Those guys who invite you out to dinner or watch a movie within less than half a day on the Internet, you can guess what is going on in your mind with your toes!

At this moment, Kangna finally finished eating the miniature fruit Thor, puffed up her little face and said, "Master Thor's taste is so sour."

It's not your Mr. Thor's sour, but pineapple sour.

"It doesn't taste as good as the milk just now."


Hua Ye was immediately shocked.

Hey, what's the matter with the smell of milk? !

When you practiced milking in the bedroom, did you really get milk? (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Chapter 741

God knows what kind of tragedy happened in the bedroom before. Anyway, under Hua Ye's gaze, Thor blushed in an extremely rare way, and then changed the subject awkwardly: "Do you want to taste the pineapple, Xiaoye?"

"No." Hua Ye shook his head.

In the recipe of this blue-eyed young dragon, except for the orange peel and hell ice mints, it is generally rare to give bad reviews. Now it says pineapple sour, so it must be very sour.

"Hmph, if you don't eat it, I'll eat it myself..."

Thor took a piece of pineapple with a toothpick and put it in his mouth, and then his big golden eyes instantly widened, which was unexpectedly joyful.

She closed her eyes, tried to make a swallowing movement, turned her head and wiped her mouth, then looked at Alma, and handed over the fruit plate in her hand: "Hey, why don't you eat a piece of pineapple? Or Xiaolin said that I won't entertain is you."

"I'm not an idiot, I know why I still eat sour!" Alma couldn't help complaining.

"Not sour or sour." Thor shook his head, "Come on, have a piece."

"Your saliva is dripping out!"

"Tch." Thor turned his head to look at Hua Ye with uneasy eyes, "Xiao Ye..."

With a black line on Hua Ye's face, he decisively rejected three times: "No, take it away, and go."

At this moment, the bathroom door opened with a "click", and Xiao Lin with wet hair came out of the bathroom: "Hey, is the pineapple you bought today very sour? If it is sour, don't rush to eat it, soak it in salt water for a while, It's not so sour..."

Thor tilted his head slightly, puzzled: "But salt water is salty, right? Don't pineapple become sour and salty after soaking?"

"This is..."

Xiao Lin was stunned by this question for a while, she raised her hand subconsciously to push the glasses, but her right hand felt empty, and then she remembered that when she was taking a shower just now, in order to prevent the glasses from getting wet, she put the glasses outside .

Hua Ye handed over the glasses, and said:

"The brine breaks down and neutralizes the organic acids in the pineapple, so it only becomes sweet, not sour and salty."

In fact, a small number of people will be allergic when eating pineapple, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, tongue numbness, etc., and salt water can destroy the allergenic substances in pineapple, so in theory, eating pineapple It's best to soak in water first... Of course, dragons with good teeth and appetites like Thor and Kangna don't have to worry about pineapple allergies at all.

"I see." Thor couldn't help nodding, "Xiao Ye knows a lot."

Hua Ye said with a stern face: "If you have nothing to do, read more books and visit less harmful forums, and you will know."


Thor walked into the kitchen with a fruit plate, soaked the pineapple in salt water, and waited for a while before eating.

Just at this time, Xiaowanzi, who is obviously a macrocephaly patient, asked grandpa: "Grandpa, what is growth?"

Thor twitched his head, lay down on the sofa, poked his head out from Hua Ye's side, and raised his hand to answer: "Growing up means playing rope when you are young, and playing bondage when you grow up?"

Hua Ye's face was covered with black lines.

Bind your sister!Whether it's tying others up or liking being tied up by others, it can only be said that it looks crooked!

"Thor!" Kobayashi gritted his teeth and shouted.

Thor puffed up his cheeks: "But I think it makes sense."

Where does it make sense?

If you like to play bondage, do you want to know more about Guijiabundle?You are satisfied!

Xiao Lin sighed, after all, she didn't have the nerve to correct the difference between binding and turning the rope in front of Hua Ye. She was wearing a white plaid pajamas, took out a book from her bag, and sat on the sofa to read.

"Hey, Xiao Lin, what are you looking at?"

Thor never let go of the opportunity to show his ownership of Kobayashi in front of others. He sat next to Kobayashi, opened his eyes wide, and read out the words on the title page curiously: "...follow the anti-Japanese drama to learn Chinese?"

"This book has suddenly become popular recently. Some people even printed the cover on cultural shirts. I don't know why..."

Kobayashi flipped through the books in his hand and said, "Takitani bought a few books for collection today, and then gave me a copy. When I'm free, just take a look at what it's about."

"It's that guy with glasses again..." Thor puffed out his mouth, unhappy. Anyone who has a chance to snatch Xiaolin is an enemy.

Sitting next to Xiao Lin, Hua Ye became a little interested when he heard the words. He turned his head and saw the words "Anti-Japanese Hero". The machine gunner who killed the devil with a single shot from a hundred miles away...

"Hey, so there are such powerful experts in this world?" Thor's eyes lit up, and he was gearing up, "I really want to fight."

"Violence is not allowed." Xiao Lin closed the book expressionlessly, "Don't read it, eat."


Because it was a family banquet, so there wasn't much to pay attention to. Everyone sat around the table casually, and Kobayashi was sandwiched between Thor and Alma. Shi Shi stared at each other.

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