
Just kidding, Takahashi Kanon turned around and walked in front of Kitano Haruka, and was about to apply the potion, but the phone rang suddenly, and the unscrupulous health room teacher picked up the phone from his pocket: "Well, it's my boyfriend calling The phone... there is no way, wipe it yourself, I will go out to answer the phone. "

As he spoke, he put the potion in Hua Ye's hand, turned around and went out the door.


Hua Ye turned to look at Jing Keai.

"What do you see me doing?" Jing Keai slightly raised the corners of her mouth, with a playful smile on her face, "Teacher, I'm very busy and I don't have time to help."

"What are you busy with?"

"Busy thinking about life."

Hua Ye walked to Kitano Haruka with a dark face.

The bob-haired girl was a little nervous, and whispered, "Don't bother classmate Hua Ye, I'll do it myself..."

"To shut up."

Kitano Haruka quickly shut her mouth.

"Sit still."

Kitano Haruka hurriedly sat up.

... This weak girl is super easy to tune and teach. She always feels that if she is asked to wear a nude apron and clean the room, she dare not resist at all, so she can only agree with tears in her eyes.

The scald area on the bob girl's hand was not large, and it was not very serious. Hua Ye helped to apply the potion, then put the potion back in place, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute." Jing Keai raised her hand to stop Hua Ye, and said lazily, "Teacher, let me take a video."

"What video?" Hua Ye stopped.

Jing Keai pursed her moist thin lips with lip gloss, then blinked her left eye and then her right eye.


Could it be that your eyes are uncomfortable and you want me to help you drop eye drops?

When Hua Ye was puzzled, he listened to Jing's cute voice and said lazily: "Teacher, I can record 98K in the blink of an eye."


Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "That's something young people play, you've already..."


Jing Keai squinted her eyes, her fingers crackled, and the threat was obvious: "Boy, talking nonsense will kill people."

"What? Killing people?"

Takahashi Hanon, who was talking on the phone with her boyfriend, poked her head in from outside the door, and she didn't know how much she heard. At this moment, she was shocked and said: "Farewell, Jing-chan! You two killed each other in the health room... What a tragedy of human relations! At least go to a love hotel for me!"

Chapter 722 I Raise Her

The three people in the health room all looked embarrassed... well, not embarrassed.

As a big boss, Jing Keai is well-informed, and she didn't even raise her eyelids when she was surprised by her best friend, she was obviously used to it.

Although Hua Ye looked disgusted, it's a pity that he never felt the embarrassment.

As for the bob-haired girl on the hospital bed, she blinked her eyes blankly, obviously not realizing the connotation of this dirty joke...

After a while, I suddenly realized "Yeah".

"You, you two..."

Seeing Hua Ye and Jing Keai looking at him at the same time, under the pressure of the boss's aura, Kitano Haruka hurriedly raised his hand to cover his mouth, and stammered: "I, I didn't hear anything! Please don't lock me in In the little black room! Don’t feed me strange things either!”

Your sister, the three hundred taels of silver here are talking about you, right?

Don't listen to the fact that the wind is the rain. Others say that the Harmony number is happy for three months, don't you have to believe it, idiot!

This look of being afraid of being dragged away made Jing Keai a little embarrassed, but it was still fleeting.

"Well, I mean beat him to death with your fists, don't think of going to strange places..."

Before Kitano Haruka could speak, the unscrupulous health room teacher poked his head in from the door again, "That's good, I thought Jing-chan, you are so hungry that you don't even let the students go..."

Black air rose from Jing Keai's back, and her fists were clenched and crackling: "Besides, I'll fight you too!"


After such a fuss, Jing Keai did not continue to ask Hua Ye to help make short videos. She seemed to suddenly think of something, sat upright and said, "By the way, Kitano's birthday is today, right?"

"Eh, eh?" The bob-haired girl was taken aback, her face flushed slightly, "Old, how did the teacher know?"

She thought that for a person with a weak sense of existence like herself, no one would remember her birthday except her parents.

"The last time you missed a day of class for no reason, when the teacher checked your home address, he saw that your birthday happened to be on the same day as the school festival, so I wrote it down."

Jing Keai explained casually, and then said: "It is fate to meet you here, the teacher will give you a birthday present."

"No, no." Kitano Haruka shook his head hastily.

Introverted and low self-esteem people, even in the face of other people's kindness, will subconsciously retreat.

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