You obviously didn't say it, how do you know what you're complaining about?

"Because there is a tacit understanding."


"Well!" The black-bellied girl made a pouting kiss while no one else was paying attention, "Make a seal, Hua Ye will be my inherent property from now on, sacred and inviolable."

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said, "Who said just now that everyone is born free?"

Under the dim light, this dark-bellied girl secretly held Hua Ye's hand, interlocking her fingers, and while enjoying the pleasure of immorality, she replied: "This sentence is like those chicken soup texts, which can only deceive children. That's all, just say it out of your mouth..."

Fenqihei refers to you, right?

It looks pink and tender on the outside, but after cutting it, the inside is pitch black!


After watching the drama for a while, the black-bellied girl suddenly raised her hand and beat her waist pitifully, "My waist is so sore..."


After Hua Ye finished asking, he came to his senses.

Back pain is something girls with "extraordinary breasts" often encounter. In addition, stars with big breasts and breasts also have a series of troubles that stars with small breasts do not have to bear. For example, they will feel chest tightness and shortness of breath when sleeping at night. If you wear For shirts, the buttons on the chest are easy to fall out, and when running, because the center of gravity fluctuates greatly, it is easy to lose balance and fall... But even so, there are still many girls who want to become bigger, probably this is the distress of happiness Bar?

"Student Hua Ye, if you are free someday, can you give me a massage?" The dark-bellied girl looked expectantly, "The last massage was at Satania's house, and it has been a long time..."

"Okay." Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, "I'm free now."


Just as Rafael opened her eyes wide, a hand landed on her waist.


The waist has both soft flesh and soft ribs. It can be said that it is a very sensitive and fragile part of the human body. In fact, not only girls, even boys, will react violently when someone suddenly touches the waist, but girls Just more sensitive.

"Master Bai Yu, what's wrong?"

The light in the auditorium was a little dim. Although Alice didn't see clearly what happened in the darkness, she clearly sensed that something was wrong.

"No, it's nothing..." Lafael replied in a low voice with a blushing face, "It's just that my back is itchy..."

"I see." Alice volunteered, "May I scratch it for you?"

"No need." Raphael hastily stretched out his hand and stroked Alice's golden hair, making the little bean show a comfortable expression of being caressed by a cat, "It's all right now."

Comforting Alice without any risk, the black-bellied girl looked at Hua Ye, biting her moist cherry lips with her white teeth, her pink cheeks puffed up: "Student Hua Ye is going too far! Suddenly using so much strength, in case What if it breaks?"

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "I always feel that you are saying bad things on purpose."

And didn't you ask for a massage?Now is the time to say thank you!


"Easy, lightly! It was too hard just now..."

"So comfortable..."


Hua Ye stopped his hands with disgust in his eyes. Normal people should be ashamed to evade taxes in a place like the auditorium, right? Why are you getting more and more happy instead!

"You continue to hide."

"No." The black-bellied girl quietly blinked her eyes, with a pleasant smile on her lips, "Because classmate Hua Ye's skills are too powerful, I can't help it..."


Skin has a price to pay, don't think you won't be punished in the auditorium!

Hua Ye snorted, and moved his right hand upwards. He unlocked a new pose on that legal loli before, but unfortunately her chest was so flat that she didn't feel it at all. Now I'm going to practice with you!

"No, it can't be done!" La Feier finally panicked, grabbed Hua Ye's wrist quickly, shook her head pitifully and said, "Only this is absolutely not allowed... If anyone sees it, I will die!"

Hua Ye slightly raised his eyebrows: "That is to say, it's enough not to be seen?"

"The pervert is too much!"



An angry look looked over from the side.

"Brother Xiaoye!" Poor Loli puffed up her cheeks, like a squirrel with several chestnuts in its mouth, expressing that she was very unhappy now, "There are so many people, I can't see the stage in front of me!"

Although I couldn't see what Huaye and Lafael were doing, they must have been playing tricks and didn't run away.

Hua Ye coughed lightly, then withdrew his hand:

"Then you sit in the front?"

"No." Hinata shook his head, and the twin ponytails tied with red ribbons flicked behind his back, "I don't know anyone in front of me, what if I encounter a lolicon bullying me?"

How can there be so many lolicons, and they are still bullying you in the auditorium. If someone finds out, they will be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of their lives! seems like I was bullying the black-bellied girl next to me just now?

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