"Then count Xiao Jia?"

"Xiaojia should be playing games at this time, right? She won't sleep until she sees the city at two or three o'clock in the morning."

"I heard that when someone misses you, the missed person will sneeze. I don't know if Xiaojia is sneezing now..."



the next morning.

In the hallway outside the classroom.

"Hey, Wei Nai, good morning." A weak voice sounded.

Wei Nai froze, and said with a guilty smile: "Xiao, Xiaojia, good morning."

Like a salted fish that has landed on the shore, Gabriel shuffled towards Wei Nai, "Why did you come later than me today?"

"Ah..." Wei Nai blinked, "I accidentally overslept today..."

Gabriel: "Liar."

"Ehhh?" Wei Nai was taken aback, "You, how do you know?"

Gabriel squinted her eyes: "Because the reason for your late arrival is written on your face."

"Write, write on the face?!" Wei Nai hurriedly raised her hand to touch her face.

Difficult, could it be that "thinking by day and dreaming at night", that's why the words "kissed by force" appeared on his face?

No, no, how could there be such a thing!

You can't put a flag on your head!

"Xiao Jia, Wei Nai, good morning." Rafael waved his hand and greeted with a smile, then his eyes suddenly widened, "Eh? Wei Nai, your face..."

"What's wrong with your face?" Wei Nai panicked even more.

Because I was about to be late for getting up in the morning, I didn't have time to look in the mirror, and ran out after washing my face, but even so, it's impossible to have something on my face, right?

"Vinette, Rafi, Gabriel, are you waiting for me here?" Satania came from the direction of the bathroom, suddenly stopped, and said in shock, "Vinette, you, Your face..."

"So what's wrong with my face!" Wei Nai was about to cry, why one or both of you are so shocked!

"Class is about to start, why don't you come into the classroom?" Machiko came from the office holding the teaching aids.

"Squad leader!" Wei Nai hurried up to Machiko as if seeing a savior, and asked nervously, "Is there any writing on my face?"

"Why are there words?" Machiko blinked, "Is it a prank?"

Wei Nai bit her lower lip: "Then why are everyone so shocked?"

"Probably..." Machiko tilted her head slightly, "You have two big dark circles on your face? Is this the first time I've seen you like this? Could it be that you haven't slept all night?"


Chapter 709 Domestic Violence

"Hey, did Wei Nai stay up all night?" Satania moved to Wei Nai's side, looking around curiously, "No wonder it turned into two panda eyes."

"Who, who said that?" Wei Nai defended with a guilty conscience, "I just slept late..."

Gabriel said weakly, "Vina is a liar."

"Eh eh?"

The useless angel raised his finger and pointed at himself, "See? Say good night to the city at three o'clock in the morning. Dark circles look like this. Your dark circles are worse than mine. You must have slept later than me, almost Didn't sleep all night."


Wei Nai was speechless.

She herself couldn't remember exactly what time she went to bed last night, anyway, she just tossed and turned for a long time.

"Nah, I remember that Wei Naijiang's work and rest schedule is very regular. She usually goes to bed at ten o'clock in the evening and wakes up at six o'clock in the morning, then cleans, reviews homework, and makes breakfast..." Rafael said with a smile.

Wei Nai couldn't help complaining: "How do you know so clearly!"

"Hmm!" Raphael stretched out a slender finger, "Then, here comes the question... Why did Wei Nai-chan stay up all night?"

"Could it be that you won the lottery?" Satania raised her hand to speak.

"No." Raphael shook his head in denial, "Vina Chan doesn't have the habit of buying lottery tickets, even if she bought lottery tickets on a whim and won, she would definitely tell us about it in the chat group last night."


So why do you know me so well!

Machiko was not in a hurry to enter the classroom, she blinked her eyes and asked curiously, "Is it because Wei Nai is chasing her favorite drama, so she stayed up all night?"

Wei Nai hurriedly nodded.

I can't go on talking anymore, I always feel that I will be guessed by them!At that time, I will never have the face to see anyone again!

It's a pity that Gabriel said again: "No."


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