"Oh, it's the bust size." Hua Ye sat in the resting place at the door and didn't follow. After all, there were several other female customers in the store, so the task of troubleshooting fell on Thor.

This dragon maid raised her hand and dragged her chest, making a trembling sound of 'puyo puyo', and explained by using herself as an example: "It is used to fix things here... Otherwise, when walking, the chest will be 'puyo puyo' Yo' tossing around, it's very troublesome to say."


Chapter 738

"Is that so?"

Illya lowered her head, stretched out her hands and dragged her chest like Thor did.

The sound of "puyo puyo" sounded again, causing double critical damage to other female customers in the store.

"Miss, you, you have bumps!"

The female shopping guide, Waterfall Khan, hurriedly stood in front of Ilya.

This beautiful girl actually went out in a vacuum, didn't she wear a bra at all!It’s understandable not to wear it at home, and it’s okay not to wear it in winter, but it’s summer now, so it’s too exaggerated to go out without wearing a bra?

The female shopping guide wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and said awkwardly: "Well, the hand test is not accurate, let me measure it for you with a tool..."

"34D, it matches your height, it's a perfect ratio..." After a simple measurement, the female shopping guide spoke enviously, "What color bra do you like? We have black, red, white, pink... "

"Black." Yili said calmly.

"Okay." The female shopping guide nodded, "So which one do you want, the normal bra or the sexy bra?"

"Is there any difference?"

Just as the female shopping guide was about to answer, Thor's problem of being a good teacher relapsed again, and she raised her hand and replied, "It's very simple, one is for wearing, and the other is for tearing."


The female shopping guide and several female customers in the store were sweating profusely.

Although it seems correct to explain it this way...but it sounds super bad!

"I see." Ilya nodded slightly, turned her head to look at Hua Ye, and said calmly, "I want a sexy bra."

Immediately, several contemptuous looks fell on Hua Ye who was waiting at the door.

Hua Ye was playing with his mobile phone when he entered the door. He hasn't said a word until now, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being shot.

"Okay, okay..."

The female shopping guide quickly led Thor and Ilya to the shelf of sexy bras. The customer is God. The shopping guide's duty is to provide recommendations and help, not to make decisions for customers, whether it is ordinary bras or sexy bras. , can only make decisions based on the will of the customer.

"How about this one?" The female shopping guide brought over a bra, "If you want to try it on, there is a fitting room in front..."

"No need to try it on." Ilya shook her head slightly, "I need all of these."

"Eh, eh?" The female shopping guide opened her mouth and opened her eyes wide, "You mean you want all of these?"


"But how do you wear so many clothes..."

"It's okay." Ilya turned her head to look at Hua Ye, her silver hair was dancing in the air, "Master's needs are great."


Contemptuous gazes shot at Hua Ye again. If gazes could kill, Hua Ye would be riddled with holes right now.

"Shut up!" Hua Ye couldn't bear it anymore.

What do I need from these things?

Is it worn on the face as an anti-smog mask?

If the smog is not prevented, it will be regarded as a pervert by others and swept into the garbage dump!

Ilya bowed and said calmly:

"Always think of the master, this is the way of a maid."

your sister!Buying a bunch of sexy bras and keeping them on your body, waiting for the owner to tear them off all the time, this is not the way of a maid at all, but the way of a slave!


Soon there were whispers full of disdain in the store.

"Hey, why did that girl call him master?"

"Is it some kind of new play method?"

"That girl must have been hypnotized and brainwashed?"

"Should we call the police?"


"I want it too." Thor raised his right hand in fear of chaos, "I also want to buy a sexy bra, and then wear it back and show it to Xiaolin."

Wear your sister!You are wearing a sexy bra to seduce Xiaolin, Xiaolin will probably suffer [-] points of critical damage!


Twenty minutes later.

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