Thor stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and his extraordinary chest swayed in a way of Newton's pendulum, which made people feel fascinated, and actually imposed the negative state of "absence" on Hua Ye.

This action is a long story, but in fact, it was only for a short moment. Thor reached out and grabbed the red sexy underwear that fell into the air, and then blocked his chest like lightning, until now, "Hi! "The word 'Ya' was finally finished.


She walked away in front of Hua Ye in sexy lingerie, even Thor, who was always carefree, blushed at this moment. She glared at Hua Ye, turned around and closed the door with a "snap".

After a while, the door opened again.

A silver-haired girl came out with calm eyes, wearing only two translucent black lace underwear...

With no expression on his face, Hua Ye waved his hand directly and said:

"Go back and get dressed."


After a while, Thor finally came out of the bedroom.

This dragon maid has changed into a maid outfit, and her face has returned to normal. After all, she is not a shy character, and she doesn't think there will be any loss if she is looked at by humans. After all, she is a dragon, and she cannot use human values. Measure her... Of course, the premise is that Hua Ye, if it is someone else, he will probably be called an idiot.

Thor sat next to Hua Ye and puffed up his cheeks: "Did you see it just now?"


Besides, if you don't see it, you are lying with your eyes open.

"Forget it, just treat it as a benefit for you to invite me to the buffet..." Thor thought for a while, shaking his head with a depressed expression, "But don't tell Xiaolin, or I will beat you until you lose your memory!"


Time passed quietly.

As the lights on the opposite side of the apartment came on one after another, when the twilight enveloped the land, the knock on the door finally sounded.

Thor appeared by the door with a 'whoosh', stretched out his hand and opened the door, with a vigorous smile on his face: "Xiaolin, welcome home!"

"En." Xiao Lin responded, handed the briefcase and bag in his hand to Thor, and went in to change his shoes.

"Excuse me." Another crisp voice sounded from behind Xiao Lin.

The smile on Thor's face disappeared immediately, looking at the woman behind Xiao Lin wearing an A-line skirt and a small suit, his eyes were full of disgust: "What are you doing here again?"

"I'm here to ask Xiao Lin about work." Alma pushed the flat glasses on her face and replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Although Long Niang's learning ability is very strong, she can't create something out of nothing, at least she has to learn first. Unfortunately, not everyone has the patience to teach her how to work.

Kind people always like to be gentle to others, but this world is neither kind nor gentle.

When the work cannot be done, there is no helping hand from all directions.

Fortunately, although Kobayashi is usually a three-faced paralyzed glasses girl, she is undoubtedly a very kind and gentle person. Therefore, after going back and forth, Alma is now quite familiar with Kobayashi, and visiting and asking questions is also a common occurrence.

As for Elma, a computer idiot who doesn't understand anything, why did she succeed in joining the company... She has big breasts, good looks, looks very serious and dull, and looks easy to adjust and teach. reason?

It's not a day or two between the two of them. Xiao Lin has already gotten used to it. While changing his slippers, he said, "Thor, go and peel the pineapple I bought, please..."

Thor, who received the order, immediately threw Alma aside, raised his hand and saluted, "Leave it to me, Kobayashi!"

Xiao Lin walked into the living room, and saw Ilya standing quietly behind Hua Ye, he couldn't help being surprised: "Hey, this is...?"

As he said that, he cast a questioning look at Hua Ye, "You changed your girlfriend again".

Who changed his girlfriend? I've never had a girlfriend, okay?

Ilya said calmly, "I am the master's personal maid."

"Oh... eh?" Xiao Lin opened his eyes wide, raised his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Maid?"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "Let's just say that."

Xiao Lin walked to the refrigerator and took a can of cold beer to moisten his throat, then waved to Hua Ye quietly.

When Hua Ye walked to the balcony, Xiao Lin whispered worriedly:

"That girl doesn't look like a student..."

Because she was not a student.

"Why did you suddenly have a beautiful maid? Didn't you learn some hypnotism when you were reading novels or episodes, and brainwashed her? This is against the law..."

Hua Ye said with a dark face: "Don't worry, she will leave after a while."

"That's good." Xiao Lin breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Then where did she live before she left?"


Seeing that Hua Ye didn't speak, Xiao Lin understood in his heart, and said earnestly: "Xiao Ye, don't kill anyone..."

You are enough, just say this when you see a girl, do you think I am a humanoid planter in your eyes!

If someone is killed, then the phrase "If you have something to do as a secretary, if you don't have something to do as a secretary", it will really be true.

"Remember to take safety measures, abortion is illegal..."

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, and he couldn't help complaining: "However, it is only illegal in name. Due to the existence of the Maternal Health Law, Japan is actually a degenerate country, okay?"

Xiao Lin opened his eyes wide: "What? You've already considered abortion in the future?!"

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