"Wash it yourself!"

"I'm so tired, I can't take a shower."

"Can you move after eating?" Wei Nai's forehead twitched.

Gabriel sighed: "Isn't it rare that a life full of anger doesn't feel boring?"

With a shadow step, Wei Nai teleported behind the crippled angel, black air lingered behind her, and her smile was terrifying: "I didn't hear you clearly just now, Xiaojia, can you say it again?"


Chapter 725 Great Wisdom Ruo Stupid Meow

"Don't worry, Wei Nai-chan."

Rafael closed the comic book in his hand, then changed a posture of crossing his legs, tilted his head slightly and said: "It is clearly written on the cigarette package that smoking is harmful to health. Isn't it true that so many people turn a blind eye to it? If you listen to everyone As an expert, I always feel that there is nothing in the world that I can rest assured about.”

Alice blinked and raised her hand to enliven the atmosphere: "Research proves that everyone who drinks water will die, so water cannot be drunk."

Hua Ye looked over speechlessly.

Why don't you say that everyone who breathes oxygen will die, so oxygen is poisonous!


Alice immediately turned her head to look to the side, and the twin ponytails drew two dazzling golden arcs behind her.

Hua Ye withdrew his gaze, and exchanged a glance with Rafael on the way, and immediately had a good understanding.

The black-bellied girl smiled and said, "That's right, everyone who breathes the air will die, so the air is also poisonous."


"You two are going too far."

Wei Nai was speechless, turned around and handed two portions of watermelon shaved ice to Lori and Ling Na.

"Thank you sister Wei Nai." Xiao Hinata thanked her obediently.

"Why is watermelon called Watermelon's Meow?" Catwoman suddenly asked curiously.

Because the origin of watermelon is Africa, it was later introduced to the Central Plains from the Western Regions, so it is called watermelon. After the cucumber is ripe, it turns yellow, so it is called cucumber. The white wax powder on the surface of winter melon is like frost in winter, so it is called winter melon.

Today's weather is a bit hot, and the fruit shaved ice is obviously very popular.

Everyone took the shaved ice from Vinay one by one, and when it was Satania's turn, the little red-haired devil actually rested his chin on one hand, frowning and meditating like a sculpture thinker.

This rare appearance on weekdays immediately surprised people.

"Satania?" Vinai asked cautiously, "What are you thinking?"

The idiot raised his hand and scratched his hair, then raised his head in a daze: "I always feel that there is something wrong with what Alice said just now..."


your sister!

How long is your reflex arc, and you haven't realized it yet!


The filthy loli who was eating shaved ice immediately sprayed, lying on Hua Ye's lap and coughing uncontrollably, her face flushed red: "Brother Xiaoye, is this sister an idiot?"

"I'm not an idiot!" As a result, Satania had good ears and heard Hinata's whisper, but she was not angry. Instead, she raised her face, revealing a beautiful white neck like a swan, and said triumphantly, "I am as wise as a fool!"

Where are you so wise and stupid?

It's just stupid from beginning to end!

"Lafite said that my condition is a genius disease common to geniuses." Silly Meow pointed at himself, with a bright smirk all over his face, "It is said that Newton, Einstein, Van Gogh, etc., all have similarities with me. Same performance."

Genius disease is actually a kind of autism, also known as Asperger's syndrome. The basic symptom is that you don't know what to read and see. For example, you say bald in front of a bald man, and you say green in front of Hatsune (Hatsune-chan has worked hard ), and at the same time, I can't understand humorous metaphors and puns... A brief overview is that the mind is very smart and has talents beyond ordinary people in a certain aspect, but the social aspect is a mess.

Some studies believe that Newton, Einstein, Darwin, Van Gogh, Andersen, Bill Gates, etc., are all patients with genius disease.

But Hua Ye is very sure that this red-haired little devil is definitely not a patient of genius disease.

She is just a heartless fool.


Everyone turned their heads to look at Raphael.

The tax-dodging girl stuck out her tongue and tilted her head slightly, trying to pass the test: "Well... When I went to stay at the house of His Royal Highness Satania yesterday, I praised her by the way."

This is not a compliment, but a lie!

Fortunately, you are not a salesman, otherwise you would have fooled this idiot into buying a walking stick happily!

"You say you are wise and stupid?" Gabriel turned to look at the idiot.

Satania raised her right hand to press the center of her eyebrows, posing the shameful posture she usually does, but the pride on her face was already overflowing.

"That's right, Lafite said that, I am as wise as a fool, a genius."

After enduring and enduring, this idiot finally couldn't help but smirked triumphantly: "Ahahahaha——Stupid Gabriel, repent, cry, and beg for mercy! When I find my talent, you will lose!" It is settled! Surrender to me, foolish subjects!"


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