At the intimate joint between the palm and the buttocks, you can clearly feel the ripples spread out in circles. The soft, plump but elastic touch is comparable to the most advanced jelly drink in the world.

"Eh eh?"

Thor stretched out his hands to cover his buttocks, and jumped forward a few meters away. There was no shy look on his face. After all, he was the guy who could tell you to rub your back and reward your chest pillow without changing his face. He just opened his eyes wide , as if seeing something unbelievable: "You, you hit me?"

"That's right, I'll hit you." Hua Ye said with a straight face.

Thor puffed up his cheeks, unhappy: "Even Kobayashi never hit me..."

Kobayashi doesn't hit you because she was a three-no-flat-chested glasses girl before drinking. You only need to use the "poker face" skill to look at you, and you will naturally feel guilty, okay?

Hua Ye hummed: "If you are not convinced, you can call back."

"Even if you say that, I won't touch your place!" Thor puffed up his cheeks, his eyes were wary, "It's agreed that you won't hit me? You're harassing!"

Sex... harassing your sister!

It's just teaching you not to be stupid, even the species are different, how can it be considered harassment?

It seems like spring is here, and many female cats who have not undergone neutering surgery will "meow" all night long. If the sound insulation is not good, it can even make the whole building unsafe. At this time, the owner uses cotton swabs to help release the cats. Does pressure count as harassment?

Hua Ye said with a straight face: "If you talk nonsense again, I will slap you again."

"What." Thor pouted dissatisfiedly, "I just don't want to do anything, or your little arms and legs will be broken with a light touch..."

Kobayashi has already made three chapters with Thor. When he arrives in this world, he must abide by the laws of this world. For example, when he is riding a tram, if he encounters an idiot who wants to take advantage of him, he can't eat him in one bite... At most, he will interrupt It's just the opponent's hands and feet.

If someone else sneaked up on Thor's ass just now, he would have been dragged outside by Thor's neck by now, breaking his five limbs.

But Hua Ye is different after all.

"Oh, don't do it, don't do it, I'll hit you when you have something to do..." The aunt who was choked by Thor's "shit" finally recovered, clenched her fist with her right hand, and beat Hua Ye at the same time. Said, "Boy, do you want to buy some sea cucumbers to eat back? Don't look at the color of these sea cucumbers, they taste super good..."

The aunt tried her best to sell it to Hua Ye: "Buy a copy and go back to make sea cucumber porridge? It has miraculous effects on nourishing the kidney, nourishing the essence, and nourishing the blood. Young people nowadays always feel that their kidneys are good, so they don't know how to control them. They are actually young." People need maintenance and nourishment more..."

Hey, when you talk, don't deliberately glance at Thor!

Does it seem to you that because of his big breasts and big butt, Thor has the legendary "squeezing and juice girl" physique, and he can turn a strong man into a human being in three months!Even if she is really a juicer, she can only squeeze Xiaolin's juice, okay? (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"Don't buy it." Hua Ye turned around with a black line on his face, and was about to leave.

"Hey, wait a minute!" the aunt waved and shouted, "Sea cucumbers can not only nourish the kidneys and blood, but also whiten and beautify the skin. It is also of great benefit to women... If you don't buy it yourself, you can buy one for your girlfriend."

Sorry, there are no girlfriends here.

Thor's eyes lit up, and he asked curiously, "Hey, can these dark things really whiten and beautify your face?"

"Of course." The aunt works here every day, so she naturally understands the true meaning of sales, that is, to give an example of a successful person, "You know the Empress Dowager Cixi? For the sake of beauty, she eats this every day, so when she is seventy years old, she looks She still looks like a twenty-year-old girl!"

Hey, are you talking nonsense?

Among other things, no matter how delicious something is, eating it every day will make you tired!

Thor had an expression of "Don't lie to me" on his face: "But I saw pictures on the Internet, that Empress Dowager Cixi is obviously very ugly..."

"Well, you can't trust everything on the Internet, and the BBC's disciplinary film "Human Planet" is fake..." The aunt was a little embarrassed, and changed the subject, "But this is a physical store, you buy it and eat it for a while, it doesn't work Just come find me."

"There is no girl who does not love beauty. In ancient times, some people even used crocodile feces, bloodletting and even poisonous lead whitening. Now you can become white just by eating. Don't miss it..."

In ancient Rome, there was indeed a popular whitening method that could feel disgusting across the screen, that is, applying crocodile dung to the face.

The ancient Romans at that time believed that crocodiles lived on herbs and flowers, just like the saying in some island countries that "beautiful girls go to the bathroom just to touch up makeup and change clothes, not to excrete", so Crocodile dung is fragrant and can be used for whitening and beauty...

In fact, crocodiles are not fish, nor amphibians like frogs, but typical carnivores, who never eat flowers and plants.

Thor crossed her arms. She didn't mind whether it was beautiful or not, but Xiao Lin must have cared a lot, so she decided, "Okay, let's have one."

"Please wait a moment." Because of the deal, the aunt's attitude towards Thor was a little better.

"Look, look." While the aunt was weighing, Thor turned his head to look at Illya, and whispered, "Always think of the master, this is the way of a maid!"



After buying sea cucumbers, the three continued to hang out.

Yi Liya was a step behind Hua Ye, and suggested in a low voice: "If the master wants to train the dragon, I can ask the dragon trainer below to write a dragon training experience..."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Shut up."


I walked around the fresh food department store and bought the ingredients I needed to use tonight, but I was not in a hurry to go back because I had to buy clothes for Ilya.

Go to the third floor and walk into the first underwear store.

"Welcome!" A sweet female voice sounded, and a female shopping guide came up with a smile, "I don't know what you two want to buy?"

Thor replied carelessly: "Buy bras and panties."

"Okay, please follow me this way." The female shopping guide asked while leading the way, "I wonder what kind of bras you two usually wear?"

Thor rested his chin on one hand, "I seem to be an F cup, I went to many stores to buy the right one..."

"Cup?" Ilya tilted her head slightly, "Cup?"

The female shopping guide sweated a little, suspecting that Ilya was telling a bad joke, but didn't know how to answer for a while.

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