Xiaoqian raised her hand: "Then I'm going to play this weekend!"

The school festival does not prohibit outsiders from participating, or the more people there are, the more lively it is. If you want to go, who can stop you?

"Wait!" After saying a few words, Xiaoqian suddenly came back to his senses, "You said that Wei Nai was rehearsing a play at school...then what are you doing here?"

"Wait for someone." Hua Ye replied concisely.

Xiaoqian narrowed her eyes, and became possessed by a detective in an instant, turning into Detective Qian: "Girl?"


"Didn't you tell Wei Nai?"

Since you can guess everything, you still ask me what to do!

"No." Hua Ye answered truthfully.

Xiaoqian's eyes immediately became extremely disgusted, and she stretched out her hand and made a scissors movement: "There are so many boats under your feet, be careful with the hatchet."

Let you down, there is no hatchet that can hurt me!

And the hatchet should be chopping, the gesture you compared is clearly the scissors hand!

At this time, Alice finally came out of the bathroom. It seemed that she had dried the clothes with a hand dryer. She no longer tightly covered the hem of her skirt as before, as if she was afraid of losing her clothes.

Seeing such a short time, another short-haired beautiful girl whom he didn't know appeared next to Hua Ye, and her breasts were many times bigger than her own. Alice's cheeks suddenly puffed up, and she was unhappy.

"Shall we go back quickly?"

The short bean ding ran to Hua Ye's side with a 'deng deng deng', and urged with his little face raised.

"It's her you're waiting for? Could it be your sister?" Xiaoqian blinked, folded her chest with one hand and rested her chin with the other hand, and started the detective reasoning mode, "No, the hair and eyes are different in color, and also I never heard Wei Nai say that you have a sister..."

"I'm not his real sister!" Alice looked over vigilantly, it was absolutely impossible for her sister to agree.

"That's my cousin?" Xiaoqian suddenly realized, "I heard that you have a cousin who is in the third grade of elementary school..."

"D-Damn it!" The junior high school student was nothing more than that, but now she was recognized as a third-grade elementary school student, and Alice suddenly looked like a cat with its hair blown, the small tiger teeth at the corners of her mouth flickered coldly, "Alice is not a primary school student! He's a high school student in the same grade as him! He's already sixteen years old this year, so there's nothing wrong with marrying him!"

"What?!" Xiaoqian's eyes widened suddenly, with an OVO expression dedicated to Quincy's cult, "You, you two are actually going to get married?!"

Chapter 700

"Who, who is going to marry him?"

Alice was stunned for a moment, her face immediately flushed red, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, stammeringly retorted: "This guy is a pervert, I hate him the most! No... no Will marry him!"

Hey, just say what you say, don't deliberately use ways of belittling me to prove your position!

"You heard it wrong." Hua Ye said with a dark face, "She said that she is sixteen years old when she can get married, not that she is going to get married now."

"That's right, Alice is a high school student!" Alice pouted, and reiterated again, "It's a sixteen-year-old high school student!"

Xiaoqian blinked, and suddenly said something: "Is this the so-called husband singing and wife following?"

Sing your sister!

I can't talk anymore today!

Hua Ye was about to turn into a Roaring Emperor: "I think your butt is itchy!"

"What? You don't even let me go?" Xiaoqian immediately took a step back, raising her hand to shield her chest in a defensive posture, "You are a humanoid self-propelled cannon."

Very good, let's test your power with the first shot.

"I'm just kidding." Before Hua Ye could make a move, Xiaoqian turned around and ran away, running away at a fast speed, only a crisp laughter floated over: "I won't chat with you anymore, I'm going back to watch a movie. "

Alice puffed her cheeks, like a squirrel stuffed with chestnuts: "Really, actually making fun of this kind of thing..."

Seeing Hua Ye looking down, this short little bean blinked, and suddenly took a step back from Hua Ye's side. The twin ponytails danced behind him, setting off a brilliant golden arc: "What are you looking at? I will never be with you. You're married! Don't even think about that kind of thing!"

"Don't make trouble." Hua Ye said with a blank face, "You promised me, but you still haven't agreed."

"I, I will bite you to death!"



The two walked back to the theater, and Alice took the backpack from the seat, and ran to Rafael in front of her: "Master Baiyu! I miss you!"

"I miss Alice too." Raphael reached out and touched the top of Alice's head, and immediately let the little bean show the happy expression of a cat being stroked.

"That... I accidentally saw Master Bai Yu ordering movie tickets this morning, and I didn't mean to follow you..." Alice stretched out two slender fingers, tapped her chest lightly, and said nervously, "Master Bai Yu is not Will you be mad at me?"

"Yes." Raphael said softly.


Alice froze immediately.

Rafael stretched out a slender finger, and said solemnly: "You sneak out alone, what will you do if you meet bad people?"

"No." Alice regained her spirits immediately, "There are bodyguards secretly protecting me."

"If you want to watch a movie next time, you can tell me directly."

"Yeah, I like Lord Baiyu the most!"

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