The biology teacher knew that Igarashi's identity was unusual, and that even though he was bald in middle age, it was a pity that instead of becoming stronger, his temper became softer and weaker. Holding the thermos, he muttered "Chinese Year crisis" or something like that, turned and walked away with an embarrassing expression on his face.

"Hmph! Don't appear in front of me in the future!"

Seeing that some students were gradually gathering, Igarashi naturally stopped talking, she gritted her silver teeth, turned her head and left.

After this legal loli returned to the office, she was so angry that she drank two cups of black tea. She was still so angry that she wanted to blow up the school.

"Soul light soul light soul light!"

"You actually said that I have the smallest breasts in the school, and I will remember you for the rest of my life!"

"Go die a million times, you idiot!"


Igarashi looked at the girls passing by outside the window, hesitated for a moment, and stretched out his hands to weigh his 'milk pull', but unfortunately soon found sadly... the 'milk pull' was too low, and he couldn't lift it at all The act of weighing.

"Ahhhh! Why are the breasts so small?"

Just like bald to bald, dwarf to short, the more a person lacks something, the more he will care about it in his heart.

Igarashi is no exception.

The amount of milk that is so flat that she doubts her life has become a lingering nightmare in her heart, just like those zombies in Plants vs. Zombies who only know how to call "brains and brains". It will be subconsciously substituted into itself.

"What's so great about big breasts? It's nothing more than two clumps of useless fat. If you fall on the ground, it might explode with a 'bang'!"

"Only those guys who are full of [beep——] will be attracted by those two lumps of fat."

"Be careful of being suffocated inside!"

This legal loli bit her thin lips, her resentment almost condensed into substance.

At this time, a terrible idea suddenly flooded into my mind.

"Would you like to let that guy knead it for you?"

As a star with poor breasts, I drink milk every day and eat a lot of papaya. I have basically tried all the breast enhancement methods on the market, but it is a pity that my chest, which is flatter than poached eggs, just refuses to grow.

Surgical breast augmentation is not possible.

Cutting two incisions in the chest, and then stuffing those disgusting silicones into it, it's scary to think about it.

Well, there is one last method that has not been tried...the massage enlargement method.

I heard that rubbing yourself is useless, you need someone else to rub it...

"Ahh! What are you thinking about!"

Igarashi gritted her silver teeth, and hurriedly shook her head, trying to drive this terrible thought out of her mind.

It is a pity that a certain western philosopher once said that people are never free.

Once some thoughts arise, they are not bound at all, and will always take root in the mind and grow vigorously. That's why in ancient times, there were sayings such as the ape who descended the heart and the horse that fell down. It is easy, but it is difficult to break the thief in the heart."

So after a long time, this legal loli murmured to herself in an inaudible voice: "Should...or let him rub it? Just rub it for an experiment, and if it doesn't work, then cut his paw……"


The happy time is always short, and it is noon in a blink of an eye.

Lunch break.

in the community room.

"Xiaojia, why do you feel that your dark circles are heavier than usual today?" Wei Nai asked with concern.

"It's nothing..." The crippled angel glanced at Hua Ye and said weakly, "There were disgusting cockroaches flying around the room last night, it's really annoying."

"Cock, cockroach?"

Wei Nai's face turned pale with fright, and she didn't dare to ask any more questions. To her, cockroaches are simply a treasure for destroying stars, and thinking about it would make her scalp tingle.

"Xiao Jia, do you want something to eat?" Wei Nai pursed her lips and asked, "There are puffs, chocolate biscuits and fruit, what do you want to eat?"

"Well, I've already eaten teppanyaki and octopus balls outside, but it's not very tasty..."

"Probably because Xiao Jia's appetite was spoiled by classmate Hua Ye?" Raphael said with a smile.

"Tch." The crippled angel curled his lips and looked at Hua Ye with disgust, "I can't eat anything when I see him."

"Sister Wei Nai, I want to eat strawberries." Hinata raised her hand and said.

The two lolis ran all morning, and the novelty passed, and now they finally calmed down.

Wei Nai hesitated and said:

"I read the news this morning, and it said that the pesticide residue rate of strawberries is nearly 100%. It has been rated as the dirtiest fruit for three consecutive years, and the cleanest fruit and vegetable is avocado... Is it bad to eat strawberries now?"

"Vina, have you ever heard a joke?" Gabriel said with squinted eyes.


The useless angel said solemnly: "There was a man who was very afraid of cancer. One day, the newspaper said that iron pans were easy to cause cancer. He was so frightened that he hurriedly changed to aluminum pans. But the next day, experts said that aluminum pans were more likely to cause cancer. He quickly changed back to the iron pot..."

Wei Nai was expressionless: "What do you want to say?"

"Many times, we need to keep one eye open and one eye closed." Gabriel rested her chin with one hand, exuding the smell of salted fish all over her body, "It will be tiring if you take it too seriously... remember to wash the strawberries twice more, thanks."

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