The crippled angel sighed softly, as if recalling some unbearable past events, and said with squinted eyes: "Games or chasing fans can't resist Wei Nai's biological clock."


Wei Nai bit her lower lip, almost crying.

Is it because my work and rest schedule is so regular that I can't even find a reason to stay up late now!

"Then, let's analyze the existing intelligence."

Rafael stretched out a slender finger, smiling happily, "Vina Chan stayed up all night for reasons we don't know, she didn't win the lottery, and she didn't follow dramas or fandoms, then narrow the scope and redefine the conditions , it should be a sudden, unspeakable or ulterior reason..."

Wei Nai was relieved immediately.

Ju, you still have something like this?

Are you Detective Rafi?Must be!

Why did you guess so accurately!

Fortunately, at this moment, the class bell finally rang.

Wei Nai was more grateful than she was when she pushed Hua Ye out of the door yesterday: "It's, it's class, everyone, hurry up and go back to the classroom!"

"Even if it's raining, I won't go back to collect my clothes!" Satania puffed up her cheeks and asked to the end, "What's the reason?"

Wei Nai stomped her feet, and finally got an idea out of a hurry: "Because, because a cockroach appeared in the room for some reason last night, I was so scared that I didn't dare to sleep all night... That's it! Okay, hurry up and enter the classroom, The teachers are all here!"


After finally getting out of the trial conference, Wei Nai finally heaved a sigh of relief when she sat down on the chair, and then saw Hua Ye looking at her.

With a slight blush on her face, Wei Nai immediately looked away, looked at the blackboard, and never looked at Hua Ye again.

After a while, the phone suddenly vibrated.

Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, quietly took out her phone, looked down, and found that it was a message from Hua Ye: "Are you okay?"

"Don't mention dark circles anymore! Otherwise, believe it or not!" Wei Nai gritted her teeth and replied.

Hua Ye: "I'm asking if you've recovered from your cold?"


It was only then that Wei Nai realized that the cold had subconsciously healed up, but just thinking about the "stimulation therapy" last night, her face couldn't stop getting hot, she turned her head and glared at Hua Ye: "Take a good class, no play cell phone!"


The consequences of chaotic work and rest time will soon be manifested.

After finally making it to the second class, Wei Nai felt a surge of drowsiness, which made her unable to open her eyes.

Friends who have experienced sleepiness in class know that when sleepiness strikes, even if you keep telling yourself "can't sleep", the heavy eyelids can't stop falling.

On the one hand, it is the desire and appeal of physical instinct, on the other hand, it is the will and emotion that do not want to sleep in class, Wei Nai is struggling between physical instinct and emotional entanglement, and cannot stop sinking...

The external performance is that the little head is bit by bit, as if it will fall on the table in the next moment, it looks super cute.

The second class was Jing Kei's Chinese class. Jing Kei talked for a while, but soon got off topic.

"Teacher, I watched the movie "Ready Player One" recently, and I want to do a research on whether violent games will make players violent..."

Soon there were discussions below.

"Probably not? Games are games, life is life, games can hardly affect life."

"What's the reason for saying that?"

A girl pushed her glasses on the bridge of her nose: "Look at those games where you collect wives, there are hundreds of wives in the game, but in reality, don't you still have no girlfriends?"


Gabriel propped her chin with one hand, became a little interested, and said to Hua Ye: "Although games are an inseparable part of life, they really don't seem to have any influence. For example, I played Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Glory. In those games of Soul of War, I never thought about killing people."

"I didn't think about killing people, is it because you don't have a big sword in your hand?" Hua Ye complained expressionlessly, "The windmill boxing is getting more and more proficient!"

"Tch, that's you and Satania looking for a fight." The crippled angel pouted, "Why didn't I beat Wei Nai and Lafite?"

According to what you said, if you hit me, you should find your own fault?

It's obviously the violent tendency you learned from the game!

At the beginning of school, she was soft like a cat, but now she is fierce like a tiger!

"Everyone be quiet."

Jing Keai raised her hand to stop the discussions of the melon-eating girls, turned her eyes, and fell on Wei Nai who was still dozing off little by little, and asked, "Student Wei Nai, what do you think?"

Hearing Jing Keai calling her name, Wei Nai was shocked and stood up quickly. She only heard a general idea in a daze just now, and now she subconsciously said: "Domestic violence? How dare he! First punish him to kneel for half an hour washboard!"


After a brief silence, joyous laughter resounded in the classroom.

Wei Nai blinked her eyes, her face full of innocence.

"Well, what the teacher just said was game violence, but domestic violence is also worth studying." Jing Keai put her arms around her chest, tapped the podium lightly with her fingers, and showed a smile of interest on her face, "Then, besides kneeling and rubbing clothes Board, what experience does Wei Nai have?"

Wei Nai opened her eyes wide, opened her mouth slightly, and her pretty face flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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