Chapter 730 Ruziniu

It is naturally impossible to fall down.

Even if this senior had the speed of a cat and the strength of a bear, it was impossible for Hua Ye to be thrown down by her, and he grabbed Senior Fumino's head with his hand.

At the same time, the door was pushed open with a "squeak".

"Student Hua Ye?!" After seeing the two people in the lounge clearly, Wei Nai immediately petrified, and said in an unbelievable tone, "You, what are you two doing?"

Senior sister didn't stand up just now, and now her face is facing Hua Ye's space-based rail gun, and Hua Ye's right hand is still pressing on the opponent's head... It is easy for people to make up a hundred thousand words of insults Plot!

"Listen to my explanation!" Hua Ye suddenly felt something called the desire to survive, took a deep breath and said, "This is a misunderstanding! When she was helping me check my body just now, you accidentally opened the door and touched her, and then walked forward When she fell, I just reached out to hold her up!"

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, didn't turn around and left, but asked with a straight face: "Why did you check your body...why is it in this position? Besides, senior sister is not a doctor, what kind of checkup did she do for you?"

"Cough, cough, cough..." The senior sister who couldn't stop coughing because she was out of breath covered her mouth, her face was flushed, and she stammered, "Because I was checking him for congestion or blood just now..."

"Congestion, blood?"

Wei Nai couldn't help but widen her eyes, her eyes fell on the position below Hua Ye's abdomen and above her thighs, with a shocked expression on her face: "You, you are actually checking that kind of thing?!"

"No matter how you think about it, it's impossible!" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, and he almost turned into a roaring emperor. He reached out and lifted Senior Fuminai up, "Explain to me carefully!"

"Ahem, you, why are you so rough?" The senior sister was teary, "It choked me..."

Choke your sister!If you don't explain it clearly, you won't be able to clean up if you jump into the Yellow River!

Seeing that Wei Nai was biting her lower lip and her pretty face was turning frosty, Hua Ye resolutely reached out and patted the senior on the back to help her calm down, and then said with a black face, "Quickly explain it to me!"

"All right……"

The senior sister let out a breath, and finally explained the cause and effect of the matter.

"So that's how it is..."

Wei Nai didn't believe that Hua Ye would do that kind of thing in the lounge with the senior she had known for more than a week, and she blushed when she heard this, "I misunderstood you..."

"It's all right." The senior sister waved her hands carelessly, "It's really easy to misunderstand the situation just now... I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

After the senior sister left, Hua Ye asked Wei Nai, "Why are you here so early?"

"In a little while, the play in our class will start, so come here to check the props in advance..."

Hua Ye was speechless: "There is still more than an hour?"

Wei Nai rolled Hua Ye's eyes, and replied solemnly: "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, and I can rest assured after checking it. This is called being prepared."



"By the way, this is for you..." Hua Ye took out a necklace from his pocket.

At noon, there were too many people in the club activity room, Hua Ye didn't choose to give accessories, otherwise he always felt that there would be danger.

"You, why did you suddenly send this to me?" Wei Nai blushed, "I don't want..."

Hua Ye explained: "Because everyone else has already delivered it."

For some reason, after the explanation, Wei Nai became even angrier. She bit her lower lip and made a pretty face: "I don't like wearing necklaces. You can give it to whoever you want..."

Before finishing speaking, the door was pushed open again, and senior sister Wen Nai appeared outside the door panting, her sweaty forehead shone with a healthy color under the light: "You, you two..."

"We didn't do anything!" Wei Nai blushed slightly, and hurriedly explained.

"No, no need to explain..."

How could it not be explained!Senior sister, you have a big mouth, if you don't explain, maybe rumors will fly all over the sky later!

"We really didn't do anything..."

"Listen to me!"

The senior sister took a deep breath, making the height of the breasts on her chest significantly higher, and then said in a breath: "The Xiaoqian who is in charge of playing the piano accidentally broke his wrist just now, and now he can't perform. Who of you can play?" Can-can?"

"Hey, is Xiaozao injured?" Wei Nai asked concerned, "Is it serious? Do you want to send it to the hospital?"

For a woman, the face is the second life, and for the pianist, the hands are the second life. During the period of rehearsing the play, Wei Nai gained a lot of friends, and naturally she cared a lot.

"Xiao Zuo is fine." The senior sister shook her head, "I have been seen by the health doctor on duty just now, it is just a fall, but to be on the safe side, I'll let her rest for a while, otherwise it will be bad if there are sequelae... "

"Well, it should be." Wei Nai nodded in agreement.

"Now that Momotaro is about to end, suddenly encountering such a thing, I am really anxious to death..."

"And I've asked everyone else. Those who can play the piano are only at the entry level, and they are not talented enough..." The senior sister looked at Hua Ye pitifully, and begged, "So help me?"

"What do you see me doing?" Hua Ye was speechless.

"Because Liuhua said, you are a brave man, and a brave man should stand up at a critical moment, right?"

Stand up for your sister!

The ones who take care of everything are not brave men, but those oxen who 'eat grass and squeeze blood'! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"I won't." Hua Ye shook his head, he had no interest in helping.

Wei Nai pursed her lips, looked at Hua Ye, and said softly:

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