As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of "angry scolding".

Gabriel: "Bah! hentai!"

Alice: "Big pervert!"

Wei Nai: "How can you say such nonsense?"

Rafael: "Your facial paralysis is too much."


Yi Liya's eyes flickered slightly, and she tilted her head and asked, "These are all princesses?"

Before Hua Ye fell asleep, no one dared to talk to him with this attitude, but before he came out of the auditorium, Hua Ye had already ordered her to seal the power, and she did not need to do anything to maintain her majesty.

The club activity room suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at each other, and then looked away guiltily.


That's all for this meeting.

Hua Ye did not stay to participate in the school festival, but got up and went back to the apartment, with the newly promoted maid Ilya by his side, no matter where he went, he would attract the amazement of others, which is undoubtedly a very troublesome thing Son.

Going back with Hua Ye, there are also two lolis, Hinata and Catwoman.

"Brother Xiaoye, I want a Coke!"


Catwoman raised her hand: "We want to eat octopus balls~~"


Looking at the two lolis who were bouncing forward and eating snacks with happy faces, Yi Liya tilted her head slightly, staring at Hua Ye with her purple eyes, and asked curiously: "When did the master like the young girls of the human race and the orc race?" gone?"

"Who likes them?" Hua Ye's face darkened, "I'm not a lolicon!"

"It turns out that people who like to play with young girls," Illya nodded thoughtfully, with a look of 'learned', "Is it called a 'lolicon' in this world?"

Your sister, who played with them!It's obvious that they are pestering me, okay!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "You never asked this kind of question before."

Illya replied calmly: "Because the previous master never did such boring things."


Hua Ye was slightly silent.

"When is the master going to return to the royal court?" Ilya pushed the wine-red glasses on the bridge of her nose. These were the plain glasses that Hua Ye had just bought for her on the side of the road, and then cast magic on them to reduce her sense of presence. , "During the period of time when the master was sleeping and disappearing, a total of [-] new government affairs have been added, which require your signature to deal with..."

The corner of Hua Ye's mouth twitched: "You can handle that kind of thing by yourself."


Yi Liya suddenly moved to Hua Ye's side, sniffed her nose, and smelled it.

"what are you doing?"

"I smell something unusual." Ilya pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose. She seemed to like this movement she had just learned from a white-collar woman, and said calmly, "It is preliminarily inferred that the owner should have arrived at the office. , love period..."

"Send your sister's love! Don't think that you can do whatever you want because you have made some contributions!"

"Is that the mating period?" Illya tilted her head slightly and changed a word.

Equally bad okay!

"If the master wants to mate, I will go and tie up all the candidate princesses and strip them..."

"Shut up! I smell like those girls' cosmetics!" Hua Ye's face was darkened, and he handed her the phone, "Go learn sociology by yourself!"

Chapter 736 The Way of a Maid

Back to the apartment.

Looking at the room with an area of ​​only forty square meters, Ilya pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and suggested: "Master, the environment here is too bad, I suggest moving the palace to this world..."

"No need." Hua Ye shook his head.

With the salary that Hua Ye got from working during this period, he could buy a villa, but he didn't mean to change his place of residence... Without Gabriel who came to eat every day, and Wei Nai who came to clean from time to time, what would happen to the palace? Grandiose, also pointless.

During Hua Ye's performance in the afternoon, his seniors put makeup on his face, and many slut seniors touched him. His clothes inevitably smelled of cosmetics. He felt a little uncomfortable at the moment and planned to go to the bathroom Take a shower.

As a result, as soon as she took off her shirt, she turned around and saw that Ilya had already taken off her clothes. She was only wearing Wei Nai's sportswear, not even a piece of underwear. Now that she took off her coat, she was immediately clean.

Hua Ye was speechless: "What are you doing?"

"Serve the master to take a bath." Illya replied calmly. The sunlight coming in from the balcony fell on her body, reflecting the delicate and white enamel luster like ivory, which was very dazzling.

"Why haven't you served me in the bath before?"

"I used to be a secretary, but now I'm a maid. Their responsibilities are different." Illya pointed to the mobile phone on the coffee table, and said calmly, "The mobile phone says that it is the maid's duty to provide bath milk service to the master who has been tired all day."


Hua Ye was expressionless: "Did you mistake the meaning of body wash?"

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