"This is the breakfast I made in the morning according to the teaching on the Internet. It is said that it is an essential skill for every girl..." Ilya held the omelet rice with her left hand and the spoon with her right hand, tilting her head slightly, "I will serve you ?”

Hey, what's wrong with your posture? Could it be that you saw me feeding that useless angel oranges last night, so you followed suit and wanted to feed me?

Stop kidding!

How can there be a boss who asks the secretary to feed him? If there is one, it must be a dishonest boss!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"Put it down, I'll eat it myself later."

After finishing speaking, she walked into the bathroom, but Ilya followed in again: "Master, the toothpaste has been squeezed for you, and the temperature of the towel is just right..."

Looking at the toothpaste that was packed exactly like the TV commercial, Hua Ye's face was filled with black lines: "I will do it myself in the future."


Yi Liya stood by the door, waited for Hua Ye to finish brushing his teeth, then stepped forward and reached for the zipper of Hua Ye's pants.

"What are you doing?" Hua Ye asked with question marks all over his head.

The silver-haired girl said calmly: "It is the maid's duty to fill the water for the master in the morning."

"Release water?"

Hua Ye was taken aback for a moment, but soon came to his senses.

Put your sister's water!It's just feeding, but you even want to help with watering, you are not a maid, but a terrible life control!

Hua Ye took a deep breath: "Where did you learn these maid rules?"

Yi Liya put her hands on her lower abdomen, and the lace headdress on her head trembled slightly: "I learned it from a drama called [Beep——]."


Hua Ye was silent for a moment, then said expressionlessly:

"...that's Li Fan, don't read it again in the future."



Hua Ye didn't have much interest in the campus festival. He didn't plan to go to school today, but staying at home to teach Ilya the correct concept of maid is very troublesome.

So Hua Ye weighed it for a moment, and quickly made a decision to take Illya to school together, and ask Wei Nai and Machiko to help guide them with social common sense...

Anyway, no matter what, Illya must not be handed over to Tordai, otherwise the common sense of sociology will definitely go to Java.

Soon to school.

Because today is the weekend, there are more tourists than yesterday, and as far as the eye can see, it is bustling and lively.

Hua Ye took Ilya across the campus and walked to the classroom. He caught a lot of attention along the way. After arriving in the classroom, many girls who eat melon came forward to say hello to Hua Ye.

"Hua Ye, good morning!"

"Student Hua Ye played the piano yesterday very nicely. Why haven't you played it before?"

"And that white suit is super handsome. If Hua Ye put on the deacon suit and stood by the door, he would definitely be able to attract more customers, right?"


Although I have been classmates with these melon-eating girls for more than half a year, at the beginning of school, Hua Ye was undoubtedly alienated in the class because of his notoriety. Most of the students didn't say a word.

Now these melon-eating girls suddenly came to greet and chat with Hua Ye, which made Hua Ye feel very troublesome, so after handing Yi Liya to Wei Nai for her to help teach, he turned and left without hesitation.

However, things are not over yet.

Hua Ye deliberately chose the inner corridor with few people and prepared to go downstairs, but as soon as he reached the stairs, a handsome girl suddenly ran up to Hua Ye, her face was slightly red, she bowed and said, "I'm sorry, sorry to bother you. !"

As he spoke, he stretched his hands forward, holding a cute pink envelope with a heart-shaped mark in his hand.

"Wait...the envelope of this color seems to be...a love letter?"

Although Hua Ye has never received a love letter for so long, he has never eaten pork, and has always seen pigs running. He often saw someone take out a similar love letter from the shoe cabinet when changing his shoes in the morning.

Hua Ye confirmed:

"Is this love letter for me?"

The possibility of giving it to myself is not very high, but it is very possible to hand it over to someone else. After all, I have never said a word to the girl in front of me, so it is strange to send a love letter casually, right?

Unexpectedly, the face of the girl in front of her turned redder, and she replied shyly, "It's for classmate Hua Ye...please accept it!"


The script is wrong!

Well, why would someone send me a love letter? !

Hua Ye thought for a while, and reached out to take the love letter. The delicate girl raised her head, blushed and gave Hua Ye a look, then turned and ran away.

At the same time, a bob-haired girl just happened to come out of the bathroom next to her. When she saw the love letter in Hua Ye's hand, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Hua, Hua Ye, good morning!" Seeing Hua Ye turned his head to look over, Kitano Haruka couldn't help shrinking her neck and hurriedly greeted her.

Hua Ye nodded: "Well, good morning."

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