What a great place!

The audience is less than one-third, and there are many people chatting, biting their ears, playing with mobile phones, and even sleeping. No one is watching the movie seriously, okay?

Although from time to time a girl screamed in a dignified way, but whether it was because of the horror in the movie or to arouse the protective desire of the male partner around her, it is not known.


A terrifying picture flashed across the screen.

Scattered exclamations resounded in the cinema again.

Rafael blinked her eyes, opened her mouth suddenly, and let out a coquettish exclamation: "Ah..."

It's a pity that there is no trace of fear in the voice, but the joy in the eyes is almost overflowing.

The black-bellied girl hugged Hua Ye's arm: "It's just scary."

"Scary your sister!" Hua Ye's eyes were filled with disgust, and he couldn't help complaining, "You can turn the other party into scum with a single holy light!"

Hua Ye was so angry that he took another sip of Coke to suppress his fire.

A fragrant hand suddenly reached out to his mouth: "Student Hua Ye, open your mouth."

"what are you doing?"

Rafael tilted his head slightly, a pool of silver hair flowing down from his shoulders: "Drinking Coke on an empty stomach is not good for the stomach, so why don't you eat a piece of popcorn?"

"I can eat myself." Hua Ye leaned back slightly.

"At least let me feed one, just one, just one."


After feeding Hua Ye a piece of popcorn, Rafael turned her head in satisfaction: "Speaking of which, why do female ghosts in horror movies always have disheveled hair?"

"In order to give full play to the brain power of the audience."


Hua Ye said casually: "Fear comes from the unknown. When people can't see the other person's appearance clearly, people will make brain supplements according to their own intentions."

For example, seeing the back of a long-haired person on the street, ordinary people will automatically make up the other person's brain as a beautiful woman. In fact, the other person may be an old man carrying a mop.

In the same way, a female ghost with disheveled hair will give people a 'scary' signal. Under the stimulation of this signal, they will have a feeling of fear and curiosity... If the hair is neatly combed and the eyebrows are more beautiful, the fear will be greater. Not to mention, maybe you will want to slap the other party instead.

"Open your mouth."

A popcorn was brought to his mouth again.

Hua Ye squinted.

"Food tastes better if it's shared." Rafael said with a smile, "So Hua Ye, should I have another one?"


After a while.

Another popcorn was handed to Hua Ye's mouth.

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "What's the reason this time?"

"Hmm..." The black-bellied girl closed one eye and stuck out the tip of her tongue, "There's no reason, I just like watching Hua Ye eat... Don't, don't bite my fingers!"


Alice regretted it.

She was timid, and never dared to watch horror movies alone. Now, for the sake of confidentiality, she chose a seat very far back. As a result, there was no one around or behind her.

It just so happens that this movie is another horror movie with movie theaters as the main scene. A brief overview of the plot is that an actress who plays a female ghost was bullied during her lifetime, and finally died of overwork during filming. Drill out to find the audience a revenge story.

So after a while, Alice felt that her surroundings became quite lively, as if countless pairs of eyes were staring at her from all directions...

"Damn it! Movies are all fake, fake!" The little bean clenched his fists and cheered himself up, "There are still so many people sitting in the movie theater, what's so scary!"

It's a pity that the stammering tone and trembling tone showed that this self-deception was useless.

"That female ghost is real. Why did you have to start killing people from the back row? People sitting in the back row ate your rice or drank your water?"

Alice tried to divert her attention by making complaints. She picked up the Coke and stared at Hua Ye in front of her puffed cheeks: "Hmph, wait! As long as you dare to touch Master Baiyu, I will capture you. Time to let you go east... ah!"

There was a sharp scream.

The horror scene on the big screen made Alice tremble. The Coke in the glass spilled out, and accidentally wet the skirt. The cold Coke flowed down, and even the stockings around her thighs were not spared. Alice bit her lower lip bitterly.

"Damn! Even a cup of Coke is against me!"

Alice lowered her head and took out a bag of tissues from her backpack, ready to suck the Coke on her lap, but when she looked up, another scary scene flashed on the big screen, scaring the little bean screaming again, panicked Holding his head, the result was that he bumped his head against the armrest of the chair, and tears were streaming down instantly.

"The cry just now seems a little familiar?" Raphael turned his head to look.

Hua Ye said calmly:

"Alice is sitting right behind us."

"Eh, Alice?" Raphael thought for a while, and quickly understood, "It must be that she saw me ordering movie tickets with my mobile phone in the morning..."

The black-bellied girl blinked at Hua Ye, stretched out a green finger, puffed up her cheeks and said, "No wonder Hua Ye didn't bully me, it turned out that she was afraid of being raped by Alice..."

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