"It has nothing to do with her, okay!" Hua Ye's face was full of dark lines.

What's so scary about that little bean?

Grab the handle and threaten yourself?

Tortoise armor bound to understand.

And what the hell is catching rape?She came to watch the movie openly and aboveboard, but how could she become an adulterer or a lover!

Seeing Hua Ye's fierce gaze, Raphael quickly admitted his mistake: "I was wrong!"

The black-bellied girl clasped her hands together, and said pitifully, "Student Hua Ye, go and call Alice over to watch a movie together? She's timid, and she'll be very scared if she's alone in the back."

"Why don't you shout?"

"It's not convenient for me to go out while I'm sitting inside." Raphael's eyes shone brightly, and he said softly, "Student Hua Ye, go quickly, and I will give you a reward after completing the task."

Hua Ye half-closed his eyes, and said expressionlessly, "I don't know why, but I suddenly feel very uncomfortable."

"Illusion, it's all an illusion!" Raphael looked away.

Boyfriend tuning, teaching manual, find out.

Chapter 699 Touching the Head Achievement+1

"But, damn it! You even bully me with chairs!"

Alice covered her forehead, raised her head with tears in her eyes, but saw a figure standing silently in front of her. She thought it was a ghost from the movie that had come to reality, and she screamed in fright.


Just as the scream came out, a hand covered his mouth.

(To, to die!)

(The female ghost in the movie actually appeared!)

(Master Baiyu and that pervert, hurry up and save me!)

"Don't call."

A calm voice sounded.

"I've met a ghost, how could I hold back the screams!" Alice complained subconsciously in her heart, and then she felt that the voice next to her ears was very familiar. She blinked her teary eyes, and then she saw Hua Ye's face clearly On the face, the fear and fear just now dissipated, replaced by grievance.

Super wronged.

"You, you pretend to be a ghost to scare me?!"

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "Who pretended to be a ghost to scare you, obviously you were scaring yourself, okay?"

"Anyway, anyway, you did it on purpose!"

"Get up." Hua Ye was not interested in bickering, wiped the drool on his hands, turned around and prepared to go back, "Lafite asked you to sit in front."

"Wait, wait a minute..."

The voice as thin as a mosquito sounded from behind.

This short bean ding's face was flushed, one hand was pressing on the hem of the skirt, and his eyes were turned to one side. He said eagerly, "I want to go to the bathroom..."


Hua Ye's eyes moved down, and after seeing the water stains on the tight white silk that was slightly flesh-colored, he gently pulled the corner of his mouth.

"What are you thinking!" Alice frowned immediately, "It's not that you peed out of fear!"

I didn't say that you were scared to pee, it was clearly you who said it yourself, okay?

"It's Coke. I accidentally spilled Coke on my skirt just now!" Alice hurriedly explained, "If you don't believe me, smell it, it really smells like Coke."

"No." Hua Ye shook his head decisively with disgust in his eyes.

"You...you nasty pervert!"

Hua Ye raised his face: "Where am I being obscene?"

"You..." Alice originally wanted to say, 'You must think it's that kind of thing', but unfortunately she was too thin-skinned, and she was too embarrassed to say so, so she changed her mouth and said, "You once bound me with a tortoise shell, isn't it obscene? "

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, and said expressionlessly: "I recently learned the upgraded version of the tortoise shell binding. It seems that you want to know more about it?"


"I'm going to the bathroom..."

Alice didn't dare to talk back anymore, the upgraded version of the tortoise shell binding, it sounds like a super bad thing, right?

"Go by yourself." Hua Ye was unmoved.

"I-I'm afraid..."

The word 'fear' came to her lips, but she couldn't say it no matter what. The girl with twin ponytails turned her head and snorted softly: "Hmph, I want you to accompany me!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "I should ask Lafite for this kind of matter, right?"


It was only then that Alice remembered that she could call Rafael to go with her, but if she said something, if she changed her words in a blink of an eye, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

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