So the little bean took a deep breath and prepared to hold on to the end: "Don't disturb Master Baiyu watching the movie, just go with me..."

Hua Ye looked at her tearful blue eyes mixed with grievance and pleading, and finally sighed: "Let's go."

Alice quickly stood up, covered the hem of her skirt with her hands, and followed Hua Ye with a guilty conscience.

Just at this time, the terrifying screams of ghosts came from a nearby speaker, which made the girl with ponytails tremble, and hurriedly hugged Hua Ye's hand.

"Look, what are you looking at?" Seeing Hua Ye looking down, Alice's face was reddish, and she said like a small animal with a pointed mouth, "Just pulling you away to prevent you from bumping into others!"

Who is pulling whom!Is it really good for you to talk nonsense with your eyes open!

After arriving in the brightly lit hall, Alice finally breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that she had been holding onto Hua Ye's hand tightly all the way, she hurriedly threw it away, turned her head and hummed, "Hands are so big, how disgusting!"

It's just that when she spoke, there was a large and seductive blush on her face.

"Wait a minute." Hua Ye suddenly shouted.

"You, what are you doing?" Alice took a step back nervously.

"Your forehead is swollen."

Alice reached out and touched her forehead, and found that the place where she hit the armrest before was swollen. It was painful and swollen, and she burst into tears: "What should I do? Will I smash my head and become an idiot?"

You are already very stupid now!

"Don't worry." Hua Ye beckoned, "I'll just rub it for you."

"Oh..." Alice had also heard the name of Hua Ye's 'Old Chinese Medicine', so she walked obediently to Hua Ye's side, raised her cute little face as white as jade, and her long eyelashes fell finely on her face. film.

"You, take it easy." A pitiful voice sounded.


"It hurts..."

"Just a little pain will be fine."

"Liar, big liar, why does it still hurt so much?"

"Because you know too much."

After a while, Hua Ye withdrew his hand, "Okay."

Alice reached out to touch her forehead, and sure enough, the swollen lump just disappeared, and the throbbing pain also disappeared. After hesitating for a moment, she turned her head and looked aside: "Thank you, thank you..."

As soon as the words fell, the little bean hurriedly said: "Shall we go to the bathroom?"

"Wait a minute." Hua Ye said again.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Alice blinked curiously, and then saw Hua Ye stretched out his right hand, landed directly on the top of her head, and began to stroke it gently.


The short Douding's face immediately showed a happy expression like a cat being stroked, but unfortunately it only lasted for a short while, and then hurried away, his little face flushed: "You you you you you, what are you doing?"

"It's okay." Hua Ye withdrew his hand, his blonde hair was as smooth as silk, as if he was stroking a cat.

Touching the head achieves hi +1.

"Hmph, don't think that once you help me, you have the right to touch your head...Only Master Baiyu can touch!" Alice's face flushed, and her twin ponytails were bouncing back and forth.

"No touch."

Alice turned her head to look at Hua Ye, then quickly looked away, and snorted arrogantly: "If you beg me, I can consider letting you touch me again..."

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "Shut up, hurry up and go to the bathroom."


Walking outside the bathroom, Alice stopped at the entrance, with a pair of blue eyes turned to the side, her mouth slightly pouted, and asked in a low voice, " won't leave me alone, will you?"

"No." Hua Ye shook his head. There was really no sense of expectation for the movie, so naturally there was no need to rush back.

"Hmph, then wait for me to come out."

Alice snorted softly, turned around and walked into the bathroom, and she could clearly see the joy in her light footsteps, so that two golden ponytails drew dazzling arcs in the air.

Hua Ye took two steps away, took out his mobile phone, and browsed the news to pass the time.

Not long after, a carefree voice sounded: "Hey, what a coincidence."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and looked up at the speaker.

A cute girl with short chestnut hair, wearing a cool summer dress with a short shirt and hot pants, carelessly revealing the absolute area of ​​slightly wheatish color, a pair of blue and white canvas shoes on her feet, and a cartoon history on the chest of the white shirt. Nubi's eyes are big, bright and full of vitality.

The point is that the chest is huge, the inside of the shirt is bulging, and that Snoopy's smile suddenly becomes obscene.

It was Wei Nai's superficial best friend, Xiaoqian.

"Why are you here?" Xiaoqian walked up to Hua Ye, unceremoniously bumped Hua Ye with his elbow, as if this was the way of greeting "brothers", and then did not wait for Hua Ye to answer. Let's talk.

"When I was shopping in the supermarket yesterday, I happened to catch up with the lucky draw, and then I won two movie tickets with my personality explosion, so I went to watch the movie with Suguha... and you, did you come with Vinai? ?”

"No." Hua Ye put away his phone, "Vina is still rehearsing a play at school."

"A drama rehearsal?" Xiaoqian blinked, raised her hand and slapped her forehead, making a clear "pop" sound, "By the way, your school seems to be holding a school festival this weekend, right?"


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