The face of this legal loli turned red instantly, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, she turned her head to look in the direction of the playground, and said in a voice unwilling to admit defeat: "Listen, I heard that massage can make you bigger, so, so let me give you a massage ..."


Although he had expected it in his heart, Hua Ye was still shocked when Igarashi admitted it himself.

I don't read much, don't lie to me!

Can this kind of thing be entrusted to others?

Is it because you are too open, or because you, like Thor, have a distorted perception of social common sense.

"Hurry up!" Igarashi bit his lip, "I will pay you when the time comes!"

Hey, did I make a mistake somewhere, the one who pays for this kind of thing is right!

Hua Ye's face was covered with black lines, and his right hand, which had not moved until now, finally moved slightly.

So flat!

Only if you are careful enough, you can feel the faint arc and mysterious protrusion, and the carrier-based aircraft does not need to be placed on the deck for take-off and landing.

The Bible often mentions 'a land flowing with milk and honey'. If the dragon maid Thor and the tax-dodging Lafayette have breasts flowing with milk and honey, then you are a barren land, and the only end for the baby is to put The child is starving to death!

There is a term in geography called altitude, which refers to the height difference between a certain place and sea level. If it is used on girls, it can be roughly replaced by "milk pull height".

If the breast height of a completely undeveloped girl is set as 1, then after Huaye's actual measurement at the moment, Igarashi's breast height is 5.0, which is indeed worthy of a poor breast star with obvious characteristics, and Gabriel's waste The height of Angel's breasts is [-], and the height of Raphael's tax-dodging girl is [-]. It is difficult for others to obtain accurate data because they have not measured it by hand, so I will not mention it for the time being.


Igarashi only felt numbness in his chest, as if there was a surge of electricity, and it was completely different from the feeling he had when he was massaging, and he couldn't help but let out a strange moan.

"Look, what are you looking at!" This legal loli blushed, "Don't give me a strange physical reaction, it's disgusting!"

Hua Ye said with a dark face, "That's a mobile phone."

"What?" Igarashi opened his eyes wide, seeming to be even angrier, "How dare you not respond?!"

You are enough!

You are the one who refuses to react, and you are the one who does not react and get angry. What kind of trouble do you want to make?


Hua Ye said blankly: "How long will the massage be?"

"Okay, okay!" The legal loli opened Hua Ye's hand, turned her head and hummed, "It's all a lie, I don't feel it at all... I won't let you touch it again! "

Please don't turn so red when you speak, even your neck has turned pink, so you're still talking hard?

And don't set up flags randomly, it's easy to fulfill, okay?

Chapter 727 Girl Version Momotaro

When Hua Ye returned to the club activity room, he just heard Liuhua and Satania yelling to go to the auditorium.

"The show hasn't started yet, what are you doing so early?" Hua Ye was puzzled.

Silly Meow still has a proud expression of great wisdom and foolishness: "We can watch other people's dramas first, and then we can know ourselves and the enemy, so we can win all battles."

The stupid hair on the top of Liuhua's head swayed from side to side, covered the blindfold with one hand, and nodded earnestly: "My true eye of the evil king has already felt the call. This time, the evil king will reappear in the world..."

Before he could finish speaking, Hua Ye hit him with a chestnut.

"Okay, it hurts!" Liuhua crouched in defense with tears in her eyes, "The brave bully people!"

Do you know that during major exams, the most taboo thing is to check the questions with others after a test. If you find a wrong question in a question that you shouldn't do, it will easily affect your mood in the next test!

"Brother Xiaoye, I also want to go to the drama." Poor Loli hugged Hua Ye's hand.

Hua Ye thought for a while, and there was really nothing to do in the club activity room, and he would be despised from time to time with the look of "lolicon must die". It would be good to go to a drama, so he nodded and said, "Let's go."


The play was performed in the auditorium. Huaye and Liuhua's "Dragon Quest" was three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was only one o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still a long time.

Walking into the auditorium, the cool air of the air conditioner blows in.

The first drama performance in the afternoon has not yet started, but as far as the eye can see, there are two to three hundred people sitting in the huge auditorium, bustling with people, it is quite lively.

Hua Ye didn't like crowded and noisy environments, so he naturally didn't go to crowded places, and just found a quiet corner to sit down.

Both Satania and Liuhua have restless personalities, and quickly went to the backstage to check on the enemy's situation.

Wei Nai and Machiko were still helping in the classroom and did not come over.

Although Gabriel came, the lingering anger from the morning had obviously not dissipated, so he didn't sit next to Hua Ye, but directly sat on the other side of the bench.

Rafael took advantage of the situation and sat next to Hua Ye. The dirty loli took a step back and puffed up her cheeks: "Get up, this is my seat!"

"But it doesn't have your name written on it."

Hinata pinched his waist with one hand: "Brother Xiaoye is my inherent property, sacred and inviolable... the position can only be mine!"

"But man is born free..." Rafael stretched out a slender finger, and tapped his chin lightly, "Only slaves are the inherent property of others."

Lolita knew that she was invincible, so she chose to launch an offensive of grievances, and looked at Hua Ye pitifully: "Brother Xiaoye..."

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "You sit on the other side."

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