Everyone was expressionless the whole time.

The talent of this idiot is undoubtedly to attract hatred and reduce the aura of intelligence.

Identification is completed.

Gabriel blinked, raised her hand and slapped her leg, making a crisp 'snap' sound, then sat upright with a smile on her face and said, "Then let's play a game?"

"What game?" Silly Miao raised his chin, pinched his waist with one hand, and let out a contemptuous snort from his nostrils, as if he had foreseen his own victory, "Just let the horse come here."

A wise and foolish genius, Satania is never afraid of a challenge.

"Well, to put it simply..." The useless angel took out the wallet from his pocket, "It happened that the living expenses were paid yesterday..."

Gabriel took out [-] yen while talking, put it on the table, and then said solemnly: "There are [-] yen here, you also put [-] yen down first."

"Oh." Satania took out her wallet and put two thousand yen on the table.

"Hey, can you give me three thousand yen?" Gabriel stretched out her right hand in the posture of a social lady, rubbed her fingers, and almost said "I, Gabriel, send money".

"Why?" Satania quit.

The useless angel stretched out a finger, and said in a serious tone: "You only need to give me three thousand yen, and all the four thousand yen on the table will belong to you. In this way, everyone will earn money." A thousand yen?"

"Xiaojia..." A row of black lines fell from the top of Wei Nai's head, she didn't seem to bully such a fool.

"Shh." Gabriel made a silent movement.

After seeing the silly meow thinking for three seconds, he finally made a decision:

"make a deal!"

The idiot took out [-] yen and handed it to Gabriel, then happily put away the [-] yen on the table, and looked up to see everyone looking at him delicately.

"Hey, what are you all looking at me for?"

Wei Nai: "He hesitated to speak..."

Rafael: "Happiness in my heart..."

Alice: "Caring for idiots..."

Gabriel: "Great wisdom is like a fool..."

Hua Ye: "Take jujube pills."


Time passed quietly.

After the lunch break, Wei Nai quickly got up and went out to help in the class, while Liuhua and Satania were discussing the drama performance later.

"Hey, brother Xiaoye is going to play a play this afternoon?" Lolita asked curiously as she lay on Huaye's lap and opened her eyes wide.

"En." Hua Ye responded.

"What to play? What to play?"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "You will know when the time comes."

It's fine to play the big villain, why do you want to rob a boy from a good family!

"Let's just say it." Lolita Buyi acted like a baby.

Catwoman threw herself into Hua Ye's arms from the other side, rubbing her face on Hua Ye's chest, "We want to know too, meow."

A series of disdainful gazes of "lolicon must die" fell over, making Hua Ye feel a little guilty.

Fortunately, at this moment, the phone suddenly received a message from Igarashi

"Hey! Come to the rooftop!?"

Chapter 726

In order to prove that he is not a lolicon, Hua Ye decisively pushed away the two coquettish lolis lying on his body, got up and walked towards the rooftop.

Walking to the end of the stairs, you can see that the iron lock leading to the roof has been opened. Hua Ye stepped forward, pushed the door and entered. The afternoon sun was bright and brilliant.

In the middle of the roof, there was a purple parasol, and Igarashi, who was wearing a dark gothic dress, was sitting under the parasol, subconsciously stroking the cup with his fingers, looking blankly at the playground, as if he was in a daze. Outside, no one else.

"You, are you here?"

Seeing Hua Ye walk up to the rooftop, this legitimate loli stood up nervously.

Hua Ye responded without thinking too much: "What are you calling me for?"

"That..." Igarashi blinked, looked around nervously, and even stuttered, "No, it's nothing..."


Suddenly sent a message to ask others to come up, and then said that nothing happened, the Buddha is also angry, okay!

"You want to be fucked?" Hua Ye's face was dark.


This poor star stared at Hua Ye, then took a deep breath, almost biting his thin lips to bleed, his long eyelashes were trembling, and his fists were tightly clenched, showing that the battle between heaven and man in his heart was extremely fierce. After a long while, he shouted in the decisive tone of Louis XVI on the guillotine: "Touch me!"

"Huh?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, thinking he had an auditory hallucination, "What did you just say?"

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