Peeling an orange casually, Hua Ye handed a piece of orange flesh to the mouth of the useless angel, and said, "Open your mouth."


Gabriel raised her face subconsciously and opened her mouth, like a cute tiger waiting to be fed.

After eating a piece of orange, the crippled angel came to his senses and said fiercely, "Who allowed you to feed me?"

Hua Ye was unmoved: "Hurry up and eat, and go back to sleep after eating."

After eating the oranges, the useless angel finally got up and went back to cultivating immortals. When he reached the door, he stopped suddenly and said nonchalantly, "Hey, don't do anything too much at night, or be careful with your head."

Hua Ye nodded: "I'll sleep with you in the past."

"Bah, you think beautifully!?"



In addition to the useless angel Gabriel who came over next door to eat and drink, there were also people who checked the bed through their mobile phones.

"Ding Dong".

A message pops up.

Black-bellied Lafite: "Student Hua Ye, are you sleeping yet? (*^▽^*)"

Hua Ye: "Just getting ready to sleep."

"I'm here with Satania." Rafael sent the message quickly, "The weather is getting colder and colder recently, and the bed is getting colder and colder. I urgently need Satania's help to warm the bed."

As a sports girl, Silly Meow is indeed much more energetic than others. Gabriel's hands and feet are already cold in this weather, but Satania can be used as a humanoid heater.

Before Hua Ye could reply, La Feier sent another message: "I don't know if that girl named Ilya is also warming Hua Ye's bed?"

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "No."

Black-bellied Lafite: "That's good. If I see someone warming classmate Hua Ye's bed, I might lose my mind and do terrible things."

Hua Ye sent an emoji silently drinking tea: "The hatchet can't hurt me."

Tax-evading Lafite: "What, she's just a weak girl, how can there be such a scary thing as a hatchet?"

What is not a hatchet?

Are you going to take an ax from under your skirt!

Rafael sent an innocent expression of a cat looking up at the sky: "Hey, banana spider, let's find out."


The banana spider, also known as the Brazilian wandering spider, is the most venomous spider in the world certified by the Guinness Book of World Records. However, the chance of death after being bitten is not high. What makes it famous is its other ability - male Under the action of the venom, the bitten person will become erect for several hours or even several days, and the result is complete necrosis, and he will never be hard again.

Undoubtedly, for non-gay people, this is definitely more terrible torture than a hatchet.

Not only Rafael, but also Wei Nai sent a message.

"The temperature at night has been a bit cold recently. When you sleep, remember to cover your stomach and be careful not to catch a cold..."

"There is a quilt, and no one is warming the bed." Hua Ye replied quickly, "Ilya is sleeping on the sofa in the living room, and I am in the bedroom."

"I, I didn't ask you this...and how can you let the guests sleep on the sofa?"

Hua Ye: "When will the reward be cashed out?"

Wei Nai: "...I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep!"

Chapter 744 Handling of Love Letters



The bright sunlight passes through the windows and spills into the room, giving the furniture in the bedroom a thick three-dimensional effect.

Hua Ye opened his eyes as usual.

Today's bedroom is not peaceful, because there is a silver-haired girl standing beside the bed.

"Master, you are awake."

Hua Ye sat up from the bed: "What's the matter with your clothes?"

"Last night, when I was using the computer to study the knowledge system of this world, I found that maid outfits are a must-have item for maids." Illya replied calmly, "So I made this maid outfit myself."

There's nothing wrong with a maid outfit... The problem is that your maid outfit reveals too much!What's the matter with the snow-white chest that is about to come out, why are you wearing cat ears on the top of your head, and what the hell is that tail behind you, you are actually a green maid!

Hua Ye sighed, picked up his phone and searched for pictures of maids, and said, "Change your clothes into maid outfits like this."


Ilya bowed lightly, and the maid outfits on her body fluttered like butterflies, scattered in the air, revealing her perfect ivory-white and delicate body.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Go out and change."


After waiting for a while, Hua Ye got up and got out of bed, walked to the living room, and saw an omelette rice on the table when he looked up.

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