
Chapter 740 If I Like You, I Will Eat You

"By the way, this is Elma, the company's newly recruited colleague..." The two walked back to the living room, and Xiao Lin remembered that the two sides hadn't introduced each other yet, "This is my cousin..."

"Hi cousin!"

Alma put her hands on her lower abdomen, bowed slightly, no less than Thor's extraordinary chest, even a black suit couldn't hide it, and bumped up and down with the bowing movement.

Sure enough, the Longniang clan is a generation with extraordinary minds.

It is estimated that the blue-eyed baby dragon sitting on the sofa watching Chibi Maruko-chan will grow up to be a dragon girl with an extraordinary heart. After all, it is a racial talent that cannot be compared with humans.

Speaking of racial talent, when Kanna grows up, her desires seem to be very strong...

"Ah hello."

Hua Ye calmly looked at Alma in front of him.

This newly-appeared dragon lady has short bob hair, a high nose, a small mouth, and clear eyes. She is wearing a professional woman's small suit and A-line skirt, and even has a pair of high-heeled shoes on her feet. She seems very polite and very polite. Serious, responsible and eager to learn, she is probably the dragon lady of the lawful camp.

You need to be good-looking, you need to have a heart, it seems that your head is not very bright, it is definitely a mascot, if it is not for the programmer who is busy typing code every day and has no intention of looking for a wife, it is estimated that at this moment has been People are halfway through the Raiders.

"Xiaolin, the pineapple is ready!"

Thor came out of the kitchen with a fruit plate in his hand and a toothpick in the other hand with a sliced ​​pineapple poked on it. He handed it to Xiaolin and said expectantly, "I'll feed you."

Kobayashi said expressionlessly:

"what is this?"

"Oh, when I was cutting a pineapple in the kitchen, I couldn't help itching, so I carved myself." Thor was not ashamed, but proud, and raised the pineapple carved into a miniature Thor in his hand. Putting one eye on, trying to pass the test, "Knead the rice ball into the shape of a cute bunny, it will taste better, and if you carve the pineapple into my shape, it will taste even better."

"I refuse." Xiao Lin's face was dark, "you can eat by yourself, I'm going to take a shower and change clothes."

An expression of "how can you be so cruel" suddenly appeared on Thor's face, puffed up his cheeks and said, "It took me two minutes to carve it..."

"Give it to Xiao Ye."

"No!" Thor shook his head resolutely, "I carved this specially for Kobayashi. If you eat me, we can become one and never separate..."

Hey, don't say such scary things suddenly!Xiaolin is not Brother Cheng, and you don't have the attribute of being coquettish!

"I knew it..." Xiao Lin raised his hand to cover his forehead, then turned and walked into the bathroom without hesitation, "I'm going to take a shower!"

"What, I obviously said it out of my own mind..."

Thor puffed his cheeks, looked at the lifelike miniature self on the bamboo stick, thought for a while, but still didn't eat it by himself, after all, eating himself or something, always felt a little disharmonious...

"Well, who is it for?"

The first to rule out is Alma.

This guy who works with Kobayashi, goes to and from get off work together, and even often comes over to take up Kobayashi's rest time, Thor expressed his jealousy and restrained him so he didn't drive him out of the house.

Thor turned his gaze and landed on Hua Ye.

He couldn't help thinking of being slapped by Hua Ye in the supermarket, and later when he was wearing sexy lingerie, there was another incident of exposure. Although he didn't complain about it, he was inevitably a little sulking, so he didn't give it to him.

"Kangna, let me eat."

"Thank you, Lord Thor."

As a foodie dragon, Kang Na has always been willing to refuse food.

"Open your mouth, I'll feed you." Thor sat on the sofa and handed the bamboo stick to Kangna's mouth, "There's a lot of sticky liquid on it, eat it slowly, don't get it on your clothes, it smells weird, It's hard to clean..."

Knowing you said pineapple, but why does it sound so bad?


Connor raised her face, opened her mouth, and bit off Thor's head with one bite

A miniature version of Fruit Thor's head carved out of pineapple.


The blue-eyed young dragon swallowed Thor's remaining parts in one gulp, its mouth bulging like a squirrel with a lot of chestnuts in its mouth.

Seeing himself being eaten by Kang Na one by one, Thor inevitably felt a little weird in his heart, and muttered to himself: "It seems that there was a movie released not long ago, what is it called "I Want to Eat Yours" "Pancreas"... I heard that it is a very touching romance movie, and many people couldn't help crying with happiness after watching the movie... Sure enough, eating each other is the highest state of loving each other, right?"

"Your sister's highest state!" Hua Ye couldn't bear it anymore, and complained with black lines on his face, "If you haven't seen a movie in a movie theater, don't make random comments! The hero and heroine have never eaten each other's body tissue from beginning to end, even Even the saliva has not been exchanged! The reason why the audience cried is because when the audience was looking forward to the first official date between the two, the director let the heroine die at the hands of the murderer, and the result made people cry. It is said that there are still many viewers sending razor blades to the director's house!"

"I didn't go to the cinema to watch a movie." Thor pouted like a little beast, "Xiao Lin is so busy every day, and occasionally when she is on weekends, she looks so tired, I can't bear to let her go with me. Cinema..."

Alma pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and said in surprise:

"Hey, so you haven't seen the movie yet? I watched it last weekend."

Thor immediately opened his eyes wide, and exhaled heavily from his nostrils: "Xiao Ye, you seem to be very free every day, why don't you accompany me to the cinema tomorrow to watch a movie?!"

Hey, who is busy!

Going to the movies with you will definitely provide you with food, drink, and questions. In addition, in terms of cost, this is a "non-return investment" project, and there is no day when the cost will be paid back.

So Hua Ye shook his head decisively: "No."

"Huh." Thor puffed up his cheeks and said dissatisfiedly, "When I was learning the maid position online, many people wanted to invite me out to the movies, but I still didn't agree to them."

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