"Well, then."

Jing Keai didn't talk nonsense, and simply threw something over.

Hua Ye reached out to catch it and found it was a fidget spinner.

This toy is a very popular small toy in the past two years. It is small in size and easy to carry. Unlike other spinning tops that need to be rotated on a flat surface, it only needs two or three fingers to play for a long time, so it is called fingertips. spinning top.

Hua Ye played with it casually, and a colorful orchid slowly emerged on the spinning top, which looked pretty good.

"Here you are." Hua Ye handed the fidget spinner to the bob-haired girl beside her.


Kitano Haruka still wanted to refuse, but Jing Keai raised her eyebrows lightly, and said in a lazy but undeniable tone: "You can take it if I give it to you. This is when the teacher came over before, and I bought it at school. It's okay. It’s not bad for decompression, don’t keep things in your heart all the time, it’s not good, the teacher hasn’t seen you smile for a long time... It’s your birthday today, be happy, hey, smile.”


Kitano Haruka blinked, but didn't dare to refuse, so she could only pinch the corner of her clothes with her hands, her face was flushed, and she tried to squeeze out a dry smile.

"Okay." Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her forehead, "Anyway, if someone bullies you, come and tell the teacher, the teacher will make the decision for you..."

Hey, why do you cast your eyes on me when you talk!

"Next time the teacher celebrates his birthday, just give me another gift..."

The bob-haired girl bit her lips, her eyes were reddish, she bowed at forty-five degrees, and said earnestly, "Thank you, Teacher Jing."

"Hmm." Jing Keai waved her hand and turned to look at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye was speechless: "What do you see me doing?"

Jing Kei blinked and recorded 98K. She didn't speak, but her face had an expression of "what to do, you can figure it out yourself".

"Student Hua Ye doesn't need to pay for it!" Haruka Kitano hurriedly shook his head, "Student Hua Ye has helped me a lot, and now I am grateful for taking the time to accompany me to the health room..."

Hey, if you say it like this, if you don't give you a birthday present, it will be too much of yourself!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and silently took out the unfinished accessories.

"Hey, you actually prepared it long ago? It's rare to remember that today is Kitano-san's birthday?"

Jing looked at her with playful eyes and cute eyes.

The bob-haired girl also blushed slightly, and looked at Hua Ye in surprise.

"It's not." Hua Ye pulled out the flag calmly, "I bought a lot, but I haven't delivered yet."



"Teacher Jing, let's go first!"

Kitano Haruka bowed, and followed Hua Ye out of the health care room in small steps. After all, his hand was only burned and he didn't need to lie down here to recuperate.

Walking back into the hustle and bustle of the campus, Hua Ye paused slightly, and his eyes fell on the three people under a cherry blossom tree.

Under the tree stood a pink fur and a golden hair with twin tails. They were Raphael and Alice.

On the opposite side of the two is a man in a suit and leather shoes and gold-rimmed glasses. He should be around thirty years old, and he looks like a successful person.

Hua Ye turned around and walked over.

"Student Hua Ye!" Rafael hugged Hua Ye's arm with surprise on his face, "This person wants to poach me to become an artist, what do you think?"

Seeing Lafaier hugging Hua Ye, the man was slightly taken aback, then smiled and stretched out his right hand: "My lord, Saito Ryota, nice to meet you..."

Hua Ye was not interested in shaking hands, but just nodded slightly.

The man laughed dryly, then withdrew his hand a little embarrassedly.

"It's like this. I think this female classmate is very good-looking and has a good temperament, so I want to invite her to our company to be an artist. As long as she trains a little bit, she will definitely become popular..."

An entertainer means an actor. If you want to be an actor, you must enter the entertainment industry.

Although Hua Ye is not interested in the entertainment industry, he has also heard that the entertainment industry is full of filth, which is even dirtier than the seiyuu industry. Unless one has an absolutely deep background, it is a joke to get out of the mud and not to be stained.

After all, this thing is just like a mixed agency, it pays attention to the relationship between people and order, no matter how good your acting skills are, no matter how beautiful you are, if others deliberately suppress you to prevent you from acting, what can you do?

"I have already rejected him clearly." Raphael puffed her cheeks, a little dissatisfied, "But he refused to give up, and insisted on asking me for contact information..."

In this world of looking at faces, pretty girls are also very distressed.

For example, the tax-dodging girl next to her often received chocolates and love letters when she first started school, but this was the first time she met the scout who was relentlessly chasing after her.

"I sincerely invited her to join our company. This classmate is really good in image and temperament. As long as she makes her debut successfully, she will definitely become popular..."

For scouting professions like lip service, apart from professional ability, the thickness of the skin is the most important basic quality. You must have the thickness of the skin to be self-satisfied, and you must have the toughness like a dog's skin plaster, so although it was explicitly rejected, But the man was not discouraged at all, and continued: "At that time, not only will you be able to realize your ideals in life, but you will also be able to earn a lot of money, starting at least tens of millions of yen per year..."

The temptation of money and fame is always easy to deceive girls who are not deeply involved in the world.

"Speaking so much, it's actually a blank promise." Alice puffed up her cheeks, "And Master Baiyu won't bend his waist for money!"

The man looked down at Alice in embarrassment. Although he didn't speak, he clearly had an expression of "adults talk, children don't interrupt".

"Damn it! Alice is not a child!" The short bean frowned immediately, clenched its fist and waved it in the air, "Believe it or not, I will ask my mother to buy the company you work for when I go back, and then let you buy it every day." Flush the toilet!"

The man couldn't help sweating profusely. Although he didn't know whether what Alice said was true or not, such a domineering attitude made him feel a little guilty. With an attitude of preferring to believe what he had, he quickly looked away. , and continued to say to Rafael: "This student can leave a contact information first, and then go to the company to have a look at it when you have time. If you are satisfied, let's consider signing a contract..."

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