Because there is a narrow and steep section of small steps behind the stage, which can only be lifted up in parallel one after the other, so the already strenuous piano immediately became unbearable.

"Wen Naijiang, I can't lift it anymore, my arms are so sore..." a girl said pitifully.

"Me too, I have no strength..."

"What should I do? Do you want to recruit some more coolies..." The round-faced girl who was talking glanced at Hua Ye, and quickly changed her face with a reddish face, "No, it's the boy?"

It's too late to change it now!It is said that men and women are equal, why are boys reduced to the coolie class on campus! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Senior sister hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said:

"Let's try it first, if it doesn't work, I'll go out and call a few people over..."

"Forget it, let me do it." Hua Ye picked up the piano and walked up.

A lot of time has been wasted, Hua Ye just wants to solve it as soon as possible and leave.

"Eh eh?"

Several girls opened their eyes wide in surprise, their expressions shocked.

"He actually moved alone?"

"Could it be that the piano we just moved is fake?"

Senior sister Wen Nai still didn't believe it, so she rolled up her sleeves and tried it, but the piano only moved slightly, and it didn't lift off the ground at all.

"Huh, it's so heavy~~" The senior sister wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at Hua Ye in amazement, and even stretched out her hand to pinch Hua Ye's arm twice, "Why are you so powerful?"

Another girl actually reached out and touched Hua Ye's abdomen, and then blushed and smiled: "My junior has abdominal muscles, I can feel them."

Hey, you are enough!What about being elegant and reserved, isn't it true that the older a girl is, the more rascal she is!Especially when they get together, they are the rogues among the rogues!

With a dark face on Hua Ye's face, he said:

"It's just more strength."

The senior sister held her chest with one hand and her chin with the other. She frowned and pondered for a while, then suddenly said, "Follow me to the lounge at the back to check!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "No need..."

"No!" The senior sister pulled Hua Ye and walked back, "Your situation is very dangerous, hurry up and check with me..."

After being dragged into the locker room by the vigorous senior sister, Hua Ye was shocked by the other party's first words.

"Okay, take off your clothes."


At this moment, Hua Ye suddenly thought of a certain plot... What a joke!I just help move the piano, even if I want to give benefits, I don't have to be so generous!

"Why?" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

"Of course it's a physical examination." The senior sister waved her hand and urged, "Oh, take off your pants quickly, let me see if there is any congestion..."

You can even say such words, you must be a fake senior!

Senior sister Wen Nai was very enthusiastic, even a little too enthusiastic. Seeing that Hua Ye hadn't moved, she came over and tried to take off her pants manually. Finally, Hua Ye, who couldn't bear it any longer, held her head with one hand.

"I'm not congested! Even if I have congested blood, I don't need you to help me reduce the swelling! And the door is not locked, so I will be caught and raped in the room!"

"Huh? Caught rape in the room?"

The senior sister blinked, and suddenly understood what Hua Ye meant, she jumped backwards, then covered her chest with her hands, a bright red glow flew up on her face, and said vigilantly: "Yu, so you are so dirty?! "

It's fine for others to say it, but you, a woman who tried to take off her student's pants, are not qualified to say such things!

"I just want to check if there is any blood on your leg!" The senior sister raised her hand to cover her chest, leaning her back against the wall in a defensive posture, "I accidentally saw a pretentious story on the Internet two days ago, and said In [-] B.C., King Wu of Qin was born with supernatural power. He was tall and strong since he was a child. His tibia was broken, and he died that night because of excessive bleeding..."

The senior sister seemed a little thirsty, she stretched out her tongue and licked her dry lips, and then continued: "The piano is so heavy, even if ordinary people can lift it, it must be very difficult, right? You are not the kind of muscular man with a hard body... So I suspect that you can't actually hold the piano, but you just don't want to lose face and hold on, maybe your body has been left with hidden injuries, and you will even die suddenly in a while..."

I'm really sorry that you didn't die suddenly!

"That's why I want you to take off your pants and check..." Senior Fuminao pouted slightly, dissatisfied, "You turned out to be so dirty, you thought I wanted to do that kind of thing with you...I'm Your senior sister!"

What's wrong, senior?

Don't say you are a senior, even the teacher I have fucked many times already!And if you let people take off their pants without a word of explanation, anyone would think they met a female hooligan!

Hua Ye asked a question with black lines all over his face: "Then you just let me roll up my trouser legs, why do you have to take off my trousers?"


After a brief silence.

The senior sister blinked her eyes, clenched her fist and knocked on the head as if maliciously showing off, "I'm sorry, I forgot...then continue to take off your pants?"

With a straight face, Hua Ye pulled up the leg of his trousers for Fumino Kimura to check.

The senior sister first picked up the drink and took a sip to quench her thirst, then bent down to look carefully, and muttered to herself, "Hey, did I think too much? It doesn't look like a broken tibia. ..."

Nonsense, you can't walk with a broken tibia!

"It's fine..." The senior sister breathed a sigh of relief, "If you die suddenly, the school will definitely make me responsible..."

I didn't die suddenly, but I was blown up by you first!

Wen Nai-senpai was about to get up as she said that, but before she could stand up, the door behind her was suddenly pushed open, so she rushed towards Hua Ye with an "ahhh"...

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