It's just a seat, what's there to fight for!

So Hua Ye sat in the middle, with Dirty Lolita and Maoer Niang on the left, Raphael and Alice on the right, and then Hua Ye suddenly felt that something was wrong...

When I went to the cinema to watch a movie last time, I hugged left and right, and now I still hug left and right, but the number of people has doubled... If there are more, can they become a pair of wings?


Fortunately, not long after, the first performance in the afternoon officially started.

"Hey, so it's Momotaro?" Lolita looked disappointed after seeing the actors on the stage clearly, "I've seen Momotaro many times, and I thought it would be different for high school students..."

"Have you ever heard a word?" Rafael stretched out a finger, "Don't think that adults are very powerful, in fact, adults are just children pretending to grow up."

"That's right." Alice nodded and said, "It's like a guy in the late stage of sugar control once said 'men are teenagers until they die'. If you translate it, it means that men are children who don't grow up."

The dirty loli patted her small chest with lingering fear: "Brother Xiaoye should not grow up..."

"What?" Hua Ye looked down.

Hinata blinked: "Because I heard people say that boys always like to comb their hair to look like adults when they are young, but when boys grow up, their hair will fall out."



Momotaro's story can be said to be a household name in the island country, and it is extremely classic.

The content of the story is very simple, that is, the old lady washing clothes by the river picked up a big peach one day, and then a baby jumped out of the peach, named Momotaro.

After Momotaro grows up, in order to repay his parents and fellow villagers, he prepares to get rid of the monsters who are doing evil nearby. Along the way, he uses the rice balls made by his grandma to subdue three younger brothers, the little white dog, the little monkey and the little chicken...

Hua Ye always felt that Momotaro's motives for bringing these three younger brothers were not pure.

For a guy who is easily subdued by a rice ball, he must be so loyal!

Maybe Momotaro wants to subdue these three little brothers because he intends to use "stewed dog meat", "hericium erinaceus", and "braised spicy chicken" at critical moments to make the evil spirits relax their vigilance, and then backstab and sneak attack!

Not to mention nothing, Minamoto Raimitsu in the Heian era was ordered to crusade against the evil spirit Shuten-douji. When he arrived at Shuten-douji's residence, he found that he was invincible. At the end, he used poisoned wine to overwhelm Shuten Doji and cut off the opponent's head.

As the saying goes, "Those who achieve great things don't care about small details", "Those who are not of our race must have different hearts", chickens, dogs, and monkeys can be brothers when they are okay, and they can be used as food reserves when they are in trouble.

The show will start soon.

The lights in the auditorium suddenly dimmed, and when they were turned on again, the grandpa, grandma, and Momotaro appeared on stage one by one.

The progress of the drama performance is very fast. It is impossible to be like a movie, which can only last for an hour or two. After a while, Momotaro has grown into an adult.

After Momotaro subdued the first boy blocking the way, Alice finally couldn't help complaining: "It's not Fatty Lan's omnipotent prop. Why does the rice ball made by the old grandma have such a big effect?"

"That's not necessarily true." Rafael stretched out a slender finger, smiling happily, "If it's Satania, just throw out a bag of pineapple buns, and you'll be able to conquer her."


Although Hua Ye wanted to complain, but thinking about it carefully, the possibility of Satania being subdued by a bag of pineapple buns is quite high.

"Hey, it really will." Alice nodded with deep sympathy, and then her eyes lit up, "And Jiazi in our class, I feel that as long as I feed her a banana, she can also be subdued."

The school once selected the top ten men of the school. Hua Ye was successfully on the list because of "showing off" in front of all the girls in the swimming pool, and Jiazi in Rafael's class was also on the list because of her unpredictable IQ. The lower limit and successfully made the list.

Hua Ye has met Jiazi, but he has never spoken to him. Even so, he can still be sure that the IQ of the other party is lower than that of Satania. In addition, Jiazi's physical fitness has reached the limit of human beings, and he can completely fight with kangaroos. Instead of falling behind.

"Lingna seems to be stupid too." Lolita Wu blinked her eyes and said to Hua Ye, "As long as you feed her taiyaki, she will obediently tell people to run away."

Kitty Catwoman is obviously not interested in Momotaro on the stage. At this moment, her head is biting and she is about to fall asleep, but after hearing the word "Taiyaki", she immediately raised her head, her round eyes Looking around: "Taiyaki? Where is Taiyaki? We want to eat meow!"

Hua Ye suddenly thought that if Momotaro tamed three girls instead of three animals, the story would definitely be more interesting.

At that time, the kitten girl Linna will wander sideways, acting as a jungler and assassin.

Satania taunts head-on, attracting hatred.

Then Jiazi, as the overlord of the top laner, fought out with a combat power that broke through the limits of human beings, and carried out the final harvest.

Momotaro could even ride on Kako's back, pick up a banana with a stick in front of Kako, and shout, "Pipika, let's go!"


It's a pity that Momotaro's drama on the stage is still being staged in the future, but everyone is already familiar with the plot behind it, so naturally there is not much expectation to speak of.

Hua Ye was a little bored when suddenly a delicate and soft palm gently grabbed his right hand.

The light in the auditorium was a bit dim, but when Hua Ye turned his head to look, he could clearly see the joyful smile in Raphael's eyes.

"Let go."

"Don't let it go, don't let it go." The dark-bellied girl stuck out the tip of her pink tongue, her silver hair flowed down her shoulders, her smile looked pretty in the dim light, "Student Hua Ye has now become a carnivore Now, the eyes are getting more and more obscene, if you don't hurry up, if you are caught molesting the little loli, I will be very distressed and say..."

Chapter 728 Sit up and move by yourself

"Who is getting more obscene? Who can't help molesting loli?"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

I said long ago that I am not a lolicon, and you grabbed your right hand. If you really want to molest Hinata and Kitty, you should grab your left hand, right?

Take another ten thousand steps back and say, why do you feel distressed when you were caught molesting a loli?

"Because Hua Ye said earlier that he wanted to support me. If he is put in prison, no one will support me." The black-bellied girl tilted her head slightly, closed one eye, and answered in a low voice with a pleasant smile, " This must be very distressing, right?"

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