"I want you to pass me the Coke!" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, although the silky milk chocolate-like smooth touch from the palm of his hand was very good, but the anger did not subside, on the contrary, it was getting bigger and bigger. .

at the same time.

A few rows behind Hua Ye and Rafael, a few golden hairs poked out from behind the seats: "Look at—"

"Damn guy! To force Master Bai Yu to eat popcorn, you really are bullying Master Bai Yu!"

"Hmph, just wait! Once you make a move on Master Bai Yu, I will take a picture with the camera. When I have a handle, let's see if you dare to bully Master Bai Yu and me!"

Thinking of his pride, the little bean even snickered triumphantly.

After a while.

The movie officially begins.

And then... Then Alice regretted it.

The movie is terrible, mom I want to go home!

Blade Bounty!

Yes, I have the audacity to beg for blades again...

Last month, except for the three days at the end of the month, the rest were updated three times a day, but the update time was not fixed, so I didn’t break my promise to add updates or something (I guess no one found out that I updated 21 words last month, right?)

In the past few days at the beginning of the month, I feel weak and weak, and I feel that once I relax, I can no longer get hard again, so everyone should throw razor blades to motivate me.

Two hundred blades plus one change.

At that time, you can go to the group to urge more...

that's all.

Thank you all, I love you all!

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Chapter 698 Feed, feed, feed!

"Crack, click."

While eating the popcorn with relish, Rafael commented: "Sure enough, the popcorn fed by classmate Hua Ye is more delicious..."

"You have to touch your conscience when you speak." Hua Ye complained expressionlessly.

The black-bellied girl blinked her eyes, pointed at her chin with a green onion: "But what if I can't touch my conscience?"


Hua Ye turned his gaze and landed on the chest of this dark-bellied girl... Well, I really can't touch my conscience.

"Big boobs and no brains."

"Mr. pervert."

"Who do you call a pervert?"

"Oh, this movie looks very good..." The corners of her thin lips curled up, and Raphael decisively changed the subject, "What do you think, Hua Ye?"

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