"Don't talk, come and touch me!" The legal loli turned her head and shouted in a self-defeating tone, "Come here quickly!"


Hua Ye's first reaction was that he had been tricked.

Igarashi, who usually has her eyes above her head and has always regarded herself as a queen, would let others touch her?

Sure enough, no matter how you think about it, it’s not normal!

However, after carefully scanning the surroundings, Hua Ye was sure that there was no one secretly taking pictures nearby, and there was no drone taking aerial pictures in the sky... In other words, it was not a prank?

"Are you sure?" Hua Ye asked again.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you want to touch it, you can touch it!" Igarashi gritted her teeth angrily, "I don't want you to be responsible anyway, what are you afraid of?"

Who is afraid? I just wonder if you are insane or mentally ill. It is against the law to be mentally retarded, and it is also against the law to be mentally ill, okay?

Hua Ye thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Okay then."

"Oh, man..."

Crows in the world are generally black, but in fact, men in the world are also the same color, right?

He didn't even refuse, he just agreed, what else could he be if he wasn't a pervert!

"Heh, this is a man..."

It is easy to break the mountain, but it is difficult to break the heart.

When Igarashi was in the office in the morning, he suddenly thought of the massage enlargement method. He wanted to drive this terrible thought out of his mind, but unfortunately the more he wanted to forget, the more he could not forget it. Instead, the thought started to grow wildly like a weed, and even It became a kind of torment... Igarashi felt that if he didn't get rid of the demon in his heart, he would definitely go crazy.

The way to get rid of demonic barriers is actually very simple, that is to experience it yourself. After experiencing it a lot, you will naturally feel that it is nothing more than that, and it is not so memorable at all.

That's why Igarashi endured a huge sense of shame and decided to "sacrifice himself to feed the tiger" on the rooftop.

However, the imaginary sense of shame did not come. Instead, a hand landed on the top of her head, gently smoothing her fur like stroking a cat.


Igarashi suddenly opened his eyes wide, "You, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you let me touch yours?" Hua Ye asked puzzled.

Igarashi was at a loss for words for a while, her little face flushed, and she couldn't get the words out, so she could only grit her silver teeth and said angrily, "You idiot!"

(Who made you touch your head!)

(When a girl closes her eyes and asks you to touch her head, what do you think of? No wonder she has a virgin face!)

(Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!?

This legitimate loli took a deep breath, and under shame and anger, she actually made a bold decision that shocked even herself

She grabbed Hua Ye's hand and pressed it to her chest.


Hua Ye hesitated, but did not refuse.

After all, I have known each other for so long, and I have barely evolved from a passerby to an ordinary friend. I always feel that if I refuse now, this legal loli will explode with a "bang" like a puffer fish.

So the right hand landed on the opponent's left chest without hindrance, feeling...

Except for the silkiness and suppleness of the fabric, there is no feeling.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and said speechlessly: "So you want me to touch your breasts? Why didn't you make it clear earlier."


How could it be possible to say such embarrassing words!

Hua Ye didn't move his right hand, and asked curiously, "Okay, why did you let me touch you all of a sudden?"

(Meow meow meow?)

(You've already put your hand on the girl's chest, why are you still asking such silly questions?)

(Could it be that the disgusting white liquid in your head has solidified!)

"I always feel that you are scolding me in your heart." Hua Ye squinted his eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Igarashi almost gritted his silver teeth to pieces.

Obviously, it should be a scene where people are so ashamed to jump off a building, but why did it become like this...

Why don't you feel ashamed at all, just want to beat the guy in front of you!

"What are you looking at? I just use you as an experimental tool, like a rag, throw it away after use! When you are useless, I will kick you away!"

Hua Ye was not angry, just like Lafite evading taxes every day, Gabriel was salty every day, it would be strange if this legal loli didn't have a vicious tongue one day.

But not being angry doesn't mean not being punished.

Hua Ye snorted softly, exerted a little force on his hands, and said, "What experimental tools?"


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