Kobayashi's apartment.

"Seeing Kangna clearly, hold it with your hands like this, and squeeze it slowly from the root. Don't use too much force. After a while, white liquid will naturally come out..."

"Well, Master Thor knows a lot."

"Hey, it's nothing. Remember to pay attention when the time comes, don't let the white liquid get on your clothes, otherwise it will be difficult to wash off..."

"Understood, Lord Thor."


Sitting on the sofa beside him, Hua Ye finally couldn't help complaining:

"It's just milking, don't say such bad things."

"Hey, what's wrong?" Thor puffed up his cheeks and asked, "Isn't milk squeezed out like this?"

In the island country, the labor class in elementary school is a compulsory course, and the course content is varied. There are controversial things like raising pigs and then killing them for meat, as well as cleaning toilets, planting trees, and growing flowers.

The content of the labor class for Kangna and the others this time is to go to a nearby farm to milk the cows in person, so as to experience the hard work and the hard-won food... It’s okay for Kangna to eat a cow, but milking is really not enough However, that's why Connor asked Thor about her experience milking cows, which is also a kind of homework.

"The above is just a theoretical experience. If you want to not be ashamed, you'd better practice it first..." Thor rested his chin on one hand, his eyes turned, and fell on Hua Ye.

Hey, what do you see me doing?

Could it be that they want to use me as an experimental product for milking?

If you don't send me to the gendarmerie, you won't let it go!

"Xiaoye can't do it." Thor quickly shook his head with disgust in his eyes, "If you get the strange liquid on Kangna, I can't help but do it..."

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, and he almost turned into a roaring emperor: "I never promised to let Kang Na milk the milk, okay?"

"Hmph, the flags were raised that day."

"So you think whose fault it was that day!"


"Forget it, let's squeeze Illya and I..." Thor quickly made a decision.

The dragon maid took Illya and walked into the bedroom, "I haven't tried on those bras yet, go to the bedroom and try them on first, and let Kangna practice milking by the way..."

Squeeze your uncle!

Others are milking cows and goats, but Kang Na is milking the two of you, so there is no point in practicing!

If it's a game, after Kangna milks the two of you, she will be able to get the title of "Legendary Milker"! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Yi Liya turned her head to look at Hua Ye, seeing that Hua Ye hadn't shaken her head, she didn't break free.

The bedroom door slammed shut, blocking Hua Ye's sight. Unfortunately, the soundproofing effect of the door was not good. Although I didn't listen carefully, I could vaguely hear the conversation coming from inside.

"Puff yo pu yo~~"

"Master Thor's breasts are so big...so soft to the touch..."

"Okay, when you grow up, you may have bigger breasts than mine, so hurry up and practice milking."


A rustling sound came from the bedroom.

"Master Thor, what's the matter with you?"

"No, it's nothing... just a little itchy... You obviously didn't feel this way when you rolled into my arms to sleep at night... Ah, uh..."


Hua Ye sat on the sofa expressionlessly, and suddenly felt that the world was taking jujube pills.

Chapter 739 Alma

After a while, the door "clicked" open a gap, Thor poked his head out from the gap, his usually white and jade-like cheeks were slightly flushed at this moment, and he whispered: "Xiaoye, help me get a Come over with an ice-cold Coke."

Hua Ye sat on the sofa: "You have the time to speak, so you have already come out and got it?"

"I don't have any clothes on." Thor said confidently.

"Hurry up." Thor urged, "I don't know what's going on now, but I suddenly feel hot ears, thirsty, and heartbeat speeding up... Maybe it's because the weather is too hot?"

That's enough, it's not because of the hot weather that your ears are hot and thirsty. You who can participate in the triathlon in the magma, how could you be so hot because of the mere autumn tiger?

Obviously, when Kang Na was milking the milk, it caused you an indescribable excitement!

With a straight face, Hua Ye got up and took a bottle of iced Coke from the refrigerator, then walked to the bedroom door and handed it over.

"Thank you Xiaoye."

Probably because his body is very sensitive now, when Thor touched the cold Coke bottle with his fingertips, he actually shivered, and the sexy underwear that he barely put on broke apart with a snap.


If it is normal, even in human form, Thor's reaction is still fast, and there is no danger of losing his light, but now because he is holding the drink in one hand and holding the door with the other hand, the reaction is inevitably slow After half a beat, the disconnected erotic underwear began to fall in a free-fall trajectory...

The first thing that catches the eye is the deep gully.

The deep career line is just like the Grand Canyon of Colorado in the United States. The vibrating sound of "puyo puyo" is like the charming song of a siren siren, which can make any normal male animal fall into it, unable to extricate itself.

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