"Don't think about it." Raphael interrupted.


"My ideal is not to work, but to eat, drink, sleep and play at home every day." Raphael replied with a smile.

"Cough cough cough..."

The man suddenly burst into sweat, and even coughed from choking.

Although this is the ultimate ideal of many people, it is against harmony to say it so confidently.

"Please don't be joking..." The man raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"I'm not joking with you." The black-bellied girl hugged Hua Ye's arm tightly and said seriously, "It's enough for Hua Ye to raise me."


All eyes immediately fell on Hua Ye.

Hey, you can't spend all the living expenses you receive from the heavens every month, right?Where do I need to raise it!

"I'll just raise Lord Baiyu!" Alice raised her hand high beside her, but unfortunately she was directly ignored.


The black-bellied girl looked at Hua Ye. Although she didn't speak, the meaning in her eyes was obvious: "If classmate Hua Ye shakes his head, I will explode on the spot!"

It's not a cherry bomb, don't let me just explode on the spot!

Hua Ye snorted softly and said calmly:

"I raise her."

Caught off guard, the smile of the man who ate a bowl full of dog food gradually disappeared, and he finally realized that it would be useless to wear his lips today, waved his hand, turned around and left silently.

Haruka Kitano, who was acting as the background behind Hua Ye, opened her mouth and subconsciously complained, "No wonder the squad leader wears a long black hairstyle instead of twin ponytails... Could it be that he had the foresight to become Hatsune-chan? ?”

Chapter 723 Ai-chan's Insulting Play

As time passed quietly, the school festival became more and more lively.

Hua Ye didn't go back to the classroom, but wandered around the campus alone, when he suddenly heard some boys from our school whispering.

"Big news! Teacher Ai Jiang is in a bad mood today, and she has turned on the poisonous tongue mode again. Hurry up and form a group to get scolded."

"What? Teacher Aijiang is willing to scold people again today? Although she looked at me with the eyes of looking at the garbage in the sewer two days ago, it's a pity that she didn't scold 'you lowly paramecium'. I always feel that life has lost a lot of fun. I ate a bowl less than usual."

"Go together."


For some reason, there seem to be more and more M-shaking in the school.

Naturally, Hua Ye would not change direction guiltily just because Igarashi was in front, and continued to follow the established route.

After a while, he walked to the door of an office, and heard Igarashi's unique voice between a girl and a loli.

"You humble paramecium, don't you have tofu dregs in your head!"

This star with small breasts is wearing a long black dress today, the skirt is tightly gathered at the waist, the waist is surprisingly slender, black stockings and black round-toed leather shoes are on the legs, like a proud black swan At this moment, he raised his neck high, looking down at the group of trembling Ms in front of him with the eyes of looking at the garbage in the sewer.

"You can solve the activities of your own class by yourself, and you can ask me about everything. Are you starfish without brains?"

Nowadays, corporal punishment is less and less, scolding students is still common, but it’s hard to say whether students are convinced or not. Some of them have extreme personalities, and they might even use a bag on the teacher’s head on a dark and windy night. Then a beating.

However, the shaking Ms in front of them all had flushed faces and wretched eyes, obviously taking insults as some kind of high-level enjoyment play.

"Get out of here, all of you! It's a shame to breathe the air in the same office as you guys! In the future, if you have anything to say, stand at the door of the office and talk to me!"

Several boys rushed out of the office as if they were being pardoned, and then left together with shoulder to shoulder and shoulder to shoulder with all smiles on their faces.

In the office, Igarashi sat back on the chair, took a sip of black tea, and suddenly saw Hua Ye appearing outside the office window, looking in with subtle eyes.

The legal loli immediately clenched its silver teeth, turned its head and snorted.

(You actually refused to come out to have a room with me last night, you really are an obscene perverted lolicon, right?)

(The apartment is only that big, sleeping with two unrelated elementary school students must have already disqualified you from being a human being!)

(Could it be that they came here specially to apologize to me?)

(Hmph, it's too late to apologize now, I will not consider whether to forgive you unless you kiss the back of my instep and beg for forgiveness...)

Igarashi pricked up her ears, but unfortunately she never heard the knock on the door. She couldn't help turning her head to look, only to realize that Hua Ye had disappeared at some point.


"He just left without a word!"

Igarashi was so angry that he almost crushed the teacup in his hand.

She hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked out of the office, holding back her breath from yesterday evening until now, if she didn't speak out, she would probably explode.

"Hey, wait a minute."

This legal loli caught up with Hua Ye who had already walked to a corner of the teaching building, raised her small face, and asked with eyes looking at kitchen waste: "You lost your qualifications as a human being last night, right?"

terribly sorry.

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